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how to use test, tren, deca and dbol together?


A friend of mine set me up on a huge cycle and he said to try it. This guy is Absolutely yoked and I asked them exactly what his last cycle was and he wrote it out for me
he did:
500mgs test Cyp
350mgs tren E
250mgs deca
dianabol 10-30mgs per day adjusted dose as he saw fit
anyone try something like this ? I’m thirty years old and I am 185 pounds in 6 foot tall
A friend of mine set me up on a huge cycle and he said to try it. This guy is Absolutely yoked and I asked them exactly what his last cycle was and he wrote it out for me
he did:
500mgs test Cyp
350mgs tren E
250mgs deca
dianabol 10-30mgs per day adjusted dose as he saw fit
anyone try something like this ? I’m thirty years old and I am 185 pounds in 6 foot tall
i would drop test to 300mgs
and tren to 200mgs
add n2guard and dostinex
A friend of mine set me up on a huge cycle and he said to try it. This guy is Absolutely yoked and I asked them exactly what his last cycle was and he wrote it out for me
he did:
500mgs test Cyp
350mgs tren E
250mgs deca
dianabol 10-30mgs per day adjusted dose as he saw fit
anyone try something like this ? I’m thirty years old and I am 185 pounds in 6 foot tall
So I have a singular issue. I run what I run cos it works for ME. I do NOT run a cycle based on 1 other person. Or else I'd run what a MrO uses.

And you haven't specified what YOU want from a cycle
tren, test, and caber are good options sells them all!
the best way to do that stack is to not do it at all.. thats way too much and completely unnecessary... you should tone it down... what is your goal and what kind of experience do you have?
Tell us more about YOU! Just because someone else responds a certain way on a certain cycle has no baring on what will happen with you. It will depend on experience, diet, training, lifestyle, etc. Build a cycle that fits you and your goals.
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