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Old Man Cycle Log - 1st SARMS Cycle - (Sarms4Sale)

Day 4

I introduced 5mg of LGD-4033 this morning in addition to my continued dose of 12.5mg of MK677 last night.

Today I felt a bit more energized. It could have been placebo effect knowing LGD-4033 is anabolic combined with lethargy from MK677 wearing off. I have no idea if I should "feel" anything on the first dosage, so I can't be sure.

I had a great training session today. Core, shoulders, biceps and cardio.

My BP is still elevated @ 130/80, which is not normal. When I retain water, I usually feel it in my hands and feet, but I can't. I am watching my sodium and ingested at least 3800mg of potassium the last three days, so I am not sure what else to do.

I plan to ride 12.5 mg of MK677 for an additional 3 days and if no additional sides arise, I will bump it to 25mg.

I plan to ride LGD-4033 at 5mg for three days and bump to 10mg if I feel no additional sides.

I plan to introduce MK2866 three days after I bump the LGD-4033 dosage.

Thanks for following!
Day 4

I introduced 5mg of LGD-4033 this morning in addition to my continued dose of 12.5mg of MK677 last night.

Today I felt a bit more energized. It could have been placebo effect knowing LGD-4033 is anabolic combined with lethargy from MK677 wearing off. I have no idea if I should "feel" anything on the first dosage, so I can't be sure.

I had a great training session today. Core, shoulders, biceps and cardio.

My BP is still elevated @ 130/80, which is not normal. When I retain water, I usually feel it in my hands and feet, but I can't. I am watching my sodium and ingested at least 3800mg of potassium the last three days, so I am not sure what else to do.

I plan to ride 12.5 mg of MK677 for an additional 3 days and if no additional sides arise, I will bump it to 25mg.

I plan to ride LGD-4033 at 5mg for three days and bump to 10mg if I feel no additional sides.

I plan to introduce MK2866 three days after I bump the LGD-4033 dosage.

Thanks for following!
Good update keep this log going.
Day 6 (Blood Pressure)

I warmed up and stretched the last two days, but I could not train hard because "life" got in the way...I got work calls while in the gym and had to take care of a few things.

However, I could not train hard yesterday if I wanted to. I had a terrible headache all day and I rarely get headaches. My BP is still hypertensive, ranging from 130/75-80 - 138/75-80. I can feel it and I am not a fan. Headache is gone today, but by BP was just 138/78.

I have since read BP can spike from MK677 due to the lipid imbalance it can create. I knew this might be a side, but I did not think it would happen within two days at 12.5 mg@!?! Shit. I did not expect BP issues with SARMS.

It's been a week since I did deads and I am starting to go into withdrawal, but I don't feel like heavy deads with elevated BP. Therefore, I am headed to the gym now for a medium intensity 45 min cardio session. I hope I feel better afterwards and can do deads tomorrow.

Starting to think I should have sucked weight below 20% BF before starting this cycle. However, I doubt a few less BF percentage points would have stopped the BP spike.

If anyone has suggestions about how to lower my BP and/or what is causing this, please fire away.
Day 6 (Blood Pressure)

I warmed up and stretched the last two days, but I could not train hard because "life" got in the way...I got work calls while in the gym and had to take care of a few things.

However, I could not train hard yesterday if I wanted to. I had a terrible headache all day and I rarely get headaches. My BP is still hypertensive, ranging from 130/75-80 - 138/75-80. I can feel it and I am not a fan. Headache is gone today, but by BP was just 138/78.

I have since read BP can spike from MK677 due to the lipid imbalance it can create. I knew this might be a side, but I did not think it would happen within two days at 12.5 mg@!?! Shit. I did not expect BP issues with SARMS.

It's been a week since I did deads and I am starting to go into withdrawal, but I don't feel like heavy deads with elevated BP. Therefore, I am headed to the gym now for a medium intensity 45 min cardio session. I hope I feel better afterwards and can do deads tomorrow.

Starting to think I should have sucked weight below 20% BF before starting this cycle. However, I doubt a few less BF percentage points would have stopped the BP spike.

If anyone has suggestions about how to lower my BP and/or what is causing this, please fire away.
If you're using n2guard bp will range out soon.
How much n2guard you using and how much water you drinking?
The higher the body fat, the more likelihood of bp issues, thats just how it is with ped's however in two days i find that quite hard to believe... there are some people that just dont handle things well, which is just part of this and thats trial and error however at half a dose its very uncommon but one thing you learn about this as you go is that just because there are certain things expected or common responses, it absolutely does not apply to everyone and you have to learn what your body can and cannot tolerate as you go
The higher the body fat, the more likelihood of bp issues, thats just how it is with ped's however in two days i find that quite hard to believe... there are some people that just dont handle things well, which is just part of this and thats trial and error however at half a dose its very uncommon but one thing you learn about this as you go is that just because there are certain things expected or common responses, it absolutely does not apply to everyone and you have to learn what your body can and cannot tolerate as you go

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You are 100% right, in the end, you and I both know there is no "perfect" cycle for every person. When anyone uses a new (PED) for the first time, there is no way to accurately predict their individual response.

