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Approved Log Supertest, Masteron, Superdrol 12 Weeks Cycle and Training Log

I’ll be honest with ya bud I’m probably not gonna start tracking my macros and calories for a few more weeks yet. I haven’t trained in almost 6 months. These first few weeks are just trying to build back good habits. So long as I’m eating relatively clean and enough protein then the tracking can wait…

Most importantly I need to just make sure I’m building the habit of training every day again.

I’ve just started the PEDs this week and eating pretty clean and got a few training sessions in and I’m up 6kg . I know it’s just glycogen stores filling back up but fuck it feels good getting back into it again and seeing immediate results, which I knew I would cos of muscle memory too and I’ve been a lot bigger than this…

But yeah with the tracking the food and stuff I’ll start that after the habit of training everyday is back as just my normal habitual routine. Should only take a few weeks. If I start trying to track calories and shit right now there’s a risk of it being too much and not following thru any of it. Baby steps at first…

I will however right out some of my training routines starting next week. I do the bro split so I’ll write it out between sets and post it on here after each session. So after a full week you’ll see what I do for training ect.
@Juice0704 i know its hard to get macros down
but how about we try with you tracking the foods at least get us the foods you eat

Alright legends. There you go with the screenshots of the workout I done just before…

Like I said nothing extreme in any sense of the word. Very easy going to ease back into it. (Especially with the legs) don’t wanna be crippled for the next 3 days… Even with this super easy workout I know my legs are still gonna cane tomorrow and Sunday. That first workout back for each muscle group and the post workout pain that comes with ahah.

Funny how it hurts so much and sucks while ya going through it but in a couple of months from now I’ll be flogging my body and wishing I could feel this type of soreness again. Aha
that looks like notes
can you please copy and paste the text here
you can get on on your phone and install the app (ADD TO HOME SCREEN) and easy to post on the forums
Another weigh in this morning… almost cracking that 100kg mark… haha holy. Coming on quick.

To answer some guys questions about what I eat , my standard day goes like this.

Brekky - oats made with full cream milk, 1 serve of caramel WPI, 1 serve peanut butter and honey

Smoko - yopro, granola, heaps of fruit, blueberries, strawberries, banana bit more honey on the granola.

Lunch - 2 x chicken and salad wraps (just convenient for work, has to be good to eat out of the esky half way thru the day, no microwave on work sites different sites all the time.

Pre workout - either generally will eat the yopro and granola plus fruit meal again at the moment cos I love it. But don’t mind having some cereal sometimes too.

Workout. Have a pre workout with maltodextrin and intravenous workout have a muscle nation protein water to drink thru my workout with more maltodextrin.

Post workout - 30g WPI plus more maltodextrin. Heaps of carbs pre, intra and post workout works a treat when tryna put on size.

In the past I’d have been having a heap of HGH and insulin with all this but not this time, not yet anyway….

Dinner - will eat 300g of rib eye most of the time but otherwise 300g chicken breast, heap of veges with it…

Pre bed - most of the time I’ll eat crunchy but before bed to be honest, not great I know but I enjoy my pre bed cereal.. and unless I’m trying to diet I usually always do this.. plus another whey protein shake usually too


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Another weigh in this morning… almost cracking that 100kg mark… haha holy. Coming on quick.

To answer some guys questions about what I eat , my standard day goes like this.

Brekky - oats made with full cream milk, 1 serve of caramel WPI, 1 serve peanut butter and honey

Smoko - yopro, granola, heaps of fruit, blueberries, strawberries, banana bit more honey on the granola.

Lunch - 2 x chicken and salad wraps (just convenient for work, has to be good to eat out of the esky half way thru the day, no microwave on work sites different sites all the time.

Pre workout - either generally will eat the yopro and granola plus fruit meal again at the moment cos I love it. But don’t mind having some cereal sometimes too.

Workout. Have a pre workout with maltodextrin and intravenous workout have a muscle nation protein water to drink thru my workout with more maltodextrin.

Post workout - 30g WPI plus more maltodextrin. Heaps of carbs pre, intra and post workout works a treat when tryna put on size.

In the past I’d have been having a heap of HGH and insulin with all this but not this time, not yet anyway….

Dinner - will eat 300g of rib eye most of the time but otherwise 300g chicken breast, heap of veges with it…

Pre bed - most of the time I’ll eat crunchy but before bed to be honest, not great I know but I enjoy my pre bed cereal.. and unless I’m trying to diet I usually always do this.. plus another whey protein shake usually too
@Juice0704 good diet, but i think you can go higher with protein here
post workout you need MORE protein way more

and pics of your HGH and insulin please

btw you look amazing shredded abs you're a BEAST wow
very lean base HOT
@Juice0704 good diet, but i think you can go higher with protein here
post workout you need MORE protein way more

and pics of your HGH and insulin please

btw you look amazing shredded abs you're a BEAST wow
very lean base HOT
I’m not taking HGH and insulin right now. I said in the past I have taken a heap during gaining phases but I’m not taking any of that right now
I’m not taking HGH and insulin right now. I said in the past I have taken a heap during gaining phases but I’m not taking any of that right now
ah i missed that thought you doing it now i see that
but you know you can get some OTC stuff to mimic insulin like n2slin X etc berberine based compounds
@Juice0704 keep sharing we all watching and subbed
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