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Approved Log My Test/Tren/Var Cycle Log


week 1-12
testosterone enanthate or cypionate 250mgs/week + TRT
trenbolone enanthate 200mgs/week
anavar 50mgs/day (week 1-8)

after 12 weeks
HCgenerate and n2guard

My planned split is 6 days off training a week.
Chest/tris > back/bis > quad focus legs + calves > shoulders > arms > hamstring focus legs + calves.

I’m 39yo male 5’8 147lbs. This is my third cycle and I’ve been lifting since my late 20s.

I’ll calculate my macros once I get home from the gym. Would I run bulking or maint macros for this cycle?
For macros I calculated 2600 cal 147g protein 198g carbs and 140 fat. Is 2600 calories too much or too little if I’m training 6x a week?
week 1-12
testosterone enanthate or cypionate 250mgs/week + TRT
trenbolone enanthate 200mgs/week
anavar 50mgs/day (week 1-8)

after 12 weeks
HCgenerate and n2guard

My planned split is 6 days off training a week.
Chest/tris > back/bis > quad focus legs + calves > shoulders > arms > hamstring focus legs + calves.

I’m 39yo male 5’8 147lbs. This is my third cycle and I’ve been lifting since my late 20s.

I’ll calculate my macros once I get home from the gym. Would I run bulking or maint macros for this cycle?
thats a good cycle I like it good and clean

but lets see you post your training reps and sets as you go start tomorrow
For macros I calculated 2600 cal 147g protein 198g carbs and 140 fat. Is 2600 calories too much or too little if I’m training 6x a week?
thats pretty good macros but keep carbs around 150grams or so dont get too close to 200

can you post actual meals and food you eat
good thank you for sharing

full diet
full training
face blurred picture
good thank you for sharing

full diet
full training
face blurred picture
Overnight parts oats(whey +1% milk)
V8 juice

Shrimp stir fry with brown rice

Chicken breast with whole wheat tortillas/ brown rice
2 scoops of whey
Fat free high protein Greek yogurt
Quest protein chips

bench press 4x12
Decline bench 4x12
Wide grip dips 4x12
Cable flies 4x12
Db bench 4x12
Cable River extensions 4x12
Cardio 20 mins

Bb rows 4x12
Db rows 4x12
Barbell curls 4x12
Lat pull downs 4x12
Close grip cable rows 4x12
Preacher curls 4x12
Cardio 20 mins

Legs/quad focus
Bb Front squats 4x12
Leg extensions 4x12
Smith donkey calve raises 4x12
Front smith squats 4x12
Db goblet front squats 4x12
Incline machine calve press4x12

Bb shrugs 4x12
Db front raises 4x12
Bent over db fly/raises 4x12
Bb wide raises 4x12
Reverse fly 4x12
Db lateral raises 4x12

Db curls 4x12
Seated db tricep extension 4x12
Wide grip bb curls 4x12
Cable rope push downs 4x12
Cable curls 4x12
Db one arm preacher curls 4x12
Cardio 20 mins

Hamstring leg focus
DL 4x12
Hamstring curl leg machine 4x12
Close stained calve press on incline machine 4x12
One legged db dl 4x12
Bb rdl 4x12
Smith standing calve raises 4x12

I’ll post a pic later today
Overnight parts oats(whey +1% milk)
V8 juice

Shrimp stir fry with brown rice

Chicken breast with whole wheat tortillas/ brown rice
2 scoops of whey
Fat free high protein Greek yogurt
Quest protein chips

bench press 4x12
Decline bench 4x12
Wide grip dips 4x12
Cable flies 4x12
Db bench 4x12
Cable River extensions 4x12
Cardio 20 mins

Bb rows 4x12
Db rows 4x12
Barbell curls 4x12
Lat pull downs 4x12
Close grip cable rows 4x12
Preacher curls 4x12
Cardio 20 mins

Legs/quad focus
Bb Front squats 4x12
Leg extensions 4x12
Smith donkey calve raises 4x12
Front smith squats 4x12
Db goblet front squats 4x12
Incline machine calve press4x12

Bb shrugs 4x12
Db front raises 4x12
Bent over db fly/raises 4x12
Bb wide raises 4x12
Reverse fly 4x12
Db lateral raises 4x12

Db curls 4x12
Seated db tricep extension 4x12
Wide grip bb curls 4x12
Cable rope push downs 4x12
Cable curls 4x12
Db one arm preacher curls 4x12
Cardio 20 mins

Hamstring leg focus
DL 4x12
Hamstring curl leg machine 4x12
Close stained calve press on incline machine 4x12
One legged db dl 4x12
Bb rdl 4x12
Smith standing calve raises 4x12

I’ll post a pic later today
bro this a crazy workout man. hardcore like me
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