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Wanted to drop my next planned cycle on you for feedback


I recently finished an anavar/test cycle, (50mg anavar/day, 250mg test cypionate/week) and I have blood work scheduled for this month. Provided blood comes back g2g, I have planned my next cycle to be primo/test/EQ for 10-12 weeks as follows;

Ultima-Test/EQ400Mix - 200mg ea for test and EQ - 1ml/wk. (pinning .5ml twice a week for 10 weeks)
beligas-primo200 - (pinning .5ml/100mg, twice a week for 10 weeks)

My questions for you guys are as follows;
  1. Should draw from each separate vial into the same syringe tom make 1 injection or pull each sperate and pin myself twice in the same administration, does it even matter?
  2. What duration, I am thinking 10 weeks for the test/EQ and Primo. I have seen as much as 12 weeks but that seems long? Thoughts on durations?
  3. Lastly, I ordered quite a bit of anavar because I really liked it and planned to use it again at some point. Should I run another 6 weeks of 50mg a day and if so, for the first or last 6 weeks? or just save it for a later cycle? I'm thinking if anything, kickstart the Test/EQ and Primo on the front end, maybe just run for 4 weeks? I really started feeling good at the 4 week mark and felt it taper off thereafter. Thoughts?
Keep in mind, I have been on doc TRT for the last 12 months and this is only my second cycle. I am 228 pounds, 5'-11" at 20%bf and the goal is to continue to slowly lower body fat while maintaining current strength. I have dropped 2%bf in the last 9 weeks while maintaining body weight give or take a few pounds here and there.

I am planning on some size and weight gain because of the EQ and don't really care about the scale. I just want to look good naked and continue to perform well in jiu-jitsu, bedroom, gym and everyday functional life. As always, any additional feedback is appreciated.

Thanks Bros!
mix the oils, that is a good idea. cuts down on PIP

10 weeks for primo is short. try to go 12 weeks. but it won't kill you to go 10 weeks

running anavar make sure you use n2guard with it. it is liver toxic
@SteveSmi what do you think for Avavar, 4 or 6 weeks and front end or back end of cycle?
N2G @ 7 caps a day has not stopped, 3 in am, 2 at lunch and 2 at dinner.
I recently finished an anavar/test cycle, (50mg anavar/day, 250mg test cypionate/week) and I have blood work scheduled for this month. Provided blood comes back g2g, I have planned my next cycle to be primo/test/EQ for 10-12 weeks as follows;

Ultima-Test/EQ400Mix - 200mg ea for test and EQ - 1ml/wk. (pinning .5ml twice a week for 10 weeks)
beligas-primo200 - (pinning .5ml/100mg, twice a week for 10 weeks)

My questions for you guys are as follows;
  1. Should draw from each separate vial into the same syringe tom make 1 injection or pull each sperate and pin myself twice in the same administration, does it even matter?
  2. What duration, I am thinking 10 weeks for the test/EQ and Primo. I have seen as much as 12 weeks but that seems long? Thoughts on durations?
  3. Lastly, I ordered quite a bit of anavar because I really liked it and planned to use it again at some point. Should I run another 6 weeks of 50mg a day and if so, for the first or last 6 weeks? or just save it for a later cycle? I'm thinking if anything, kickstart the Test/EQ and Primo on the front end, maybe just run for 4 weeks? I really started feeling good at the 4 week mark and felt it taper off thereafter. Thoughts?
Keep in mind, I have been on doc TRT for the last 12 months and this is only my second cycle. I am 228 pounds, 5'-11" at 20%bf and the goal is to continue to slowly lower body fat while maintaining current strength. I have dropped 2%bf in the last 9 weeks while maintaining body weight give or take a few pounds here and there.

I am planning on some size and weight gain because of the EQ and don't really care about the scale. I just want to look good naked and continue to perform well in jiu-jitsu, bedroom, gym and everyday functional life. As always, any additional feedback is appreciated.

Thanks Bros!

I think the EQ is a waste at that dose. I would want to run primo and EQ for min of 16 weeks personally. Feel unless EQ at 500mg min its a waste of your time and money. I would go test at 300mg EQ at 600mg and save primo for another rip.. I would want primo at 500-600mg as well if it were me EQ test anavar be killer
I recently finished an anavar/test cycle, (50mg anavar/day, 250mg test cypionate/week) and I have blood work scheduled for this month. Provided blood comes back g2g, I have planned my next cycle to be primo/test/EQ for 10-12 weeks as follows;

Ultima-Test/EQ400Mix - 200mg ea for test and EQ - 1ml/wk. (pinning .5ml twice a week for 10 weeks)
beligas-primo200 - (pinning .5ml/100mg, twice a week for 10 weeks)

My questions for you guys are as follows;
  1. Should draw from each separate vial into the same syringe tom make 1 injection or pull each sperate and pin myself twice in the same administration, does it even matter?
  2. What duration, I am thinking 10 weeks for the test/EQ and Primo. I have seen as much as 12 weeks but that seems long? Thoughts on durations?
  3. Lastly, I ordered quite a bit of anavar because I really liked it and planned to use it again at some point. Should I run another 6 weeks of 50mg a day and if so, for the first or last 6 weeks? or just save it for a later cycle? I'm thinking if anything, kickstart the Test/EQ and Primo on the front end, maybe just run for 4 weeks? I really started feeling good at the 4 week mark and felt it taper off thereafter. Thoughts?
Keep in mind, I have been on doc TRT for the last 12 months and this is only my second cycle. I am 228 pounds, 5'-11" at 20%bf and the goal is to continue to slowly lower body fat while maintaining current strength. I have dropped 2%bf in the last 9 weeks while maintaining body weight give or take a few pounds here and there.

I am planning on some size and weight gain because of the EQ and don't really care about the scale. I just want to look good naked and continue to perform well in jiu-jitsu, bedroom, gym and everyday functional life. As always, any additional feedback is appreciated.

Thanks Bros!

1) I would draw from each vial and put into the same syringe it's fine
2) I think 12 weeks is a good time for a cycle not 10 weeks
3) 6 weeks 50mgs anavar/day first 6 weeks. Orals for 6 weeks is good to start.

4 weeks of primobolan isn't enough imo.

300mgs testosterone
300mgs equipoise
100mgs primobolan

That's the stack I would push out.
I mix all in 1 syringe but I always change pins every time to be safe.

4 weeks of primo? if i read this right no need.

For anavar 8 weeks at 50mgs ed is the right dose.

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
consider doing 4 weeks 100mgs ed anavar and 4 weeks 50mgs ed anavar and pushing cycle longer up to 16 weeks
keep testosterone around 350-400mgs
keep equipoise around 200-300mgs
keep primobolan around 100mgs
anavar 100mgs is the sweet spot but 50mgs to start

whole cycle I think 14-16 weeks for you
I mix all in 1 syringe but I always change pins every time to be safe.

4 weeks of primo? if i read this right no need.

For anavar 8 weeks at 50mgs ed is the right dose.
@quadi meant to suggest anavar for 8 weeks but I think you knew what I meant. The guys got me straight.
If you run Primobolan less than 12 weeks, it is rather wasteful. You would want to run it 12 weeks but you do not need to go longer than that either
If you run Primobolan less than 12 weeks, it is rather wasteful. You would want to run it 12 weeks but you do not need to go longer than that either
@Fella Finn if i run the test and eq for 16wks, do i run the primo for the first 12 or last 12, does it matter? And i was going to run it 150mg/week.
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