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Old Man Cycle Log - 1st SARMS Cycle - (Sarms4Sale)

perfect update and well kept log
Day 14
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 12.5mg (started today)

Decided to wait on adding 12.5mg of MK2866 until today because I wanted to get a handle on my BP.

Training - I definitely have gas left in the tank during my sessions and recovery is about 1.5X-2X better as a result of this cycle. My only real limiter are my aging joints and nagging injuries, which I believe are improving because I am strengthening the muscle around them greater than I have been able to for years naturally. Which is one of the main reasons I decided to try SARMS. So far, this is a BIG win for me.

I have not maxed any weights in years. No need IMO. I do training sets 8-10 reps usually, but when trying to gain size I will do 6 rep sets as heavy as possibly. Today I picked up the 90 lb DB for flat bench, which is something I have not done in years.Typically I do very deliberate slow sets with 60-80 lbs. I blew out a very controlled 8 rep set with the 90's like it was nothing. Strength is way up.

Fat loss - I believe I have realized some fat loss, but it's hard to tell because of the effing MK677 water retention. I have not transitioned to keto yet and given my strength gains, I don't want to yet. My plan is to wait til the 6th week and start cutting a bit.


MK677 - 12.5mg - I do not like the water retention, especially as we head into summertime. It's not terrible, but it is bad enough whereas I feel and see it. I have to stay on my game with my diet and water intake, otherwise I feel it even more and I can also feel my BP increase, which sucks. While I started this cycle for the healing aspects of the GH increase, I am now leaning towards running this through mid-Jul

LGD4033 - 10mg - Pretty sure this is where my slight intermittent aggression is stemming from. Other than that, I do not see any additional sides, so it is probable the water retention and elevated BP is 100% from MK677.

Blood Pressure has stabilized for the most part. This morning it was 127/79, which is still historically higher than normal for me, but manageable. I have noticed however, as the day goes on and especially when my stress level increases (work, family, etc.) I feel my BP increase, whereas I am sure it did in the past, but not to the extreme it does now.

Aggression - I did not expect to feel ticked-off-ed-ness with SARMS, but I definitely do at times. I am pretty in tune with my emotional states ( I have been practicing mindfulness and legit meditation for years) and nothing else changed in my life other than the PED's I am taking. It's manageable, but I have to be aware otherwise, I may owe someone an amends if I lose my shit.

Dizziness - Infrequently, but definitely something not normal, I get ever so slightly dizzy. It's weird.

More to come!
Funnily enough I get dizzy from time to time. Bleeding in to the gut from smashing legs does that
high quality log here

@Maverick602 water retention from mk677 nutrobal is like from real HGH so its normal, if you go with straight hgh like you said in the other post you'll get the same issue

you'll the the fat loss when you come off mk677
Thanks! I think I am picking up what you are laying down here. I will notice the fat loss when I come off and lose the water, correct?

That makes sense. The problem is, I won't want to give up the strength gains when I come off :) It's a catch 22. If I was heading into a show or I guess the beach, I could come off or a week or two, if that was important to me. These days, it's really not all that important. I started down this path for performance rather than aesthetics.
Great updates man. I know the water retention sucks on Nutrobal but it typically subsides within 2 weeks so just hang in there!
Thanks! I am wondering why they subside within two weeks. A few guys mentioned that. I hope it happens for me. Systolic BP was back up over 130 today and I can feel the bloat. Too much salt yesterday. UGH
Day 18
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 12.5mg

PUMP!!! I am usually a little to no rest giant set kind of guy, but the pumps are so crazy I have to take more time between sets otherwise my skin feels like it's going to split. The continued water retention from the MK677 certainly plays into this to some degree, but this week my pumps went to the next level.

MUSCLE MEMORY! Holy shit. I am growing 18 days in and I have to slow it down. Thinking about cutting the LGD4033 dose in 1/2. Not sure if that will screw my endocrine system up 18 days. I doubt it, but chime in here please. Dylan??

In my late 20's, I was 6' 235 lbs 13% BF. I was a beast, but my ideal stats have always been 205-210 around 15% BF.