That said, I ain't lying. Two days in and my BP elevated. I wish that was not the case and instead I was telling you tales of glory, but I am not.

In the end, I should not be surprised, back in the day when I was using AS, I would use 1/2 of what most men used with the same results and similar sides. My body is just sensitive to AS and now it is clear, it may be sensitive to SARMS.

I am curious...if for some reason I decide to drop the MK677, can I drop it abruptly without consequences?

Also, if for some reason I stop the LGD4033(which I do not think is causing my BP spike) I guess, I should run the PCT because it is most likely suppressing my test levels right now despite being on it for 3 days. Thoughts?
Day 7

BP is still elevated 132/78, but manageable. I am definitely holding water. My face is not puffy, but I can feel it. Thinking about taking a OTC water pill to get rid of some excess water and/or switching my diet to KETO for a week and see what happens.

I am going to bump my N2Gaurd to the full dose and buy another bottle. I don't think I can physically drink more water and still eat, so I will maintain my water intake as-is.

This shit definitely "works". My training session today was awesome. Either the MK677, the LDG4033 or both have increased my strength.

3 sets hex bar deads
3 sets sumo deads - Working sets 6-8, no max, both up 30 lbs with ease
Increased my weights on pulldowns, rows, leg extensions and leg curls with ease
Increased performance on floor core exercises

I decided to increase the LDG4033 dose to the 10 mg tomorrow and hold the MK677 at 12.5mg

I am considering not starting MK2866 until I get my systolic BP down under 130.

Let the games being!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You are 100% right, in the end, you and I both know there is no "perfect" cycle for every person. When anyone uses a new (PED) for the first time, there is no way to accurately predict their individual response.

That said, I ain't lying. Two days in and my BP elevated. I wish that was not the case and instead I was telling you tales of glory, but I am not.

In the end, I should not be surprised, back in the day when I was using AS, I would use 1/2 of what most men used with the same results and similar sides. My body is just sensitive to AS and now it is clear, it may be sensitive to SARMS.

I am curious...if for some reason I decide to drop the MK677, can I drop it abruptly without consequences?

Also, if for some reason I stop the LGD4033(which I do not think is causing my BP spike) I guess, I should run the PCT because it is most likely suppressing my test levels right now despite being on it for 3 days. Thoughts?
After 3 days no pct would be needed and u can stop and start 677 anytime
Day 10
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg

The last few days gathering data has been interesting. The GREAT news is my BP is getting under control. This morning my BP was 124/80.

Historically, I could eat whatever I wanted and my BP was rock solid at 120/80. Stress would slightly increase it, but not for more than less than an hour.

Since I started this cycle my stress level has been high. Multiple home improvement projects happening simultaneously, work has been nuts and then there's family. I.E. this is an unusually high stress period of time.

Add in these PED's. Given my journal, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt MK677 was the cause of my BP spike on day 2 and I am confident the main reason was water retention caused by sodium/potassium imbalance and stress definitely exasperated it.

I have since played with with my water and potassium intake. When I lapse on either, I start retaining water within hours. For instance. If I go a few hours without drinking 16 oz of water, I feel dehydrated. If I eat something salty without ingesting a few hundred mg of potassium, I feel it.

Did you know coconut water is loaded with potassium?? I didn't. It is a major hydration aid. Yes, it has some sodium, but the ratio is 10:1.
I am buying it by the case now.

I came up with a fantastic smoothie that is killing it:
8 oz coconut water - 400mg potassium
8 oz almond milk - 120 mg
8 oz egg whites 200 mg
3 oz Keifer (probiotics) - 150mg
2 cups of kale - 650 mg
1/2 avocado - 425 mg
2 TBS - flax seeds - 150mg
1 tsp - ground turmeric root
1 scoop - Garden of Life Perfect Food (tons of greens) - 150mg
2 scoops - ISO100 - 400mg
1 scoop - collagen protein

2645 mg potassium total

Add this to my diet and I am easily over 4000 per day and I feel great!

This cycle undoubtedly aids in recovery. I have been in the gym 4 out of the last 5 days hitting intense sessions that would normally take me two additional days to recover from. Today I cannot wait to get back for more! Remember, it has been 15 years since I took any PED's, but muscle memory is legit. This cycle ignited what I used to experience. Loving it!!

Strength is definitely up as well and I have an overall improved well-being. Simply put, a stronger body, which was my goal in the first place! Very happy about this.

My weight is up a few pounds, which is opposite of my goal, BUT I believe it is simply water. Again, because of muscle memory, I have to keep an eye on my weight. Physically, I can already feeling my body growing. At max performance in my 20's I was 235lbs with under 10% BF. While many around here would love that, I do not want to be that large again. I want to be lean and strong as a bull, so I have to keep an daily eye on my progress and adjust accordingly.

I am adding in 12.5mg of MK2866 tomorrow.

While I bumped the LDG to the 10MG, I am inclined to keep the MK677 at 12.5 and see how I respond to the MK2866.

