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He did read on it then he asked a question from the vets and mods to confirm, dont be a hater.
He replied above, when told what the half life was 'oh wow, that's good to know'.

Now a person can ask what they like. And if so another can reply just so. IF, as you say, he read on it then the clue (one I've mention/hated on (lol) before is 'half life is key'.

It's kinda Roids 101.

Example (although some will argue an hour so either way) Dbol. Kinda around the 8-9 hour mark. Which is why articles will, along with telling you this, suggest dosing be split along the lines of....3 x a day (so around every 8-9 hours (see??!!).

Now think about the whole half life thing. It's literally why some meds are created that way. To be, used as they were originally intended for medical reasons, to treat a condition by having the desired effect spread nicely through the day.

Now we can debate about use medically vs sports performance being different but that's kinda covered by the amounts. Most, if not ALL roids, were used medically at far lower doses that as PEDs. Even that's arguable as when they were first used as PEDs we used them at lower doses than is typical now.

But the half life remains the same. And with perhaps very little argument to the negative (lol) it's a KEY indicator of how often you gotta pop that TBol (or whatever) in ya mouth or pin.

It's, as above, ROIDS 101. It's included in the info given. It's usually included even on the sellers websites.

If there's any issue it's 2-fold

1) Not actually reading and doing real research but just asking cos 'google says' meaning little to no retention of info (which given your putting a drug into your body seems a bit off)
2) 'my buddy said...' which is down to your buddy being an ass.

Now if you wanna call me negative cos I want you to LEARN and RETAIN so that you can hand out useful advice and know what you're doing... well ok.

So my advice is ALWAYS gonna do your own research. Heck, it's even better to check if 'my buddy said...' is right. But we got you covered. Mods have written articles, sometimes (like this here reply) of the tops of their heads but as often as not by doing hours of reading. All to save you the time.

I'm that old that we used (I still got them) books to learn on AAS. I'm also that old that I kinda insist you learn too. If we missed something in our writings feel free to pick up on it. Maybe if info has changed since it was written (see when it was last updated).

But yeah... Mr Negative here wants you to read. Life is hard etc
You can split the dose but if you are anything like me I’d forget to take the second dose a lot so I just take it once in the a.m. and be done with it. Good luck with the cycle.
I be doing tbol-50 this cycle with 500mg of cypionate twice a week. This be my 5th cycle since 2003. Do I split the tbol in two or take the 50mg at once, in morning? First time doing tbol. Thank you

Chek out this podcast where we discuss Turinabol

Chek out this podcast where we discuss Turinabol

Good listening, thank you
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