I started this cycle at 218 with around 22% BF. I gained 7 lbs to 225 and it is definitely not all water. At this rate, I will be back to 235 in no time.

STRENGTH is still shooting up. This week I squatted 315 for training sets of 6, something I have not been able to do in a decade.

TIGHT! I usually stretch every other day head to toe for 20 minutes. Yoga'esq and active stretching. I have been so focused the last week getting to the gym to train to take advantage of the PED's, I neglected to stretch a couple times. NO NO NO. This is how injuries happen, so I am grabbing the reins and returning to my stretching routine. Given the tightness I am experiencing, I am going to have to grab my foam roller and lacrosse ball as well. Time for ART!! Shit.

While I have not had my BF tested accurately, I believe I am flipping fat for muscle. I can see it in the mirror.

Yowza! MK677 makes me sleep like a friggin log. It's awesome.

BLOOD PRESSURE - systolic is still up over 130. I am starting to get concerned about this. N2Gaurd does not seem to control BP for me, even at 7 caps per day.
I made up my mind this week....if I cannot get my BP under 130 consistently, I am going to have to stop the MK677. At 48 years old, I am not willing to run hypertensive for an extended period of time.

Sodium intake plus MK677 is no doubt the driver here. If I eat as little sodium as possible my BP drops but I can't taste anything. We're talking boiled chicken. Strained tuna. UGH. I don't think I once in my life added salt to anything.

This seems to have subsided for the most part. No where near the experience I had last week.

Any objections to cutting the LDG4033 dose in 1/2 18 days in?

Thanks bros!
Day 18
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 12.5mg

PUMP!!! I am usually a little to no rest giant set kind of guy, but the pumps are so crazy I have to take more time between sets otherwise my skin feels like it's going to split. The continued water retention from the MK677 certainly plays into this to some degree, but this week my pumps went to the next level.

MUSCLE MEMORY! Holy shit. I am growing 18 days in and I have to slow it down. Thinking about cutting the LGD4033 dose in 1/2. Not sure if that will screw my endocrine system up 18 days. I doubt it, but chime in here please. Dylan??

In my late 20's, I was 6' 235 lbs 13% BF. I was a beast, but my ideal stats have always been 205-210 around 15% BF.

I started this cycle at 218 with around 22% BF. I gained 7 lbs to 225 and it is definitely not all water. At this rate, I will be back to 235 in no time.

STRENGTH is still shooting up. This week I squatted 315 for training sets of 6, something I have not been able to do in a decade.

TIGHT! I usually stretch every other day head to toe for 20 minutes. Yoga'esq and active stretching. I have been so focused the last week getting to the gym to train to take advantage of the PED's, I neglected to stretch a couple times. NO NO NO. This is how injuries happen, so I am grabbing the reins and returning to my stretching routine. Given the tightness I am experiencing, I am going to have to grab my foam roller and lacrosse ball as well. Time for ART!! Shit.

While I have not had my BF tested accurately, I believe I am flipping fat for muscle. I can see it in the mirror.

Yowza! MK677 makes me sleep like a friggin log. It's awesome.

BLOOD PRESSURE - systolic is still up over 130. I am starting to get concerned about this. N2Gaurd does not seem to control BP for me, even at 7 caps per day.
I made up my mind this week....if I cannot get my BP under 130 consistently, I am going to have to stop the MK677. At 48 years old, I am not willing to run hypertensive for an extended period of time.

Sodium intake plus MK677 is no doubt the driver here. If I eat as little sodium as possible my BP drops but I can't taste anything. We're talking boiled chicken. Strained tuna. UGH. I don't think I once in my life added salt to anything.

This seems to have subsided for the most part. No where near the experience I had last week.

Any objections to cutting the LDG4033 dose in 1/2 18 days in?

