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Doing a 4 compound stack need advice


5 foot 10
15% body fat
I'm looking for on a 4 compound stack let me know what you think
testosterone cypionate 200 mg a week
masteron enanthate 500mg a week
equipoise EQ 500 mg a week
anavar 6 weeks 50 mg a day
my goals are to build more muscle and lose fat at the same time. I'm going to be running the perfect PCT and this is my 4 Cycle
5 foot 10
15% body fat
I'm looking for on a 4 compound stack let me know what you think
testosterone cypionate 200 mg a week
masteron enanthate 500mg a week
equipoise EQ 500 mg a week
anavar 6 weeks 50 mg a day
my goals are to build more muscle and lose fat at the same time. I'm going to be running the perfect PCT and this is my 4 Cycle

That's a pretty hardcore stack I like it.

I would bump your test cyp to 400mgs and drop masteron to 200mgs, also drop EQ to 400mgs and run anavar for 8 weeks not 6, add n2guard to make sure liver and kidneys are clean.

Perfect pct is good but you need it for at least 8 weeks to recover from this cycle.
5 foot 10
15% body fat
I'm looking for on a 4 compound stack let me know what you think
testosterone cypionate 200 mg a week
masteron enanthate 500mg a week
equipoise EQ 500 mg a week
anavar 6 weeks 50 mg a day
my goals are to build more muscle and lose fat at the same time. I'm going to be running the perfect PCT and this is my 4 Cycle
bro this stack seems weak as fuck

double doses across board and add in some tren
5 foot 10
15% body fat
I'm looking for on a 4 compound stack let me know what you think
testosterone cypionate 200 mg a week
masteron enanthate 500mg a week
equipoise EQ 500 mg a week
anavar 6 weeks 50 mg a day
my goals are to build more muscle and lose fat at the same time. I'm going to be running the perfect PCT and this is my 4 Cycle
At 45 years old this is plenty of gear to get results.
im not seeing the point of masteron at your current body fat bro... thats really the only issue i see... dosing looks good on everything you have listed etc... you could drop the masteron for the sarms s23 and rad140 here as well... that would be a great option
I am not a huge fan of recomp to be honest. I would rather you cut a little first and then look to add lean muscle. If you stick with your goal though, you definitely don't need that much gear. If it was me, I would keep the test at 200mg per week, drop all the other compounds, and add deca at 400mg per week.
You may want to reconsider the masteron use on this particular cycle. I do not see it being necessary at your current body fat. Have you thought about using proviron instead and then possibly something like RAD-140 and/or S4 in there? That would likely provide the best result for what you are wanting as opposed to masteron.
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