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Toxic stack for or


Crazy stack, but thoughts , thoughts of throwing Tren a, anadrol, test ,and halo in a stack to increase strength to surpass or.. Tren 50 ed halo 20 ed anadrol 50ed test 400 weekly, drops week 1-5 halo 5-10 Tren 1-10 test 1-16
im hoping you arent being serious

halo has to be one of if not the absolute worst things you could ever stack with tren.. then you take TWO of the harshest orals in existence, run them BACK TO BACK with the likely the harshest compound in general being tren.. there is absolutely nothing good that is going to come from this..

if you need this type of stack to "increase strength" then there are serious other issues going on there
Crazy stack, but thoughts , thoughts of throwing Tren a, anadrol, test ,and halo in a stack to increase strength to surpass or.. Tren 50 ed halo 20 ed anadrol 50ed test 400 weekly, drops week 1-5 halo 5-10 Tren 1-10 test 1-16
halotestin gave me the worst sides so I dont suggest it at all but you can swap it for something like tbol same results less sides

do I think your cycle is safe? NO! but I'm not your mom you're an adult so your choice.

I also think you dont follow how hard to inject ED trenbolone very painful.

possible stack for you 8 weeks
Trenbolone acetate 50mgs eod (every other day)
anadrol 25mgs ed
tbol 50mgs ed
testosterone enanthate 250mgs/week
cardarine gw 20mgs ed for tren cough and sides
n2guard 7caps ed for organ and liver support
aromasin 5mgs e3d for ai estrogen support

this cycle will work and you should post a log journal @gates on this cycle so we can follow you and help you

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My testosterone cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals
halotestin gave me the worst sides so I dont suggest it at all but you can swap it for something like tbol same results less sides

do I think your cycle is safe? NO! but I'm not your mom you're an adult so your choice.

I also think you dont follow how hard to inject ED trenbolone very painful.

possible stack for you 8 weeks
Trenbolone acetate 50mgs eod (every other day)
anadrol 25mgs ed
tbol 50mgs ed
testosterone enanthate 250mgs/week
cardarine gw 20mgs ed for tren cough and sides
n2guard 7caps ed for organ and liver support
aromasin 5mgs e3d for ai estrogen support

this cycle will work and you should post a log journal @gates on this cycle so we can follow you and help you

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My testosterone cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals
I always pin Tren ed when I run,seems easier to keep consistent I just rotate locations, never had a run with halo tho, only compound I’m not familiar with that I mentioned got some on hand and just thought about seeing how it effects me
i am against this stack but i would support with n2guard and a LOG
I did trenbolone and superdrol and even me with 1000mgs tren wont touch halo dont do it

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
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