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Masteron and tren together?


I’m 47 years old
I want to try using masteron and trenbolone together in the same cycle. Should I run some orals or a light testosterone dose too or are these together good?
My goal is to recomp. And I workout 5 days a week, only take the weekends off.
The most well known and go to cutting cycle consists of Testosterone, Trenbolone and Masteron. Dylan's video really breaks down how to properly run this cycle so I would encourage you to watch it
I’m 47 years old
I want to try using masteron and trenbolone together in the same cycle. Should I run some orals or a light testosterone dose too or are these together good?
My goal is to recomp. And I workout 5 days a week, only take the weekends off.
I like masteron and trenbolone cycles.
200mgs masteron
200mgs trenbolone

but you can add a good testosterone base.
I’m 47 years old
I want to try using masteron and trenbolone together in the same cycle. Should I run some orals or a light testosterone dose too or are these together good?
My goal is to recomp. And I workout 5 days a week, only take the weekends off.
You dont need orals to recomp , low test like 250mg , with tren and masteron is all you need to get great shape . If you can afford 2ius hgh ED
I’m 47 years old
I want to try using masteron and trenbolone together in the same cycle. Should I run some orals or a light testosterone dose too or are these together good?
My goal is to recomp. And I workout 5 days a week, only take the weekends off.

Yeah why not?
Both together is very good. I used a tren test and mast mix and was the best cycle I've done
I’m 47 years old
I want to try using masteron and trenbolone together in the same cycle. Should I run some orals or a light testosterone dose too or are these together good?
My goal is to recomp. And I workout 5 days a week, only take the weekends off.
I'm 49 years old. Have done many cycles over years. Stopped for like 15 years started again 1.5 years ago. Have done most all but never Tren. OMG. Started Tren 100 week with Anavar and Gw50516 it's a must on Tren. No sides, cough except night sweats. Now cycle is Tren A 300mg week, 150 Monday and 150 Thursdays. 200mg Week Masteron E , 100 Monday, 100 Thursdays, Test Base Mix 200 E, 50 Prop, 150 Cyp. These are must adds with Tren. 20mg day of Gw50516 also known as Carderine and 250 mg of B6. You will get a Tren cough if you don't take that. It will also keep you blood pressure good and many other benefits. It's a Sarm. The B6 somebody builders say 500 mg but that's a lot. The most I would do is 250 but if you get dizzy or nauseous then I would lower the dosage. But it's very important it will help you with prolactin. Otherwise you'll have very limited side effects or none at all. I hope this helps but Tren, Masteron and Test is truly the holy Grail of Cycles. Add the GW and B6. Start tren your first cycle at 100 mg a week. 50 mg on Mondays 50 mg on Thursdays. I would tell you to do a not e. Because the a goes out of your system faster, your night sweats will go away faster when you're off of it. The first cycle I would only stay on for 6 weeks. Then go off of 4 weeks. This is what I did. Start your second cycle at TREN cuz once you do it once you'll know it's the best. My second cycle I did 100 mg on Mondays 100 mg on Thursdays but I did it for 10 weeks. I just started my third on this after going off of it for 10 weeks. I'm at 150 mg on Mondays and 150 mg on Thursdays 300 mg a week and I'm taking 200 mg of Masteron E. 100 mg on Mondays 100 mg on Thursdays. By the way, your libido will go off the roof in a good way. So anything else you're doing this will give you such a boost.
I'm 49 years old. Have done many cycles over years. Stopped for like 15 years started again 1.5 years ago. Have done most all but never Tren. OMG. Started Tren 100 week with Anavar and Gw50516 it's a must on Tren. No sides, cough except night sweats. Now cycle is Tren A 300mg week, 150 Monday and 150 Thursdays. 200mg Week Masteron E , 100 Monday, 100 Thursdays, Test Base Mix 200 E, 50 Prop, 150 Cyp. These are must adds with Tren. 20mg day of Gw50516 also known as Carderine and 250 mg of B6. You will get a Tren cough if you don't take that. It will also keep you blood pressure good and many other benefits. It's a Sarm. The B6 somebody builders say 500 mg but that's a lot. The most I would do is 250 but if you get dizzy or nauseous then I would lower the dosage. But it's very important it will help you with prolactin. Otherwise you'll have very limited side effects or none at all. I hope this helps but Tren, Masteron and Test is truly the holy Grail of Cycles. Add the GW and B6. Start tren your first cycle at 100 mg a week. 50 mg on Mondays 50 mg on Thursdays. I would tell you to do a not e. Because the a goes out of your system faster, your night sweats will go away faster when you're off of it. The first cycle I would only stay on for 6 weeks. Then go off of 4 weeks. This is what I did. Start your second cycle at TREN cuz once you do it once you'll know it's the best. My second cycle I did 100 mg on Mondays 100 mg on Thursdays but I did it for 10 weeks. I just started my third on this after going off of it for 10 weeks. I'm at 150 mg on Mondays and 150 mg on Thursdays 300 mg a week and I'm taking 200 mg of Masteron E. 100 mg on Mondays 100 mg on Thursdays. By the way, your libido will go off the roof in a good way. So anything else you're doing this will give you such a boost.
@DrCloser511 you're talking big numbers bro but why no log posted? strange
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