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Test and tren ratio idea


I'm 35 years old
never used Trenbolone before
I'm seeking some tips as to what you recommend the ratio be of trenbolone vs. testosterone but in my situation it's different because I'm going to be using propionate and acetate esters.
I like doing Shorter esters and I don't mind injecting daily.
based on that what would your ratios be
100 of each eod see how your body takes it,then adjust,every1 is diff,I started at 50 ed..opinions will vary on here,it really comes down to what your body does with the compounds.start low .
i keep them equal... everyone has their own preference as well as body response.. ive always found keeping them equal or test just a small amount higher... generally i recommend 300/300 or 350 test and 300 tren...
I'm 35 years old
never used Trenbolone before
I'm seeking some tips as to what you recommend the ratio be of trenbolone vs. testosterone but in my situation it's different because I'm going to be using propionate and acetate esters.
I like doing Shorter esters and I don't mind injecting daily.
based on that what would your ratios be
i think test and tren can be 1 to 1
500mgs test 500mgs tren
usually 2 to 1 for me
500mgs tren 250mgs test
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