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how would you stack in testosterone here?


I have a question about stacking in testosterone. Wanted to run it 625mgs a week. Is this too much of a dose if I was going to use dbol and primo in a cycle?
So my primo dose I was thinking of doing it a hundred milligrams a day and then with the Dbol doing that 20 milligrams a day.
55 yrs old. Goal is bulking, first time stacking 3 steroids. I’m 188 pounds and 5’10’’
I have a question about stacking in testosterone. Wanted to run it 625mgs a week. Is this too much of a dose if I was going to use dbol and primo in a cycle?
So my primo dose I was thinking of doing it a hundred milligrams a day and then with the Dbol doing that 20 milligrams a day.
55 yrs old. Goal is bulking, first time stacking 3 steroids. I’m 188 pounds and 5’10’’
625mgs not sure thats needed

50mgs dbol
300mgs testosterone
200mgs primobolan
7caps n2guard
The idea behind Primo is not to get water retention so why are you using so much testosterone with it makes no sense to me
i feel like it could be too high IMO
well for bulking I would not run Primo at all forget it run Deca instead
Thats far too high and just not necessary...

test at 350, with 400-500 primo and no more than 30 mg of dbol and no more than 4 weeks with dbol
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