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New Stack Options Coming Soon!


Thanks to the persistence of Dylan Gemelli, we will be adding some stack options to the site with a mix of SARMS and Peptides. Here are the three we will be adding this week...

Healing Stack: MK-2866, MK677, TB-500 and BPC-157

Sleep Aid Stack: MK677, Ipamorelin, CJC 1295 No Dac, GHRP-2

Fat Loss Stack: GW501516, SR9009, HGH Fragment 176-191, CJC 1295 No Dac, Ipamorelin

These stacks will have two options... One option will have ONE bottle of each and the other option will be geared towards a full stack with 3 of each. Discounts will be built into the stacks as they are posted! They will be available for purchase on or before Friday this week!

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