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Approved Log Supertest, Masteron, Superdrol 12 Weeks Cycle and Training Log


Gday lads,

Just going to start a little cycle log as I plan on getting back into the gym and whatnot in the coming weeks.

Bit about me, 30 years old, up until September I had been training consistently atleast 5 days a week for about 3 years and I was sitting around 103kg with an about 10% bodyfat. But I moved cities for my relationship that was suffering to start fresh elsewhere and haven’t picked up a weight since. Relationship also went to crap and life spiralled a bit so here we are. Starting over.

I’ve run just about every compound you can think of in the past but this time I’m going to keep it simple. 3 compounds, Test, Mast and Superdrol. I always like to run things pretty high and consistent thru out so what I’m planning on doing with the cycle is the following -

Weeks 1-6 - Supertest @ 700mg/week
Weeks 7-12 - Supertest @ 1050mg/week

Weeks 1-6 - Mast E @ 400mg/week
Weeks 7-12 - Mast E @ 800mg/ week

Weeks 8-12 - Superdrol @ 30mg/day

My good mate AJ here at UGLOZ is gonna hook us up with this sic cycle and have it coming my way.

Gym membership is sorted, will have the gear on the way very soon and I plan to kick this off on Monday the 1st of January. Awesome that New Year’s Day is a Monday this year it makes perfect sense to start trying to make some positive changes for the new year.

As far as diet goes I usually keep it pretty simple. I will have to workout the actual macros over the weeks to come but the main thing I usually focus on with my diet is just making sure that I get atleast 2g of protein per kg of body weight. The total calories and carbs and fats changes from time to time depending on what I want to eat but I always make sure that I get atleast that 200g of protein in per day and the diet usually looks like this….

I will tr

3:30am Brekky - Protein Oats

4:30am - 5:30am - Training

5:45am - Post Workout Protein Shake + Zarraffas (2x smashed avo + chicken)

Smoko - Chicken/Beef with veges & rice
Lunch - Same As Above

Afternoon Meal - When I get home from work usually have some fruit and protein yoghurt

Dinner - Chicken/Beef and Veges

Pre Bed - I got thru stages where I’ll add a serve of muscle nation custard or something but not always.

I’ve never really been that big on counting calories and all that. I work strenuous labour intensive jobs and probably burn so much calories at work. I’ve always just tried to make sure i am eating something with high protein every couple of hours a that’s always just worked. I’m no professional bodybuilder or anything but I always looked pretty good.

Maybe this time around I’ll start to count some calories and whatnot but first let’s just try to see if I can get back to some regularity and building good habits again. Have no doubt I will do it properly I always have when I put my mind to it. So maybe after the first 2 - 3 weeks as my anticipation and results start to show I’ll post up some more in depth diet and macro evidence to support my log.

Training - I’ll be doing the same thing I have always liked doing which is training body part groups in the following type of split -

Monday - Legs (Quad dominant & Calves but a bit of Hammies and adductors ect too)

Tuesday - Chest and Tris

Wednesday - Back and Bis

Thursday - Legs (Hammie dominant & Caves but some quads and abductors too)

Friday - Shoulders (& traps)

Weekends - No training. Weekends will be spent mostly with my boy and not much else gets done.

I will take some before pics next weekend as I get the keys to my new unit on Friday the 22nd of December and have a lot going on between now and then with the relationship breakdown and whatnot that’s been going on. But will have all before pics and whatnot posted up then, hopefully with Xmas time and whatnot the gear from AJ (ugloz) arrives in time for me to start kicking some goals for the brand new, new year.

Gday lads,

Just going to start a little cycle log as I plan on getting back into the gym and whatnot in the coming weeks.

Bit about me, 30 years old, up until September I had been training consistently atleast 5 days a week for about 3 years and I was sitting around 103kg with an about 10% bodyfat. But I moved cities for my relationship that was suffering to start fresh elsewhere and haven’t picked up a weight since. Relationship also went to crap and life spiralled a bit so here we are. Starting over.

I’ve run just about every compound you can think of in the past but this time I’m going to keep it simple. 3 compounds, Test, Mast and Superdrol. I always like to run things pretty high and consistent thru out so what I’m planning on doing with the cycle is the following -

Weeks 1-6 - Supertest @ 700mg/week
Weeks 7-12 - Supertest @ 1050mg/week

Weeks 1-6 - Mast E @ 400mg/week
Weeks 7-12 - Mast E @ 800mg/ week

Weeks 8-12 - Superdrol @ 30mg/day

My good mate AJ here at UGLOZ is gonna hook us up with this sic cycle and have it coming my way.

Gym membership is sorted, will have the gear on the way very soon and I plan to kick this off on Monday the 1st of January. Awesome that New Year’s Day is a Monday this year it makes perfect sense to start trying to make some positive changes for the new year.

As far as diet goes I usually keep it pretty simple. I will have to workout the actual macros over the weeks to come but the main thing I usually focus on with my diet is just making sure that I get atleast 2g of protein per kg of body weight. The total calories and carbs and fats changes from time to time depending on what I want to eat but I always make sure that I get atleast that 200g of protein in per day and the diet usually looks like this….

I will tr

3:30am Brekky - Protein Oats

4:30am - 5:30am - Training

5:45am - Post Workout Protein Shake + Zarraffas (2x smashed avo + chicken)

Smoko - Chicken/Beef with veges & rice
Lunch - Same As Above

Afternoon Meal - When I get home from work usually have some fruit and protein yoghurt

Dinner - Chicken/Beef and Veges

Pre Bed - I got thru stages where I’ll add a serve of muscle nation custard or something but not always.

