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Approved Log First cycle sport-TRT Log



on the guidance of the forums and @sambee38, I will realize my first question wasn’t properly presented….so.

name is Porch (not really) I’ll be 44 in a few days, height 5’8”, 195, probably 15% BFish. Not sure, have solid muscle mass but looking to make some adjustments.

been on TRT for about 3 years, at .6cc of 200mg Test C weekly. I do blood work annually with my Urologist and blood work annually with my GP for an overall Physical. This is divided to where I do one about each 6 months.

diet- not the best, good at times, shitty at others just being honest. Yeah I drink beer at times, have no problem eliminating that should a certain supplement make that a no-go.

supplements- TRT, Arimidex once weekly, 2mg Fina daily ( i know I know but I haven’t had any sides) curcumin and multi vitamins

sleep- good, 8 hrs most nights

training- 4-5 days a week weights and cardio mix. I work 1/2 the year away from home so each hotel presents a new challenge with training, but usually get something in .

goals- I’m not competing or playing any sport. I did 20 years in the Military and like to stay active and don’t wanna look like most dads at the ballpark (but I’m disciplined enough to avoid). But training is harder as I age and I’m noticing it

so….this is where I need the assistance of this group. I want to stack something with the Test, I think I ruled out Winny bc it seems to shed hair, I have a little vanity left. Maybe Var, or EQ or a SARM route. Test is my only experience. I’ll run N2Gaurd as needed with anything . I’ve known to many with bad shit to say about Tren and I don’t need any Anadrol or D-bol.

plenty of guys run gear around my local gym, but as I observe their behavior I see them as amateurs and I don’t want any advice from that group.

appreciate any advice, opinions, or fucked up comments, won’t hurt my feelings .
FIRST, what a breath of fresh air on your last sentence... it is BEYOND TIRING to deal with people that have the sensitivity of a woman going through menopause and only want to hear what they want as opposed to what they need to hear...

i would NOT run steroids at all... my guess if your body fat is probably higher than you assume and with an admittedly bad diet, steroids are not what you want to use whatsoever.. sarms would be the better option but understand, with a diet that is not dialed in, and is inconsistent or just "bad" you are really spinning your wheels and wont get anywhere... so just as long as you fully understand that, you are all good...

i would look at this sarms stack that would be more suitable to your goals.. obviously being on trt, you wont need any pct and i would continue on your normal trt dose and not increase it any further on this cycle.. i would strongly suggest cleaning up your diet and definitely limiting alcohol, especially beer intake...

for the best quality sarms check out

1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 AC-262 (Accadrine) 10 mg first two weeks then bump to 20 mg per day once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 n2guard

Mini pct 13-16

Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day

on the guidance of the forums and @sambee38, I will realize my first question wasn’t properly presented….so.

name is Porch (not really) I’ll be 44 in a few days, height 5’8”, 195, probably 15% BFish. Not sure, have solid muscle mass but looking to make some adjustments.

been on TRT for about 3 years, at .6cc of 200mg Test C weekly. I do blood work annually with my Urologist and blood work annually with my GP for an overall Physical. This is divided to where I do one about each 6 months.

diet- not the best, good at times, shitty at others just being honest. Yeah I drink beer at times, have no problem eliminating that should a certain supplement make that a no-go.

supplements- TRT, Arimidex once weekly, 2mg Fina daily ( i know I know but I haven’t had any sides) curcumin and multi vitamins

sleep- good, 8 hrs most nights

training- 4-5 days a week weights and cardio mix. I work 1/2 the year away from home so each hotel presents a new challenge with training, but usually get something in .

goals- I’m not competing or playing any sport. I did 20 years in the Military and like to stay active and don’t wanna look like most dads at the ballpark (but I’m disciplined enough to avoid). But training is harder as I age and I’m noticing it

so….this is where I need the assistance of this group. I want to stack something with the Test, I think I ruled out Winny bc it seems to shed hair, I have a little vanity left. Maybe Var, or EQ or a SARM route. Test is my only experience. I’ll run N2Gaurd as needed with anything . I’ve known to many with bad shit to say about Tren and I don’t need any Anadrol or D-bol.

plenty of guys run gear around my local gym, but as I observe their behavior I see them as amateurs and I don’t want any advice from that group.

appreciate any advice, opinions, or fucked up comments, won’t hurt my feelings .
@Porch24 first we will help you and not give you negative comments, we are a community of support and love not negativity :)

I like the start of this log and I think you're on the right track.

