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Brand advice on PCT’s


Growing Newb
Hey Guys. Hope your having a great 4th!

I’m getting ready to start another cycle in 3-4 weeks. And I need to re-up on some PCT’s.

I prefer to buy from Greg @ Domestic Supply, but he is out of most PCT’s.

Any other brands you can recommend? Mainly just for the PCT. Clomids, Tamoxifen, Aroma, etc. But AAS will be fine too even though I’ve already got this cycle’s supply.
Hey Guys. Hope your having a great 4th!

I’m getting ready to start another cycle in 3-4 weeks. And I need to re-up on some PCT’s.

I prefer to buy from Greg @ Domestic Supply, but he is out of most PCT’s.

Any other brands you can recommend? Mainly just for the PCT. Clomids, Tamoxifen, Aroma, etc. But AAS will be fine too even though I’ve already got this cycle’s supply.
Bros I use and for my pct … good euro pharma pct gear
Did nolvadex clomid last pct w n2generate
Exact brand and source I’m currently looking at. Thanks man.

I prefer Domestic. But I’m willing to try other sources/brands.
PSL and UZ have domestic lines.

I ordered orals from puritysourcelabs just the other month domestic no issues.

check usa domestic
usa domestic euro pharma
the euro pharma orals have clomid/nolvadex/aromasin

thats all you need hcg, clomid, nolvadex, aromasin
Hey Guys. Hope your having a great 4th!

I’m getting ready to start another cycle in 3-4 weeks. And I need to re-up on some PCT’s.

I prefer to buy from Greg @ Domestic Supply, but he is out of most PCT’s.

Any other brands you can recommend? Mainly just for the PCT. Clomids, Tamoxifen, Aroma, etc. But AAS will be fine too even though I’ve already got this cycle’s supply.
I like PSL and UZ also, used them for ancillaries many times great brand
both I trust and tested myself
PCT brands for me

and you need to post a LOG of your PCT
can you do that?
PCT LOG and show us how you do
PCT ancillaries I'm on Puritysourcelabs domestic EP using on off nolvadex/clomid now with hcg

Post a Log of your PCT we all want to see
APPROVED SOURCE - PLS (PuritySourceLabs)



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This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.

Starting a new cycle in 3-4 weeks.

Turanabol-40mgs per day for first 3 weeks.

Test E.-300-350mgs per week for 10 weeks.

Equipoise-300-400mgs per week for 10 weeks.

10 days after last shot. Start PCT.

Tamoxifen-40mgs a day for 3 weeks.

Clomid-50mgs a day for 3 weeks.

Tamoxifen-20mgs a day for final 3 weeks.

Clomid-50mgs EOD for final 3 weeks.

Note: Just a rough log. Could change slightly.
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