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Hello everyone new to this site and looking for some information from some people that know more about this type of stuff. I’ve never ran any type of gear but I’m interested in trying out some test. My diet is very clean I lift every day im not a beginner to the gym. What would be a good test to run for my first time? Also I’m 26 years old if that matters.
yes age matters. you are at youngest age I would think to be ok...borderline....

Run test Cyp or test Enth doesnt matter which

Test e or c 350mg weekly aromasin on hand in case get your PCT lined up clomid nolva and hcgenerate... for the Test and aromasin.... ID get beligas or Pharmaqo test bro link to Domestic right below
yes age matters. you are at youngest age I would think to be ok...borderline....

Run test Cyp or test Enth doesnt matter which

Test e or c 350mg weekly aromasin on hand in case get your PCT lined up clomid nolva and hcgenerate... for the Test and aromasin.... ID get beligas or Pharmaqo test bro link to Domestic right below
Awesome thank you for the reply and advice I appreciate it!
Hello everyone new to this site and looking for some information from some people that know more about this type of stuff. I’ve never ran any type of gear but I’m interested in trying out some test. My diet is very clean I lift every day im not a beginner to the gym. What would be a good test to run for my first time? Also I’m 26 years old if that matters.
@Tyler5050 welcome to

Testosterone cycle is a start for you why not.

week 1-12
500mgs testosterone enanthate/week (split into 2 injections 250/250)
10mgs aromasin eod (anti estrogen)
7caps n2guard ed (organ liver support)

But to do this cycle we need to see your LOG journal with your diet, training, cardio, supplements so you can be guided properly on your first cycle.

If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your diet, training details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

Please post a Log Journal asap for us

Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT (orange color button) you see: +POST THREAD
click that

in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My first testosterone cycle Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle

here are examples of LOG Journals
How long should I run it?
12 weeks
Hello everyone new to this site and looking for some information from some people that know more about this type of stuff. I’ve never ran any type of gear but I’m interested in trying out some test. My diet is very clean I lift every day im not a beginner to the gym. What would be a good test to run for my first time? Also I’m 26 years old if that matters.
bro how bout tren with test?
500mgs test enan
n2guard aromasin and maybe an oral and MUST be a LOG posted

This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
500mgs testosteorne is standard 1st top gun cycle
and g2g would be to see your LOG posted
you are going to do what you want regardless but using steroids this young is just a bad idea long term... ive done videos on this and explained in detail as to why but you are still not fully developed and using steroids before you get to that point is not wise...
The problems with individuals that had not yet attained full physio-sexual development, is that that anabolic compounds are acting 9on locations within the central nervous system that are still under development. That is, that many receptors that are activated by Testosterone are STILL performing developmental functions, and you are stimulating them before they had the chance to fully create a working framework of hormonal balance that would sustain you for the rest of your adult life.
Hello everyone new to this site and looking for some information from some people that know more about this type of stuff. I’ve never ran any type of gear but I’m interested in trying out some test. My diet is very clean I lift every day im not a beginner to the gym. What would be a good test to run for my first time? Also I’m 26 years old if that matters.
Loads of info in our articles
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