Can't wait to see where this takes me. To the moon!!!

Thanks for following!
Yes coconut water is going to be yoyr friend for potassium as its one of the best options you could go with in terms of how much it has
Day 14
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 12.5mg (started today)

Decided to wait on adding 12.5mg of MK2866 until today because I wanted to get a handle on my BP.

Training - I definitely have gas left in the tank during my sessions and recovery is about 1.5X-2X better as a result of this cycle. My only real limiter are my aging joints and nagging injuries, which I believe are improving because I am strengthening the muscle around them greater than I have been able to for years naturally. Which is one of the main reasons I decided to try SARMS. So far, this is a BIG win for me.

I have not maxed any weights in years. No need IMO. I do training sets 8-10 reps usually, but when trying to gain size I will do 6 rep sets as heavy as possibly. Today I picked up the 90 lb DB for flat bench, which is something I have not done in years.Typically I do very deliberate slow sets with 60-80 lbs. I blew out a very controlled 8 rep set with the 90's like it was nothing. Strength is way up.

Fat loss - I believe I have realized some fat loss, but it's hard to tell because of the effing MK677 water retention. I have not transitioned to keto yet and given my strength gains, I don't want to yet. My plan is to wait til the 6th week and start cutting a bit.


MK677 - 12.5mg - I do not like the water retention, especially as we head into summertime. It's not terrible, but it is bad enough whereas I feel and see it. I have to stay on my game with my diet and water intake, otherwise I feel it even more and I can also feel my BP increase, which sucks. While I started this cycle for the healing aspects of the GH increase, I am now leaning towards running this through mid-Jul

LGD4033 - 10mg - Pretty sure this is where my slight intermittent aggression is stemming from. Other than that, I do not see any additional sides, so it is probable the water retention and elevated BP is 100% from MK677.

Blood Pressure has stabilized for the most part. This morning it was 127/79, which is still historically higher than normal for me, but manageable. I have noticed however, as the day goes on and especially when my stress level increases (work, family, etc.) I feel my BP increase, whereas I am sure it did in the past, but not to the extreme it does now.

Aggression - I did not expect to feel ticked-off-ed-ness with SARMS, but I definitely do at times. I am pretty in tune with my emotional states ( I have been practicing mindfulness and legit meditation for years) and nothing else changed in my life other than the PED's I am taking. It's manageable, but I have to be aware otherwise, I may owe someone an amends if I lose my shit.

Dizziness - Infrequently, but definitely something not normal, I get ever so slightly dizzy. It's weird.

More to come!
Day 14
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 12.5mg (started today)

Decided to wait on adding 12.5mg of MK2866 until today because I wanted to get a handle on my BP.

Training - I definitely have gas left in the tank during my sessions and recovery is about 1.5X-2X better as a result of this cycle. My only real limiter are my aging joints and nagging injuries, which I believe are improving because I am strengthening the muscle around them greater than I have been able to for years naturally. Which is one of the main reasons I decided to try SARMS. So far, this is a BIG win for me.

I have not maxed any weights in years. No need IMO. I do training sets 8-10 reps usually, but when trying to gain size I will do 6 rep sets as heavy as possibly. Today I picked up the 90 lb DB for flat bench, which is something I have not done in years.Typically I do very deliberate slow sets with 60-80 lbs. I blew out a very controlled 8 rep set with the 90's like it was nothing. Strength is way up.

Fat loss - I believe I have realized some fat loss, but it's hard to tell because of the effing MK677 water retention. I have not transitioned to keto yet and given my strength gains, I don't want to yet. My plan is to wait til the 6th week and start cutting a bit.


MK677 - 12.5mg - I do not like the water retention, especially as we head into summertime. It's not terrible, but it is bad enough whereas I feel and see it. I have to stay on my game with my diet and water intake, otherwise I feel it even more and I can also feel my BP increase, which sucks. While I started this cycle for the healing aspects of the GH increase, I am now leaning towards running this through mid-Jul

LGD4033 - 10mg - Pretty sure this is where my slight intermittent aggression is stemming from. Other than that, I do not see any additional sides, so it is probable the water retention and elevated BP is 100% from MK677.

Blood Pressure has stabilized for the most part. This morning it was 127/79, which is still historically higher than normal for me, but manageable. I have noticed however, as the day goes on and especially when my stress level increases (work, family, etc.) I feel my BP increase, whereas I am sure it did in the past, but not to the extreme it does now.

Aggression - I did not expect to feel ticked-off-ed-ness with SARMS, but I definitely do at times. I am pretty in tune with my emotional states ( I have been practicing mindfulness and legit meditation for years) and nothing else changed in my life other than the PED's I am taking. It's manageable, but I have to be aware otherwise, I may owe someone an amends if I lose my shit.

Dizziness - Infrequently, but definitely something not normal, I get ever so slightly dizzy. It's weird.

More to come!
high quality log here

@Maverick602 water retention from mk677 nutrobal is like from real HGH so its normal, if you go with straight hgh like you said in the other post you'll get the same issue

you'll the the fat loss when you come off mk677
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