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What to do next?


Some of you know and read my log for test/anavar and although I have approximately 5 weeks left I am planning for what's next. I think I am creating a monster though, trt was and is still awesome and now I'm stacking it with anavar and getting into the habit of cleaning up my diet, only to say I do not think there's any turning back at this point. I am feeling way too good and know this will change but the diet and little tweaks has definitely helped. This leads me a few questions for you that know better with experience and I'm guessing it may depend on where I am at the end of my test/anavar cycle but here it goes;

1) First and foremost, can I run an injectable after an oral or do I need to wait? For example it is my understanding if I take an oral for 8 weeks, I should wait 8 weeks to start another, or what ever the duration is. Equal time on to off? Or do I just roll into an injectable stacked with my trt dose of 150-200mg/week and back to an oral after that? How much of it is based on labs and feel?

2) I have what I consider a fair amount of gear coming this week, (primo 200, EQ 500, test/EQ 400, test cyp 250 and more anavar for later down the road. I also already have anadrol on hand) and cannot decide how I want to progress with my gear experimenting, like I stated before, maybe depends on how I look and feel at the end of the test/anavar cycle? I intend for what I have coming, in conjunction with what's on hand to last quite some time but I wonder for when I finish the current cycle, do I stack primo and test and keep going or wait and stack the primo and test with anavar later down the road after a bulk? Do I stack test and EQ next and even some anadrol and put on some size? I don't want to go overboard with the gear but I have a lot of scenarios going on in my head and look to you guys for guidance. I have also heard that cruising on 150mg of test cyp with 150mg EQ is nice too, should I just roll that for the remainder of the summer after my test/anavar cycle and see how it goes, say 12 weeks? I intend with whatever the choice to keep modest dosages and start a new log. I am just looking to roll slow and steady but want to experiment and continue to make gains either in strength or dropping bf.

3) Since I am on trt, do I need any type of pct? What has worked for you guys? I know the anavar and primo do not aromatize but the other stuff will. So what do you recommend and dosage if any? I think my main concern is the estrogenic effects and trying to mitigate and stay ahead of them.

Im 43, currently 231# approx 21%bf and dropping. I just want to be a lil bigger and a lil stronger, I prefer traps over abs. Oh, and will continue N2G daily regardless of stacks, seems like a great daily multi vitamin!!!
Some of you know and read my log for test/anavar and although I have approximately 5 weeks left I am planning for what's next. I think I am creating a monster though, trt was and is still awesome and now I'm stacking it with anavar and getting into the habit of cleaning up my diet, only to say I do not think there's any turning back at this point. I am feeling way too good and know this will change but the diet and little tweaks has definitely helped. This leads me a few questions for you that know better with experience and I'm guessing it may depend on where I am at the end of my test/anavar cycle but here it goes;

1) First and foremost, can I run an injectable after an oral or do I need to wait? For example it is my understanding if I take an oral for 8 weeks, I should wait 8 weeks to start another, or what ever the duration is. Equal time on to off? Or do I just roll into an injectable stacked with my trt dose of 150-200mg/week and back to an oral after that? How much of it is based on labs and feel?

2) I have what I consider a fair amount of gear coming this week, (primo 200, EQ 500, test/EQ 400, test cyp 250 and more anavar for later down the road. I also already have anadrol on hand) and cannot decide how I want to progress with my gear experimenting, like I stated before, maybe depends on how I look and feel at the end of the test/anavar cycle? I intend for what I have coming, in conjunction with what's on hand to last quite some time but I wonder for when I finish the current cycle, do I stack primo and test and keep going or wait and stack the primo and test with anavar later down the road after a bulk? Do I stack test and EQ next and even some anadrol and put on some size? I don't want to go overboard with the gear but I have a lot of scenarios going on in my head and look to you guys for guidance. I have also heard that cruising on 150mg of test cyp with 150mg EQ is nice too, should I just roll that for the remainder of the summer after my test/anavar cycle and see how it goes, say 12 weeks? I intend with whatever the choice to keep modest dosages and start a new log. I am just looking to roll slow and steady but want to experiment and continue to make gains either in strength or dropping bf.

3) Since I am on trt, do I need any type of pct? What has worked for you guys? I know the anavar and primo do not aromatize but the other stuff will. So what do you recommend and dosage if any? I think my main concern is the estrogenic effects and trying to mitigate and stay ahead of them.

Im 43, currently 231# approx 21%bf and dropping. I just want to be a lil bigger and a lil stronger, I prefer traps over abs. Oh, and will continue N2G daily regardless of stacks, seems like a great daily multi vitamin!!!
@Simon good questions.

For new guys this is @Simon log:

lets start talking

1) You don't need to wait to use an injectable, on/off is only for guys who are not on TRT.

2) My suggestion is go slow, stay on testosterone 150mgs/week and Equipoise 150mgs/week and Primobolan 100mgs/week, start with around 400mgs gear/week before you jump further.

3) You don't need PCT when on TRT. You have no estrogen issues in the primo/anavar/eq scenario.

4) I'm using n2guard daily and love it too, it's my goto organ support and multi vitamin.
I think next for you is a 3 injectable cycle.
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I'm in agrement with the team, don't wait, start off right after the anadrol, no PCT needed and push eq/test/primo in there.
if you aren't sure what to run next then time to do some research . listen to podcasts and read up on each compound
I have been listening to yours. You and mobster and another guy who's name I cannot remember I recognize from the forums. Very good stuff and a lot of experience.
Sure it is different when you are on TRT as far as hopping back on a cycle because you do not have to worry about recovering natural test. I still recommend only 1-2 cycles or "blasts" per year. This is due to health and stress on organs vs recovering natural test. If you are purely just talking about the testosterone recovery part then sure, you could just take a month or so off and jump back on.
Sure it is different when you are on TRT as far as hopping back on a cycle because you do not have to worry about recovering natural test. I still recommend only 1-2 cycles or "blasts" per year. This is due to health and stress on organs vs recovering natural test. If you are purely just talking about the testosterone recovery part then sure, you could just take a month or so off and jump back on.
Can you be more specific about a "blast"? I know what it is, but as far as dosing, where do you draw the line between cruising and blasting?

I was considering whatever the next combination or stack of injectables are, keeping it no more than 400mg per week. I'm really considering a test/eq/Primo/anavar next run, then cruising on test/eq mix. Is 400mg a week considered a blast?

I finish my current cycle of 50mg anavar/200mg test at the end of May and have labs in early June. If all goes well with labs I was going to stack the 4 above through August.
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