Thanks bros!
That's a good update

you should just drop the strained tuna and switch to all chicken and BP 130 is not that bad you're way too concerned for nothing, you might be bigger and more muscular so need more higher bp
over 140 is an issue but 130/x is not bad

you can cut lgd4033 in 1/2 see how you feel why not
Thanks! I am wondering why they subside within two weeks. A few guys mentioned that. I hope it happens for me. Systolic BP was back up over 130 today and I can feel the bloat. Too much salt yesterday. UGH
Similar to using HGH, it just takes some people around 2 weeks for the body to get used to the compound and then you will stop holding water. I do have to say that it is really refreshing to hear someone who takes BP seriously. In bodybuilding, too often people pay no attention, run huge cycles, and do not realize the damage they are doing to their hearts. Keep up the great work brother.
That's a good update

you should just drop the strained tuna and switch to all chicken and BP 130 is not that bad you're way too concerned for nothing, you might be bigger and more muscular so need more higher bp
over 140 is an issue but 130/x is not bad

you can cut lgd4033 in 1/2 see how you feel why not
Your points are valid and I am definitely sensitive to maintaining overall health while simultaneously focusing on gains. However, it's all about goals, right? If I was still a competitive athlete, I would probably accept higher BP for the gains and chalk it up to a trade-off.

However, since I am not competing and my PED use is to gain strength, improve overall health & heal nagging injuries that are impeding my ability to perform recreationally, I cannot justify the elevated BP.

That said, if I was high 120's or low 130's I would probably accept it, but I have ben consistently 139/80 pushing that 140 mark daily. After a killer posterior chain session today, I felt great and assumed my systolic BP was sub-125, but it was 130.

Point being, I felt great. 130 and under I am good. 130 and over I feel like shit. My head hurts, sinus pressure and I know it is doing some damage to my heart.

At 48 with a family, I have to watch that shit like a hawk.

Instead of cutting the LGD4033 dose, I think I am going to hit the MK677 5 days on and 2 days off. I read that could curb the sides a bit. Have any thoughts or experience on that?
Similar to using HGH, it just takes some people around 2 weeks for the body to get used to the compound and then you will stop holding water. I do have to say that it is really refreshing to hear someone who takes BP seriously. In bodybuilding, too often people pay no attention, run huge cycles, and do not realize the damage they are doing to their hearts. Keep up the great work brother.
Thanks bro. I learned the hard way back in the day. More was ALWAYS better in my mind and I accepted wicked sides for tremendous gains and I know I did some damage. At the time, I felt the trade off was worth it, but I was young and thought I was invincible. I was wrong. In my opinion, life is too short at any age to ignore hypertensive BP and the like.

In the end, it's all a matter of trial and error for every one of us. One particular cycle is not the "perfect" cycle, for everyone, ever. First and foremost, we should pay attention to what our bodies are telling us even if those signals possibly impede the desired outcome of our strategic plan. That is the hard part. Self awareness and flexibility is key to long-term healthy gains and a happy life.

Thank you for your continued input! Much appreciated.
Day 20
MK677 - 12.5mg
LGD4033 - 10mg
MK2866 - 25mg (I bumped up the dose yesterday)

Yesterday my BP maxed out at 139 and I felt like hammered shit. Felt like I had max head pressure sinus infection, but I did not. Instead of training posterior chain yesterday I decided to do 45 minutes of cardio. By 30 minutes I was in a cold sweat and shaky. Sure I was 15 hours fasting, but I have done that many times and never got that shaky. I was also a little dizzy.

Realized my sugar may be off due to the MK677, buy my glucose meter isn't working for some reason. I ordered a replacement from Amazon and it should be here Monday.

Even if my sugar is elevated from the MK677, I am not going to be a diabetic in 20 days, so while I need to check this, my primary focus is lowering my BP.

I have read some people who experience water retention and elevated BP from MK677 cycle it 5 days on 2 days off, so last night I did not take my dose.

I feel better already. I am curious who has experience with using that 5/2 cycle and how it effected you. Also how it effects gains.

Oh...and this morning I slammed my posterior chain. Hex bar deads, straight bar deads, ham focused leg press, leg curls, calves, glutes, bent over rows, T-bar rows, pulldowns, close grip rows. I did this fasting 12 hours and had a great workout. Was not lightheaded & felt great.

Came home and my systolic BP post workout was 130.

I bet it's lower tonight. Can't wait to find out.
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