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Old Man Cycle Log - 1st SARMS Cycle - (Sarms4Sale)


The Old Man cycle has begun!

Former athlete
Experienced with anabolic steroids(AS) beginning in college at the age of 18 with intermittent systematic usage of a number of common compounds for about 10 years or so before going natural. Hitting 40 years old, I saw a significant decline in strength, increase in BF and increase in injuries. A legacy Anabolex member from back in the day, I decided to return and dive back in. During my research, I learned about SARMS. Initially they sounded too good to be true, but given the feedback on with the Mods and Vets here, I decided to launch my first SARMS cycle and this thread will be dedicated to logging my experience, good, bad and hopefully not ugly.

I purchased all the SARMS components from Sarms4Sale and their service was impeccable. I could not ask for better service.

My philosophy when it comes to PED's is "less is more...until it's not". I ease into this shit and I suggest any newbie do the same. Too much too fast, can lead to unwanted side-effects and enduring health issues. we go...

48 years old
218 lbs
20% BF

My Bloods Pre-cycle (4/1):
Test - 428
Test Free - 65
IGF-1 - 152
Estodiol - <15
Thyroglobulin <.9
LDL - 100
HDL - 35
Triglycerides - 90

Most of my training deploys dynamic movements with a ton of core activation to build pillar strength. Much of what I do is based on EXOS (Mark Verstegen) formerly “Core Performance”. I blend in a lot of traditional lifts as well including squat, dumbbell bench and deadlift.
I recently added in KOT and ATG components as well, which seems to be helping my knees a bit.

I do not have time to track my macros and do crazy meal prepping. I am simply eliminating simple carbs, adding high fiber carbs and watching my total carb intake with a minimum of 200 grams of protein daily.

SARMS “Healing Stack” - laid out by Dylan

1-12 Mk677 (NUTROBAL) 25 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m.

1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.

1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

9-12 N2generate

Mini pct 13-16

Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day

Fish Oil
Daily Vitamin

NOTE: If tolerated well, I may stay on MK677 for up to 6 months.

Recomp to 215 lbs with 13% BF
Increase pillar (total body) strength significantly
Heal a few nagging age related injuries - (tendonitis in achilles and forearm)
Days 1-3

All of my cycles start with a prep week or two, as I like to call it. If I do not have experience with certain compounds in a cycle, I administer one for a 2-3 days and observe the effects and side-effects before administering the second compound and so forth.

The compound included in my cycle I was worried about, was MK677 because many report lethargy and water retention. Since both of these sides suck balls, I decided to start here.

I cut the dose in half the last three nights at 12.5mg.

The lethargy is no joke. By day two I could barely keep my eyes open after 3 PM. That was the worst day. It feels like taking a sleeping pill and trying to stay awake at times. I heard this subsides after 2 weeks for some. If it doesn't, I will have to stop taking it.

I have a job where I have to be on my mental game all day and these sides are not acceptable long term.

While I cannot "feel" water retention, my blood pressure has increased slightly. I am normally better than 120/80, but today it was 135/75.

Going to maintain the 12.5 mg dosage and monitor my BP

Tomorrow, I am going to introduce lgd-4033 at 1/2 dose and run for three days monitoring the effects.

More to come...
Before bed **
I hear ya. That is what I have been doing. I take an hour before bed & DEEP sleep follows, but when I wake up I am a little groggy, but nothing terrible. I hit a cup of coffee and by noonish I start to get tired again. By 5 PM I am wiped out.

I had a decent training session today, but by no means was it on fire and energized.
Following this log, was waiting for you to post it
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