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Approved Log My Test/Tren/Var Cycle Log

week 1-12
testosterone enanthate or cypionate 250mgs/week + TRT
trenbolone enanthate 200mgs/week
anavar 50mgs/day (week 1-8)

after 12 weeks
HCgenerate and n2guard

My planned split is 6 days off training a week.
Chest/tris > back/bis > quad focus legs + calves > shoulders > arms > hamstring focus legs + calves.

I’m 39yo male 5’8 147lbs. This is my third cycle and I’ve been lifting since my late 20s.

I’ll calculate my macros once I get home from the gym. Would I run bulking or maint macros for this cycle?
Depends on your aims
Since I’m taking 250 mags a week of test + TRT. Do I split up the dose of 250mg or take it all at once per week? It’s a little hard to measure 125mg.
Since I’m taking 250 mags a week of test + TRT. Do I split up the dose of 250mg or take it all at once per week? It’s a little hard to measure 125mg.
You should split at least 2 shots per week.

125mgs monday and 125mgs thursday

your hormone levels will be more steady this way
Last time I cycled I hit muscle groups once per week. If my chest is lagging can I hit it twice a week while on cycle or I’d that not optimal?
You should not hit chest 2 times per week until we see what you're doing now.

What are your reps sets for chest now?
what is your meal plan now?

do you have a face blurred picture for us?
You should not hit chest 2 times per week until we see what you're doing now.

What are your reps sets for chest now?
what is your meal plan now?

do you have a face blurred picture for us?
This is my chest routine. Not sure if I need more volume.

bench press 4x12
Decline bench 4x12
Wide grip dips 4x12
Cable flies 4x12
Db bench 4x12
Cable rope push downs 4x12

Here’s a blurred pic:
@tony1122 you posted your split yes

but you didnt post sets and reps
and you didnt post diet as you eating

thats a full log please
So this is what I did this week. I’m going to be changing my quad and chest routine though.

Bench press 4 sets 12 reps
DB pullovers 4 sets 12 reps
Seated overhead db tricep extensions 4 sets 12 reps
Incline cable flies 4 sets 12 reps
Chest flies machine 4 sets 12 reps
Cable tricep push down/extension 4 set 12 reps
Cardio 20 mins

One arm DB rows 4 sets 12 reps
Lat pull downs 4 sets 12 reps
Ez bar standard grip curls 4 sets 12 reps
Medium width grip high lat pull-down 4 set 12 reps
Seated v bar rows 4 sets 12 reps
Incline isolation db curls 4 sets 12 reps
Cardio 20 mins

BB Front squats 4 sets 12 reps( I’m going to change this to 4 sets 6 reps)
Goblet squats 4 sets 12 reps
Incline calve press 4 sets 12 reps
Leg extensions 4 sets 12 reps
Seated calve raises 4 sets 12 reps
One legged isolation leg extensions 4 sets 12 reps

Shoulders and chest:
Bb front raises 4 sets 12 reps
Db lateral raises 4 sets 12 reps
Plate flies 4 sets 12 reps
Db shrugs 4 sets 8 reps
Push ups 4 sets 12 reps
Bb front shrugs 4 sets 12 reps
Chest flies cable 4 sets 12 reps

Skull crushers 4 sets 14 reps
Bb curls 12 reps
Forearm wrist rotation 4 sets 20 reps
Rotating db one arm isolation curls 4 sets 12 reps
Superset: Cable rope tricep push downs 4 sets 12 reps
Superset: ez bar close grip curls 4 sets 12 reps
Db forearm raises 4 sets 12 sets
Cable forearm raises 4 sets 20 reps
Cardio 20 mins

Deadlifts 4 sets 12 reps
One legged RDL 4 set 12 reps
Seated calve presses 4 sets 12 reps
One legged standing hamstring curls 4 sets 12 reps
Hip thrusts 4 sets 12 reps
Incline calve presses wide toed 4 sets 12 reps
I’m going to be switching to DB bench press next week I’m having problems feeling a pump on my chest with bench press.
With long esters, you can do once per week but I would say twice is optimal. I don't recommend a pre workout unless you are dragging ass that day. In that case, just have a cup of black coffee.
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