You have come to the right place, welcome. I too, much like you am 44, and have been on MD monitored TRT. I started at a hormone clinic and got bad vibes within a few weeks, sought through my family doc and now see a urologist just for my test issues. Was at 301 and was prescribed 150mg per week after 8 months or so of adjusting doses. 150mg/week is a great cruising dose for myself and keeps me around 800-900 ng/ml. The guys that have already commented know what's up and will steer you in the right direction. The more honest you are with us the better we can help guide you to your goals.
Logging your daily exercise and food intake along with sleep patterns and any supplements are a huge help. the more we know of your daily habits, the more we can guide and help you on whatever path you choose to walk. TRT dose with 3 days a week of moderate strength training, you will achieve great things.
N2Guard is a must, expensive but well worth the cost, I got mine off ebay and it is legit. It has helped my blood pressure and is an awesome daily supplement. I've replaced my daily vitamin with it. I am also stacking 50mg of anavar daily with 200mg of test weekly so I need the organ support but will continue N2G even after the cycle.
If and when the time comes, you can get your gear from domestic-supply, by far the highest approved source on this forum from what I have found and have experienced with them. 200mg of test cypionate dosing at 150mg per week will run you about $140.00 every 90 days.
Logging your daily exercise and food intake along with sleep patterns and any supplements are a huge help. the more we know of your daily habits, the more we can guide and help you on whatever path you choose to walk. TRT dose with 3 days a week of moderate strength training, you will achieve great things.
N2Guard is a must, expensive but well worth the cost, I got mine off ebay and it is legit. It has helped my blood pressure and is an awesome daily supplement. I've replaced my daily vitamin with it. I am also stacking 50mg of anavar daily with 200mg of test weekly so I need the organ support but will continue N2G even after the cycle.
If and when the time comes, you can get your gear from domestic-supply, by far the highest approved source on this forum from what I have found and have experienced with them. 200mg of test cypionate dosing at 150mg per week will run you about $140.00 every 90 days.