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  1. D

    umbrella sarms cycle results

    check out my recent umbrella sarms cycle results started out at 192 pounds and 6’ tall ended the cycle at 202 pounds. Body fat also went from 14% to 12% used a mix of GW, YK11, and S23 one of the best cycles I’ve ever done and close to what I would have gotten from steroids also after recovered...
  2. B

    older guy interested in using sarm

    so there are a few sarm that I’m interested in using I am in my late 50s the 3 I want to use: nutrobal 25mgs a day s4 50mgs a day either ostarine 25mgs or RAD 10mgs looking for greater recovery from my workouts and that sort of thing not really looking to make some heavy games or anything should...
  3. J

    sarms for lean gains

    looking for 2 things out of this cycle 1. lean gains 2. no bloat or water retention I did deca and test last cycle and blew up like a dead fish My family and friends were making fun of me because I looked awful I’m 26 years old and I am 5 foot 9 inches 165 pounds my thoughts are this: lgd 10mgs...
  4. Bravo_Alpha

    Jumping back in

    What’s up y’all. I’m looking for some advice on a cycle. I’ve been out of the game for years; used to power lift, S&C, MMA and rock climb, so I’ve been a predisposed athlete my whole life. I’m 32 now and just got back into the gym. I’m 5’10” 170 lbs with a 5-15% body fat (Idk off the top of my...
  5. A

    sarms full cycle and pct

    stats: 25 years old 5’9’’ 170 pounds 15% body fat goals: body fat loss this is my full cycle: GW 25mgs a day SR9009 5mgs 3x per day Nutrobal 20mgs a day bedtime this is my full PCT: nolva, hcg Please tell me what you would change
  6. R

    more pumps guys

    I view getting pumps in the gym like getting more horsepower to your car I’m 38 years old 6’1’’ and 194 pounds I noticed when I carb up before a workout my sarms definitely get better so I plan on doing that but would steroids would you recommend for the best pumps especially on arm day :)
  7. W

    sarms with sports TRT

    my anti-aging doctor put me on sports trt not sure if you know what that is but I’m using 300 mg a week of testosterone, and he has me on hcg, and aromasin as well .. also he has me cycling different peptides anyway I was wondering which sarm would compliment my sports trt the best? I’m 59 years...
  8. J

    GW + ostarine for low sides?

    Looking for a low side effect sarms cycle Considering doing g.w. and ostarine mk2866 friend ran them and said he had mild results and no sides would a dose of 20mgs of gw and 50mgs of ostarine work good? My friend ran half those dosages and had minimal benefits and I want to double them up I’m...
  9. H

    sr9009 and gw cardarine for cutting

    I’m looking to use different sarms for cutting looking at sr and GW as my top 2 options what else should I stack with them? I’m 250 pounds and want to drop like 25lbs maybe more training 5x a week including doing cardio and I’m also eating a strict low carb diet now
  10. B

    stacking sarms with testosterone

    I’m currently doing testosterone and cruising on 200 mg a week for the next six months instead of stacking steroids with it I would like to stack sarms I was thinking of GW, SR and maybe some S23 too I’m 28 years old 5’11’’ and 270 pounds. Goal is to cut down. I’m currently around 22% body fat...
  11. J

    Looking for a dirty bulk with sarm

    weird question I know because most people who use sarm are really skinny but I’m looking to dirty bulk up I’m 225 pounds and would like to get up to 240 or 245 pounds and get really strong not worried about adding body fat at this time so I plan on eating over 5000 calories a day do you...
  12. J

    umbrella sarms RAD , YK11 and LGD review

    just finished my first ever Umbrella sarm cycle started the cycle at 225 pounds finished it at 220 pounds and my body fat is down and I look more ripped I was using rad 140 at 20 mg a day yk-11 at 10 milligrams a day and lgd 4033 at 25 mg a day I highly recommend you try out this cycle it did...
  13. R

    would you recommend I try sarms or stick with steroids?

    I have done two steroid cycles and I am 24 years old both of them were underwhelming I don’t think I have my diet and training on point nevertheless I would like to run another cycle but this time maybe try sarms I’m 180 pounds 18 percent body fat and I am currently training three or four times...
  14. M

    best sarms for cutting hardcore

    I’m looking to do a hard sarms cutting stack looking for your help and advice I’m 23 years old and I’ve let myself go the last couple of years I’m trying to get back into shape the new apartment complex that I moved into has a gym and I get the whole place to myself because no one else uses it...
  15. Z

    ostarine, GW, YK11

    stats: 47yrs old 6’2’’ 155 pounds goal is more lean muscle mass and speed first time running the trio of ostarine, GW with YK11 wanted to confirm dosages GW 20mgs per day 12 weeks ostarine 25mgs/day 16 weeks YK11 weeks 4-12 10mgs per day sound good?
  16. R

    looking for a moderate sarms run

    I believe that moderation is key even if you are using sarms I’ve got humble stats and I’m 5’10’’ 193 pounds. 12% body fat but I would like to push the 210-220 pounds mark can you help me do that with sarms LGD + RAD? Or should I try something else?
  17. D sarms cycle over

    chemyo sarms has awful products lol using their chemyo sarms their ostarine is giving me vision issues and their GW is Killing my endurance I think that their stuff is really something else and they don’t label their products properly I’m worried that I could be taking anything at this point
  18. W

    S4 results after 8 weeks

    been using S4 for 8 weeks and so far gained 8 pounds now not sure where to go from here I was on 100mgs a day should I Lower the dose in go another four weeks or should I try another sarm? A bit about me: I train 6x per week main goal is recovery I’m 6’1’’ and 188 pounds
  19. G

    rad and SR seems popular?

    Hearing a lot of good things about rad 140 and Sr 9009. Seems to be a lot of people using these two sarms together especially those who are interested in doing a recomp I was thinking of doing the rad 140 at 25 mg a day and then the SR 9009 at 30 milligrams a day split those Do you think this...
  20. F

    here is my sarms stack for bulking

    my next sarms run with be a bulk tell me what I am doing right and wrong lgd4033 25mgs a day s23 20 mgs a day not gonna use GW this time I’m 160 lbs and 5 foot 11 inches. So I’m really lean and skinny. I would like to fill out my muscles a bit and get some size.
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