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Issue with new test blend after first shot


So let me start out by saying before i switched to this test blend that i was previously taking test cyp 300mg once a week 1ml in the thigh an never had a problem after pinning other then some soreness from the shot itself other then that i never had any other side effects that i noticed other then gaining muscle 💪 lol with that being said this test blend is from ultima pharmaceuticals it is the super-test blend 450mg it has 5 different esters the amounts are as stated below per 1ml:

Testosterone acetate 32mg
Testosterone decanoate 147mg
Testosterone propionate 73mg
Testosterone Cypionate 125mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 73mg

i have been off test for the last few months as i was looking for something different to try but could not really decide on what i was going to try, ultimately this is what i went with i ordered this from OSgear which was highly recommended by i was quite a bit hesitant for a number of weeks as i had never bought gear online before an wanted to make sure it was a reliable source so i spent quite a bit of time trying to research the legitimacy of this company an site after quite a bit of time online i came to the conclusion it was legitimate an safe so i decided to give it a try i orderd the test blend it arrived quickly an securely as promised so i was absolutely happy about that!! So here is my question/problem! I took my first shot this sunday july 16th 2023 the next day i had extreme pain an swelling in my leg which really caught me off guard i had done some research an it had revealed that test prop can be inflammatory to some patients that take it an it will cause swelling an pain so i didnt go crazy thinking it was gonna last too long , long story short friday i still have pain an swelling so i see a doctor they recommend er i go there an they check me out an say its not a clot or anything an that my muscle enzymes were high indicating that i had severe muscle damage ,they kept me till it lowered an sent me home telling me to see an endocrinologist an stop taking it till i do... which i was going to do anyways obviously , but my concern now is that its now the day after an i still have the swelling but no pain now? I thought the swelling was a result of whatever reaction the shot gave me but still hurts to bend my leg but not nearly as much also ive noticed that my quad area feels as though its full of water?? I did not think of it this way at first but now that i dont have pain it seems as if its not necessarily my leg swelling from inflammation but from water retention, i mean i want bigger legs but damn this dont feel im wondering if anyone knows whats wrong or if i should inject into the glute instead an that will solve the problem? Is this from a condition i have causing this as a side effect? Any help is much appreciated!! 🙏🏻 P.S i am not blaiming ultima pharmaceuticals or OSgear for my stupidity in anyway just looking for advice on what it could be an what i should do!!
The first issue that I can pick out is you went from testosterone cypionate which is the most user friendly test and now you are using a blend that has a big mixture of different esters and blends mixed in, it could either be the carrier oil or the solvents used to hold the suspension so it doesn't crash, you have to understand you can't just mix a bunch of test and expect it to hold without adding solvents, so the issues could be to many blends of test, carrier oil or solvents causing and inflammatory response from the body.

Why did you go with a blend that had so many different esters and mg amounts if you only have experience with test cypionate? You are setting yourself up for a possible less than ideal experience, this is no fault of OSG as they rock and make solid products and know what they are doing.

You can try to warm the bottle up before injection of try rotating to different sites and see if you still have the issue each time. You can also ice the injection spot it can help.

Blends have its place like all compounds do, I just think you might have bit off more then you could chew with going from something easy to something more advanced.

Also no mention of AI or taking the proper ancillary compounds, dude come on wtf lol 450mg of test and you take absolutely zero AI ? Of course you are going to get puffy bloated and retain water, Blood pressure is probably High also. You need to get on something like Arimidex asap lower Sodium intake etc or just discontinue use of said product, this might be more then u wanted in the end if you are having problems.
The first issue that I can pick out is you went from testosterone cypionate which is the most user friendly test and now you are using a blend that has a big mixture of different esters and blends mixed in, it could either be the carrier oil or the solvents used to hold the suspension so it doesn't crash, you have to understand you can't just mix a bunch of test and expect it to hold without adding solvents, so the issues could be to many blends of test, carrier oil or solvents causing and inflammatory response from the body.

Why did you go with a blend that had so many different esters and mg amounts if you only have experience with test cypionate? You are setting yourself up for a possible less than ideal experience, this is no fault of OSG as they rock and make solid products and know what they are doing.

You can try to warm the bottle up before injection of try rotating to different sites and see if you still have the issue each time. You can also ice the injection spot it can help.

Blends have its place like all compounds do, I just think you might have bit off more then you could chew with going from something easy to something more advanced.