For your TRT, I would make it sports-TRT add 50mgs anavar and 20mgs cardarine with 7caps n2guard to start off just orals to be safe.

a few more things please

diet, please share your foods, meals when you eat them and time post it
training , training weights reps sets and amounts
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

share pics of your face blurred
pictures of food you eat, meals
pictures of some training
pictures of your GEAR thats crucial post it up, TRT gear
@Porch24 first we will help you and not give you negative comments, we are a community of support and love not negativity :)

I like the start of this log and I think you're on the right track.

For your TRT, I would make it sports-TRT add 50mgs anavar and 20mgs cardarine with 7caps n2guard to start off just orals to be safe.

a few more things please

diet, please share your foods, meals when you eat them and time post it
training , training weights reps sets and amounts
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

share pics of your face blurred
pictures of food you eat, meals
pictures of some training
pictures of your GEAR thats crucial post it up, TRT gear
@Porch24 first we will help you and not give you negative comments, we are a community of support and love not negativity :)

I like the start of this log and I think you're on the right track.

For your TRT, I would make it sports-TRT add 50mgs anavar and 20mgs cardarine with 7caps n2guard to start off just orals to be safe.

a few more things please

diet, please share your foods, meals when you eat them and time post it
training , training weights reps sets and amounts
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.

share pics of your face blurred
pictures of food you eat, meals
pictures of some training
pictures of your GEAR thats crucial post it up, TRT gear
copy All.
Definitely make sure you're getting pictures up immediately so that you can compare and contrast your progression and it also allows us to see what kind of physique you have
I’ll get something up. However, remember guys, there isn’t a contest coming up….ever. I’m just a regular dude that can probably do a little better.

My training plan is whatever happens that day, sometimes it’s farmer walks in a sand pit. Sometimes it’s burpees for 20 minutes. DLs, pull-ups, dips…I’m training for life my man.

Diet- I do a lot of intermittent fasting. I try to follow the basics of meat and veggies. I don’t take any protein supplements. When at work sometimes the requested meals don’t arrive and you get whatever shows up. When you don’t have another opportunity for 8 hrs you eat it.

I’m going to try and refine the details and get a little more accountable, cut out some beers and make a few obvious changes.

Thanks again gents .
can you please post up an example of what you eat on a daily basis
we get the concept of your diet and it sounds good but can you put it
check out the other logs and how things are structured
it's important to post up your daily diet and training information
we definitely need some pictures of yourself
stay Anonymous by blurring out your face or cropping it
thank you for starting this log it has some good potential
15% body fat we definitely need to get that down closer to 10%
you will do good on this log just make sure you are following Our advice
check in with us as often as possible
your diet on the surface sounds really good
now make sure you follow up and let us know what you're eating
FIRST, what a breath of fresh air on your last sentence... it is BEYOND TIRING to deal with people that have the sensitivity of a woman going through menopause and only want to hear what they want as opposed to what they need to hear...

i would NOT run steroids at all... my guess if your body fat is probably higher than you assume and with an admittedly bad diet, steroids are not what you want to use whatsoever.. sarms would be the better option but understand, with a diet that is not dialed in, and is inconsistent or just "bad" you are really spinning your wheels and wont get anywhere... so just as long as you fully understand that, you are all good...

i would look at this sarms stack that would be more suitable to your goals.. obviously being on trt, you wont need any pct and i would continue on your normal trt dose and not increase it any further on this cycle.. i would strongly suggest cleaning up your diet and definitely limiting alcohol, especially beer intake...

for the best quality sarms check out

1-12 GW-501516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 AC-262 (Accadrine) 10 mg first two weeks then bump to 20 mg per day once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 (ANDARINE) 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 n2guard

Mini pct 13-16

Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
What form, power, gel, or sub-L is best for the above mentioned products?.
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