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anavar cycle opinions

hey anabolex, so here we go, i am doing test and anavar YESYES believe it 200mgs of test and 80mgs anavar per DAY (test weekly)
I want to do 1 gram of anavar
how good is this for me?

I have nac and milk thistle but no pct how about pct?
1 gram of anavar 1000mgs per week? I guess you can do that if you use n2guard 10 caps per day to keep your liver and organs safe and clean.
I've seen 50mgs anavar 50mgs winstrol/day that's 350mgs of each/week so 700mgs /week is used but 1000mgs of straight anavar I would like to see that.
you should not exceed 60 mg per day of anavar man... not smart whatsoever

when you are in pct, you are going to get a major spike in cortisol... cortisol is termed the "gains killer" for a reason... it will put you into a catabolic state which will not allow you to build muscle and at the same time will eat it away, on top of the fact you will also get unwanted fat gain... so you will lose muscle and gain fat that you had just busted your ass an entire cycle for... GW and MK prevent the rise in cortisol... not only that but they keep you performing at a level you were while on cycle being the ultimate performance enhancers they are... on top of the fact that mk2866 is the ultimate for healing and recovery, which is imperative in pct as well as keeping strength up to a very high level... gw will also treat cholesterol and blood pressure, which are definitely things that need addressed in pct as well… N2Guard plays a pivotal role in a post-cycle therapy (PCT). There’s a strong misconception that the role of a PCT is simply to restart the natural testosterone production that was shut down from the steroid cycle. While this is true, there are a lot of the other issues that the body has to deal with during a PCT: hormone fluctuations, high liver enzymes, increased blood pressure, pressure on the kidneys and endocrine system, high stress and cortisol levels, the list goes on…N2Guard helps address all of these problems and helps you recover in a timely manner. The quicker you recover, the less likelihood of any long-term problems occurring, and the more likely that all gains you make during your cycle are retained.

clomid 50/50/50/25/25/25
nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod (adjust accordingly)
mk-2866 25 mg day (ONLY 4 WEEKS)
gw-501516 20 mg day
I would run the test 350-500mg personally. 200mg is basically a high TRT dose so you would only be getting the extra boost from the var. Not exactly how it works but you get my point.
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