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Cycle advice


Hello brothers I need some advice here.
Am 39 yo about 205lb 6’ 3” body fat% 13-15
Currently on 300 test E a week with 2 iu GH 1500 hcg and 20mg Anavar on a caloric deficit,cardio 3-4 times a week.
I want to get to 8-10% so I can bulk up,I’ve been making good progress but this last few bit of fat is getting stubborn.
I was wondering if I could add a bit of tren-E 150-170 a week to kind of help get to where I want to be body % wise and then once I reach desired level drop it and continue with my cycle and bulk up?
Thank you guys in advance any advice is very much appreciated,constructive criticism is very well welcomed.
if you haven't used tren before then i would go with ace. this way you can really see how you react to it and be flexible
why acet tho I thought that En was a better like less side or softer sides per say,if you can please elaborate on that I’ll appreciate it
As mentioned above it isn't so much about what is better, it is about what a person can tolerate mentally and physically, with tren being very mentally and physically taxing on the body, you need to consider the cons more then the pros of tren and really ask yourself am I ready for this am I in a good place in life for a good cycle.

The reason guys are pushing for Ace is as mentioned if you run into bad issues Ace can be out the system super quickly while as the long ester can take weeks to clear, which if u are having issues can be a nightmare if you aren't prepared for it.
Hello brothers I need some advice here.
Am 39 yo about 205lb 6’ 3” body fat% 13-15
Currently on 300 test E a week with 2 iu GH 1500 hcg and 20mg Anavar on a caloric deficit,cardio 3-4 times a week.
I want to get to 8-10% so I can bulk up,I’ve been making good progress but this last few bit of fat is getting stubborn.
I was wondering if I could add a bit of tren-E 150-170 a week to kind of help get to where I want to be body % wise and then once I reach desired level drop it and continue with my cycle and bulk up?
Thank you guys in advance any advice is very much appreciated,constructive criticism is very well welcomed.
why acet tho I thought that En was a better like less side or softer sides per say,if you can please elaborate on that I’ll appreciate it
@SolidOsvi positive to see you in the family

your test and hgh cycle is good one seems clean
but adding trenbolone will push it up a notch

but before adding trenbolone you need to take a step back and tell us more about you
tell us in a NEW thread by posting a LOG in a NEW thread with your diet training cardio supplements and cycle
we will learn more and guide you into using the proper tren ester and dose

To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My testosterone and hgh cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals

P.S. are you listening to our podcast? if not, you should:
whether you choose tren ace or tren E expect major sides
very important you use clean tren though
i recommend ugfreak for that reason
sign me up for more clen on this cycle
maybe 400mgs is good for you. that is a minimum dose for me but i'm a pro
let's see your log journal, i need to see it
Best thing you can do is get a log Journal up we really need to see all your information
otherwise how can we help you get the perfect cycle going
we've got hundreds of years of experience between the guys on here
we've helped so many guys with logs get the most out of their cycle
we can help you as well
when your next cycle comes we will be here to guide you
now you need to get your log diary up
check out the others and learn from that

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
you can always add in some tren ace during cycle if you want
you can start off with just test and hgh and go from there
sky is the limit but log it
if you do decide on tren i recommend lower test
also with hgh, if you do too much it can increase insulin resistance along with tren a lot
that is why a log is important so we can guide you
bros if you run test and hgh along with tren then expect side effects
its a high possibility
that is why a log journal is crucial here
Amazing response from the community,let me read how to create a log and I’ll post everything am doing,give me a few minutes,I can thank you guys enough for the support,much appreciated
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