Also no mention of AI or taking the proper ancillary compounds, dude come on wtf lol 450mg of test and you take absolutely zero AI ? Of course you are going to get puffy bloated and retain water, Blood pressure is probably High also. You need to get on something like Arimidex asap lower Sodium intake etc or just discontinue use of said product, this might be more then u wanted in the end if you are having problems.
I chose this blend in all honesty for 2 reasons #1 being that i could not make up my mind on which test to go with #2 was cause i figured if i got test with different esters that last in the body for different amounts of time i could avoid the highs an lows of Test cause i pin once a week as opposed to pining twice or even 3 times a week which ive read mimics the natural release of test more then pining a huge amount all at once , an i dont blame OSgear AT ALL!!! Just as an fyi like i said in my original post i dont blame ultima or osgear for my stupidity this is totally on me an i understand that completely and the water retention is only in my peg not anywhere else? Dose that mean anything? Also my blood pressure is fine it was checked by a doctor an i also check it myself from time to time to make sure its not high , i just want to make this clear i am not a pro at this , i am not as educated as i probably should be but i am more then willing to learn an get it done right then to act like an idiot an think i know more then someone else so im totally open to being schooled , in my humbly stupid opinion i did not think taking this blend would require all that as i though that would only become necessary if i was going to add something that was oral or some other type of steriods that wasnt test , i did not know that even if its all test but different ester that it would require things of that nature , if you could be so kind as to explain why i need them , i will totally look into it an become properly educated on whats required to take to avoid all this
The first issue that I can pick out is you went from testosterone cypionate which is the most user friendly test and now you are using a blend that has a big mixture of different esters and blends mixed in, it could either be the carrier oil or the solvents used to hold the suspension so it doesn't crash, you have to understand you can't just mix a bunch of test and expect it to hold without adding solvents, so the issues could be to many blends of test, carrier oil or solvents causing and inflammatory response from the body.

Why did you go with a blend that had so many different esters and mg amounts if you only have experience with test cypionate? You are setting yourself up for a possible less than ideal experience, this is no fault of OSG as they rock and make solid products and know what they are doing.

You can try to warm the bottle up before injection of try rotating to different sites and see if you still have the issue each time. You can also ice the injection spot it can help.

Blends have its place like all compounds do, I just think you might have bit off more then you could chew with going from something easy to something more advanced.

Also no mention of AI or taking the proper ancillary compounds, dude come on wtf lol 450mg of test and you take absolutely zero AI ? Of course you are going to get puffy bloated and retain water, Blood pressure is probably High also. You need to get on something like Arimidex asap lower Sodium intake etc or just discontinue use of said product, this might be more then u wanted in the end if you are having problems.
Also i was taking 300mg of test cyp an didnt think bumping it up 150mg would be all that bad if i was totally fine with 300mg to begin with , so even if i had bumped up my test cyp mg id be fine cause its that user friendly?
450 is a huge difference when you are talking medication or steroids 150mg is a huge increase, you didn't think logically through with that. As and example 200mg of testosterone will put me at 1400 ng/dl 300mg would put me at 2000 ng/dl that is a 600 difference in testosterone circulation in your blood stream and body... that by no means is a small jump at all and that could send your estrogen conversion through the roof, especially if over weight or high body fat, even someone sub 10% who converts at a high rate would not have a nice time. I think you need to study and research alot more, because talking gear 150mg is alot depending on compound of course.
Also if anything having a bunch of different testosterone esters will cause a huge influx and toss your highs and rows worse then a wooden roller coaster, your body is constantly up then down then up then in the middle then up and down again it's the yoyo effect

You would have been better off getting test prop and trying out a shirt acting ester on its own rather then a 4 or 5 blend test compound, no disrespect but I think you are way in over your head on this one

If anything you are constantly revving your body into redline over and over again imo others might have different opinions on this and I could be wrong, if I am one of the vets will chime on and correct me.
Also if anything having a bunch of different testosterone esters will cause a huge influx and toss your highs and rows worse then a wooden roller coaster, your body is constantly up then down then up then in the middle then up and down again it's the yoyo effect

You would have been better off getting test prop and trying out a shirt acting ester on its own rather then a 4 or 5 blend test compound, no disrespect but I think you are way in over your head on this one

If anything you are constantly revving your body into redline over and over again imo others might have different opinions on this and I could be wrong, if I am one of the vets will chime on and correct me.
Yes it definitely seems like i am in over my head i realize that now and i really appreciate the information an advice its greatly appreciated!!! So ill probably go back to test cypionate like i was cause i had no ill effects while taking that , ive already setup an appointment with a endocrinologist so ill be talking to them about it more when i see them , if there is anymore advice you have for me it would be awesome to hear it, im all for learning as much as i possibly can 💯 like i said im not gonna act like i know everything when i dont thats just pure ignorance
Yes it definitely seems like i am in over my head i realize that now and i really appreciate the information an advice its greatly appreciated!!! So ill probably go back to test cypionate like i was cause i had no ill effects while taking that , ive already setup an appointment with a endocrinologist so ill be talking to them about it more when i see them , if there is anymore advice you have for me it would be awesome to hear it, im all for learning as much as i possibly can 💯 like i said im not gonna act like i know everything when i dont thats just pure ignorance
I appreciate it brother, this is a community we learn together we grow together and we all start from somewhere with anything in life. The safest way to go about ant kind of gear use is read studies look at the research watch actual crediable people who have been in the game and have the experience. The evolutionary podcast Stevesmi and Mobster two incredible guys to learn from with that podcast and is a great place to start tons of episodes and you can learn a ton of correct information, also check out Dylans YouTube channel PE Fitness another excellent crediable person and knowledgeable as all hell, another option post up as many questions as you can be super detailed or even start a log for us and we can all and will help you every step of the way brother.

