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tren cycle 2nd time

I’m doing my trenbolone acetate cycle for the 2nd time. The first time I screwed up and ran into prolactin issues, didn’t know anything about taking cabergoline or prami. This time I will be ready with both on hand. How would you recommend I use all 3 of these together? I plan on also using some testosterone and maybe turinabol as a kicker
Here is a good stack for you based on your gear
week 1-16
testosterone enan 500mgs/week
trenbolone acetate 200mgs/EOD
tbol 50mgs/day (8 weeks)
aromasin 10-12mgs day
dostinex .25mgs per week
n2guard 7 caps/day
ostazol 4 caps preworkout boost pumps energy
Here is a good stack for you based on your gear
week 1-16
testosterone enan 500mgs/week
trenbolone acetate 200mgs/EOD
tbol 50mgs/day (8 weeks)
aromasin 10-12mgs day
dostinex .25mgs per week
n2guard 7 caps/day
ostazol 4 caps preworkout boost pumps energy
bro nice stack but would double the tbol and tren
What issues related to prolactin did you have? What dose were you running? Caber is good to have on hand but not likely you will need it.
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