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Test levels not high enough


I'm on Pharmacy grade doctor prescribed testosterone. I'm running 500 mg a week of testosterone cypionate. But my test levels are only at 1200. A friend of mine said this could be because I have high tolerance and good genetics so my body needs more steroids in the normal person. Have you ever seen anything like this and do you agree with my friend?
you should be 5-7 times what you are dosing... ideally on 500 mg of test you would be 3000-3500 range... clearly something is wrong here
I'm on Pharmacy grade doctor prescribed testosterone. I'm running 500 mg a week of testosterone cypionate. But my test levels are only at 1200. A friend of mine said this could be because I have high tolerance and good genetics so my body needs more steroids in the normal person. Have you ever seen anything like this and do you agree with my friend?

That's ass backwards. If you had good genes you wouldn't need them to begin with. And when you do and have lower than expected levels it's also a bad sign
Intermittent fasting of 12/12 will increase your testosterone level by up to 1200% and if you fast longer that number goes up, plus look at OSTAZOL-natural buster
how many weeks after you dose your levels ? cypionate is a long ester, wait 4~5 weeks to repeat the test.
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