I’ve never really been that big on counting calories and all that. I work strenuous labour intensive jobs and probably burn so much calories at work. I’ve always just tried to make sure i am eating something with high protein every couple of hours a that’s always just worked. I’m no professional bodybuilder or anything but I always looked pretty good.

Maybe this time around I’ll start to count some calories and whatnot but first let’s just try to see if I can get back to some regularity and building good habits again. Have no doubt I will do it properly I always have when I put my mind to it. So maybe after the first 2 - 3 weeks as my anticipation and results start to show I’ll post up some more in depth diet and macro evidence to support my log.

Training - I’ll be doing the same thing I have always liked doing which is training body part groups in the following type of split -

Monday - Legs (Quad dominant & Calves but a bit of Hammies and adductors ect too)

Tuesday - Chest and Tris

Wednesday - Back and Bis

Thursday - Legs (Hammie dominant & Caves but some quads and abductors too)

Friday - Shoulders (& traps)

Weekends - No training. Weekends will be spent mostly with my boy and not much else gets done.

I will take some before pics next weekend as I get the keys to my new unit on Friday the 22nd of December and have a lot going on between now and then with the relationship breakdown and whatnot that’s been going on. But will have all before pics and whatnot posted up then, hopefully with Xmas time and whatnot the gear from AJ (ugloz) arrives in time for me to start kicking some goals for the brand new, new year.

@Juice0704 great start to this log

lets get some pics posted face blurred of you
and some meal pics and pics of training
@Juice0704 great start to this log

lets get some pics posted face blurred of you
and some meal pics and pics of training
I will do those things after the 22nd of December brother. I’ll get some decent before pics ect sorted once I move into me new place and start setting up for all this.

I haven’t trained in months so gonna be an underwhelming start but should be pretty jacked by the end of all this.
yes man no reason to be shy to post pictures you're just starting out your log and we know you're going to improve
consider it like a transformation where you post up your before pictures and you get better
We all do it, everyone here has seen me at my worst shape and saw me improve its the beauty of a log and progress others see offen times what we miss and don't see looking at ourselves it's very beneficial
Gday lads,

Just going to start a little cycle log as I plan on getting back into the gym and whatnot in the coming weeks.

Bit about me, 30 years old, up until September I had been training consistently atleast 5 days a week for about 3 years and I was sitting around 103kg with an about 10% bodyfat. But I moved cities for my relationship that was suffering to start fresh elsewhere and haven’t picked up a weight since. Relationship also went to crap and life spiralled a bit so here we are. Starting over.

I’ve run just about every compound you can think of in the past but this time I’m going to keep it simple. 3 compounds, Test, Mast and Superdrol. I always like to run things pretty high and consistent thru out so what I’m planning on doing with the cycle is the following -

Weeks 1-6 - Supertest @ 700mg/week
Weeks 7-12 - Supertest @ 1050mg/week

Weeks 1-6 - Mast E @ 400mg/week
Weeks 7-12 - Mast E @ 800mg/ week

Weeks 8-12 - Superdrol @ 30mg/day

My good mate AJ here at UGLOZ is gonna hook us up with this sic cycle and have it coming my way.

Gym membership is sorted, will have the gear on the way very soon and I plan to kick this off on Monday the 1st of January. Awesome that New Year’s Day is a Monday this year it makes perfect sense to start trying to make some positive changes for the new year.

As far as diet goes I usually keep it pretty simple. I will have to workout the actual macros over the weeks to come but the main thing I usually focus on with my diet is just making sure that I get atleast 2g of protein per kg of body weight. The total calories and carbs and fats changes from time to time depending on what I want to eat but I always make sure that I get atleast that 200g of protein in per day and the diet usually looks like this….

I will tr

3:30am Brekky - Protein Oats

4:30am - 5:30am - Training

5:45am - Post Workout Protein Shake + Zarraffas (2x smashed avo + chicken)

Smoko - Chicken/Beef with veges & rice
Lunch - Same As Above

Afternoon Meal - When I get home from work usually have some fruit and protein yoghurt

Dinner - Chicken/Beef and Veges

Pre Bed - I got thru stages where I’ll add a serve of muscle nation custard or something but not always.

I’ve never really been that big on counting calories and all that. I work strenuous labour intensive jobs and probably burn so much calories at work. I’ve always just tried to make sure i am eating something with high protein every couple of hours a that’s always just worked. I’m no professional bodybuilder or anything but I always looked pretty good.

Maybe this time around I’ll start to count some calories and whatnot but first let’s just try to see if I can get back to some regularity and building good habits again. Have no doubt I will do it properly I always have when I put my mind to it. So maybe after the first 2 - 3 weeks as my anticipation and results start to show I’ll post up some more in depth diet and macro evidence to support my log.

Training - I’ll be doing the same thing I have always liked doing which is training body part groups in the following type of split -

Monday - Legs (Quad dominant & Calves but a bit of Hammies and adductors ect too)

Tuesday - Chest and Tris

Wednesday - Back and Bis

Thursday - Legs (Hammie dominant & Caves but some quads and abductors too)

Friday - Shoulders (& traps)

Weekends - No training. Weekends will be spent mostly with my boy and not much else gets done.

I will take some before pics next weekend as I get the keys to my new unit on Friday the 22nd of December and have a lot going on between now and then with the relationship breakdown and whatnot that’s been going on. But will have all before pics and whatnot posted up then, hopefully with Xmas time and whatnot the gear from AJ (ugloz) arrives in time for me to start kicking some goals for the brand new, new year.

no need for a gram of test
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