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Approved Log Supertest, Masteron, Superdrol 12 Weeks Cycle and Training Log

Some pictures of now (90kg) and what I was before ripped at 103kg.. which is what I’m hoping to get back to by the end of this… cya 2023 and welcome 2024. No more falling off the wagon and being a sucked out skinny dude anymore. Time to get back to what I should be and keep growing on that.


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@Juice0704 thats not good, serious crash, do you have insurance?
Yeah it’s been a bit of a fuck around cos the Ute was used as security for another loan. So I’m going thru the steps now to try get this sorted . Hence why I’m behind with this cycle starting. I should of had the insurance money and a new rig sorted by now
Some pictures of now (90kg) and what I was before ripped at 103kg.. which is what I’m hoping to get back to by the end of this… cya 2023 and welcome 2024. No more falling off the wagon and being a sucked out skinny dude anymore. Time to get back to what I should be and keep growing on that.
@Juice0704 you're looking amazing even before and after
i can see you doing big things with this cycle

you going to get it up? diet training in more detail? share bro

Yeah it’s been a bit of a fuck around cos the Ute was used as security for another loan. So I’m going thru the steps now to try get this sorted . Hence why I’m behind with this cycle starting. I should of had the insurance money and a new rig sorted by now
i hope you're alright be safe but you have to get on the horse again
Some pictures of now (90kg) and what I was before ripped at 103kg.. which is what I’m hoping to get back to by the end of this… cya 2023 and welcome 2024. No more falling off the wagon and being a sucked out skinny dude anymore. Time to get back to what I should be and keep growing on that.
looks good either way
people would kill for either body
I've seen worse crashes for sure
I think definitely you got saved but I can see how you got injured
you look good at least which is the most important thing
any post accident issues either mentally or physically?
Definitely time to put the past behind you and move forward
things happen for a reason that's the way I look at it
thanks for putting up a picture of the crash now we understand what you went through
I think everybody on here who has been driving their whole lives will experience something like this
just got to be careful on the road
make sure that you are never speeding and make sure you're never drinking and driving
you look good at least which is the most important thing
any post accident issues either mentally or physically?
Hey mate fell into pretty bad old addictions around the time of the event and thereafter. Don’t wanna get too much into it but I think you can see by the drastic weight loss what I mean…

Felt like shit for a while. I’m good now I’m off all that shit…

Cycle has been postponed 1 - 2 weeeks as
I am still going thru the process of getting new wheels sorted. Should only be another week or so til back to full swing.

And to everyone else yes. I will post more in depth food and nutrition and training information to the Log and will really start putting a lot of time and effort into this. As I promised Aj. It’s just been difficult with no car as I can’t even get to the gym right now. Even getting groceries is a mission. So figured I would postpone and go full steam ahead when I have the means at my disposal to make it one of the best cycles that can be
Hey mate fell into pretty bad old addictions around the time of the event and thereafter. Don’t wanna get too much into it but I think you can see by the drastic weight loss what I mean…

Felt like shit for a while. I’m good now I’m off all that shit…

Cycle has been postponed 1 - 2 weeeks as
I am still going thru the process of getting new wheels sorted. Should only be another week or so til back to full swing.

And to everyone else yes. I will post more in depth food and nutrition and training information to the Log and will really start putting a lot of time and effort into this. As I promised Aj. It’s just been difficult with no car as I can’t even get to the gym right now. Even getting groceries is a mission. So figured I would postpone and go full steam ahead when I have the means at my disposal to make it one of the best cycles that can be
@Juice0704 addictions suck I have them too on and off
we really want to see diet training
no car is hard, you hang in there bro we are here for you
Hey mate fell into pretty bad old addictions around the time of the event and thereafter. Don’t wanna get too much into it but I think you can see by the drastic weight loss what I mean…

Felt like shit for a while. I’m good now I’m off all that shit…

Cycle has been postponed 1 - 2 weeeks as
I am still going thru the process of getting new wheels sorted. Should only be another week or so til back to full swing.

And to everyone else yes. I will post more in depth food and nutrition and training information to the Log and will really start putting a lot of time and effort into this. As I promised Aj. It’s just been difficult with no car as I can’t even get to the gym right now. Even getting groceries is a mission. So figured I would postpone and go full steam ahead when I have the means at my disposal to make it one of the best cycles that can be
Glad to see you’ll be back at it soon
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