This is a marathon not a sprint and I appreciate you hearing and absorbing the information I only wanted to help you to the best of my abilities .
I appreciate it brother, this is a community we learn together we grow together and we all start from somewhere with anything in life. The safest way to go about ant kind of gear use is read studies look at the research watch actual crediable people who have been in the game and have the experience. The evolutionary podcast Stevesmi and Mobster two incredible guys to learn from with that podcast and is a great place to start tons of episodes and you can learn a ton of correct information, also check out Dylans YouTube channel PE Fitness another excellent crediable person and knowledgeable as all hell, another option post up as many questions as you can be super detailed or even start a log for us and we can all and will help you every step of the way brother.

This is a marathon not a sprint and I appreciate you hearing and absorbing the information I only wanted to help you to the best of my abilities .
Ill definitely be sure to check them out , im always up for finding new sources of information thats reliable an legitimate so thank you for that!! Oh i will certainly post as many as i have to , to get it right im one of those people that likes to obsess over something till ive learned about it up down right left side to side you name it haha but this particular subject has an enormous amount of data to read so its gonna take quite some time before im as knowledgeable as you or some of the other guys on here but im committed an willing to take all the time i need to learn it and thank you for being someone who didnt berate me for not knowing certain things an being someone who could help a guy out thats genuinely just trying to figure out an issue i caused from my own stupidity so again thank you for that 🙏🏻💯 i will definitely look into logging my use once i get back into the routine again after seeing my endocrinologist an i can be sure of hwats going on an how to avoid it this and do it right in the future 💪
So let me start out by saying before i switched to this test blend that i was previously taking test cyp 300mg once a week 1ml in the thigh an never had a problem after pinning other then some soreness from the shot itself other then that i never had any other side effects that i noticed other then gaining muscle 💪 lol with that being said this test blend is from ultima pharmaceuticals it is the super-test blend 450mg it has 5 different esters the amounts are as stated below per 1ml:

Testosterone acetate 32mg
Testosterone decanoate 147mg
Testosterone propionate 73mg
Testosterone Cypionate 125mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate 73mg

i have been off test for the last few months as i was looking for something different to try but could not really decide on what i was going to try, ultimately this is what i went with i ordered this from OSgear which was highly recommended by i was quite a bit hesitant for a number of weeks as i had never bought gear online before an wanted to make sure it was a reliable source so i spent quite a bit of time trying to research the legitimacy of this company an site after quite a bit of time online i came to the conclusion it was legitimate an safe so i decided to give it a try i orderd the test blend it arrived quickly an securely as promised so i was absolutely happy about that!! So here is my question/problem! I took my first shot this sunday july 16th 2023 the next day i had extreme pain an swelling in my leg which really caught me off guard i had done some research an it had revealed that test prop can be inflammatory to some patients that take it an it will cause swelling an pain so i didnt go crazy thinking it was gonna last too long , long story short friday i still have pain an swelling so i see a doctor they recommend er i go there an they check me out an say its not a clot or anything an that my muscle enzymes were high indicating that i had severe muscle damage ,they kept me till it lowered an sent me home telling me to see an endocrinologist an stop taking it till i do... which i was going to do anyways obviously , but my concern now is that its now the day after an i still have the swelling but no pain now? I thought the swelling was a result of whatever reaction the shot gave me but still hurts to bend my leg but not nearly as much also ive noticed that my quad area feels as though its full of water?? I did not think of it this way at first but now that i dont have pain it seems as if its not necessarily my leg swelling from inflammation but from water retention, i mean i want bigger legs but damn this dont feel im wondering if anyone knows whats wrong or if i should inject into the glute instead an that will solve the problem? Is this from a condition i have causing this as a side effect? Any help is much appreciated!! 🙏🏻 P.S i am not blaiming ultima pharmaceuticals or OSgear for my stupidity in anyway just looking for advice on what it could be an what i should do!!
@smallguy95 the problem is that you injected your leg, leg injections can be very serious and bad for your health and you proved it here

getting off cycle isn't too smart now, I would get on TRT and inject your glute
just get a different brand and see how you feel about it, switch to testosterone cypionate 150mgs/week and only inject glutes TRT dose and go slow until you get the swelling down
Also i was taking 300mg of test cyp an didnt think bumping it up 150mg would be all that bad if i was totally fine with 300mg to begin with , so even if i had bumped up my test cyp mg id be fine cause its that user friendly?
@smallguy95 are you taking an Ai ? organ liver support? I dont see much about your cycle seems big issues on it imo
try para pharma next time, they are very smooth, even the blends
do you have a log journal of your diet training? like what are you doing maybe you did something wrong
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