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anavar cycle results for women

It's been 3 weeks on anavar and I upped my dosage to 15mg from 10mg. Just wanted to update everyone on my results. I have lost an inch in my chest, butt and stomach. and a half an inch most other places too. my strength is up alongside with it. this stuff works great for females I don't care what anyone says. I'm down about 4 pounds overall and harder everywhere.
It's been 3 weeks on anavar and I upped my dosage to 15mg from 10mg. Just wanted to update everyone on my results. I have lost an inch in my chest, butt and stomach. and a half an inch most other places too. my strength is up alongside with it. this stuff works great for females I don't care what anyone says. I'm down about 4 pounds overall and harder everywhere.

I dont think you should go with 15mgs of anavar, that's too high. My wife competes in bikini and she never goes over 5mgs anavar. The side effects are very bad and can stay forever if you go too high with the doses. Be careful. I suggest 5mgs anavar + 20mgs gw501516 + cardazol before training as an alternative to pounding 15mgs var.
thanks for the update... dont get greedy with the dosing though... more is not always better and with steroids its often worse so just be careful
if it works for you, then don't change for the words of others.

Sorry guys, but dosages are subjective. your wife, girlfriends and various friends can't say anything about how her body responds to these steroids.
Hard truth that I too had to learn on my skin.

There is an advice as a starting point, but once you have taken the road, it is up to you to see and decide whether to raise or lower the doses.

finally, we all know that the results are dose dependent.
I'm not encouraging anyone to take exaggeratedly high doses, but this is the truth, the more you take the more it will have an effect (including sides)
I agree with phill here. You have to do what works for you. There is no 1 way to do things. I know plenty of woman that run 20mg of var with great results and barely any sides at all.
If you feel the need to increase then go and do so but do it carefully is all
It's been 3 weeks on anavar and I upped my dosage to 15mg from 10mg. Just wanted to update everyone on my results. I have lost an inch in my chest, butt and stomach. and a half an inch most other places too. my strength is up alongside with it. this stuff works great for females I don't care what anyone says. I'm down about 4 pounds overall and harder everywhere.
moreover, since although you have not asked for advice, but everyone dispenses it, I will give you too.

Anavar is definitely a mild steroid, but on the androgenic level there are less androgenic products that are better mass builders.
And when it comes to burning fat, there are better options..

So in addition to anavar do not disdain to consider something else.

If interested, you just have to ask
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