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All weekend long earn 2x loyalty points at Purity Source Labs on all your orders.

Feb 10th & 11th 2024 ONLY


Not much time left. Get in on DOUBLE rewards points while you still can!

TRT blend will soon be "permanently" discontinued once sold out.. Buy it now before it's gone​

Some products in this market have made a tremendous statement, and others not so much.
For the most beloved and staple item that was one of PSL's flagship compounds "The Gold line TRT blend" will unfortunately be discontinued after all available stock has been liquidated.

We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause for some of our customers that have absolutely loved this product, and have implemented this inside of their own personal TRT therapeutic protocols.

With this being said, we will still of course offer regular and standard oils in which people can purchase, customizing their own dosages and ratios with testosterone cypionate/testosterone E with Masteron E..

Stock up now while supplies last, because once this epic and novelty compound is gone, it will be no more.
This will be the end of a phenomenal era.

💉EP TRT Plus - 400mg/ml 10ml/vial - Euro-Pharmacies GOLD HPLC lab test results💉

((click the RED SALES banner below for direct store access))


((click the RED SALES banner below for direct store access))

EP's TRT Blend / Testosterone enanthate 200mg/mL - Masteron Enanthate 200mg/mL - 400mg/mL ON SALE NOW!

Chemical Name:Testosterone, Drostanolone
Comes In: 10ml vial - 400 mg/ml:
Testosterone Enanthate 200mg
Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg
Dosage: 200-1000mg/week
Active time: Approx 21 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid
Shipping from Europe

Why the TRT blend?

Testosterone replacement therapy is as much an art as it is a science. understands this concept this is why EP has designed and engineered the most sought-after ratio of hormones on the anabolic market today.
Through the treatment of Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) one should be given based on symptoms instead of blood values.
If you have no energy. Esp, gain fat easily, have trouble putting on muscle, have a low libido, and suffer from depression, you may need TRT.
Especially if you feel this after a cycle/blast with a so-called successful "PCT"..
Some benefits of this TRT stack may come rather quickly, such as increased libido as this may/can improve within weeks,
as can depression subsiding, loss of body fat and an increase in muscle and a overall sense of well being!

Androgen replacement therapy (ART), often referred to as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), is a class of hormone replacement therapy in which androgens,
often testosterone, are replaced (and can be utilized for cruises between cycles/blasts).
ART is often prescribed to counter the effects of male hypogonadism.
It typically involves the administration of testosterone through injections of Testosterone.

ART is also employed after a cycle/blast for those that wish to stay "ON" to lessen the effects of being shut down, as user may notice changes caused by a relative decline in testosterone:
TRT is employed to avoid fewer erections, fatigue, thinning skin, declining muscle mass and strength, more body fat.
Dissatisfaction with these changes causes some users to lose appetite,
and most gains made during their cycle. Most of all, TRT/cruise is utilized to help keep that healthy state of
well-being while giving their body a rest between cycles/blasts..

The addition of Masteron in the blend is partially due to its anti-estrogen properties, and we say this for great reason. Masteron is a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone)
and does not convert to estrogen through the means of aromatization. It is thought that the anti-estrogenic properties of Masteron
may be in part to do with either an inhibition in some way of the aromatase enzyme or an interaction with estrogen itself in a way which blocks receptor binding of the estrogen.

Either way, it's a WIN-WIN for this would put Masteron as a useful tool for the AAS user and specifically for those that cruise on low "T" doses who wish to inhibit the conversion of T to estrogen.
By inhibiting the aromatase enzyme, Masteron would be in effect blocking the conversion of testosterone to estrogen by the aromatization pathway Yielding great levels of Free usable test.

This would not only serve to marginally increase the amounts of active free testosterone in circulation (thus giving a greater effect of the
testosterone during a TRT treatment or cruise)..Most TRT users report almost no need for AI's during this treatment with Low to moderate Testosterone ran concurrently with Masteron.
Average Testosterone Enanthate doses are anywhere from 125mgs to 250mgs weekly, with just 200mgs a week of Masteron creating a match made in heaven, a complimentary duo!
(We suggest getting blood-work to reinforce these statements that are made)

For those on TRT or who blast & cruise, this blend is truly the master of all. Leading the way with what would probably be consider the BEST blend ratio mix
and hormones serving numerous functions. out did themselves with this one.

They can range from 400mg a week up too 1000mg. One unique property with the cocktail is that you don't need much and 1mL weekly
could prove to be a perfect dosages for just about anyone, especially those who are new to using low to moderate dosages.

((click the RED SALES banner below for direct store access))
THE WHOLE GOLD-LINE will soon be "permanently" discontinued once sold out.. Buy it now before it's gone.. PSL
Yes that is correct, the whole GOLD-LINE by EP will be gone forever once sold, making room for NEW products, NEW look, and a all NEW ERA!
Change is not an event, it's a process for BIGGER & BETTER GROWTH!
Some products in this market have made a tremendous statement, and others not so much.
For some of the most beloved and staple GOLD-LINE items that made a huge statement in the market will unfortunately be discontinued after all available stock has been liquidated.

We apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause for some of our customers that have absolutely loved all of these products, and have implemented these inside of their own personal TRT therapeutic protocols, blasts & cruises and cycles.

With this being said, we will still of course offer regular and standard oils in which people can purchase, customizing their own dosages and ratios.

Stock up now while supplies last, because once this epic and novelty compound is gone, it will be no more.
This will be the end of a phenomenal era.



Testosterone Propionate - 100mg/Ml 10ml/Vial - Only 20 👏 "Smackers"🌎
Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) - 100mg/Ml. 10ml vial Only 25 👏 "Smackers"🌎
Winstrol oily 50mg/ml 10 ml vial Only 25 👏 "Smackers"🌎
Super drol - 10mg/Tab, 100 Pills/Bag - Euro-Pharmacies Only 29 👏 "Smackers"🌎
Anastrozolex 1mg 50 tabs Only 35 👏 "Smackers"🌎










Check out we have alot on sale. If we can assist you in any way please feel free to reach out



10mg/25mg EP Dbol (5-STAR ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)
10mg/25mg EP Stano (5-STAR ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)


Just a few moves away, so save that pep in your step and use it up on these SALES!

Methandionex 10 (Dianabol) Just - 35👏 snaps & claps
Methandionex 25 (Dianabol) Just - 40👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 10 (Winstrol) Just - 35👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 25 (Winstrol) Just - 40👏 snaps & claps
Methandionex 10 (Dianabol) Just - 25👏 snaps & claps
Methandionex 25 (Dianabol) Just - 29👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 10 (Winstrol) Just - 25👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 25 (Winstrol) Just - 29👏 snaps & claps

Dbol & Winny all the prices have taken major slash ups into these last final days before going into the cutting spring/summer season!


DBOL 10mg EP

DBOL 25mg EP

STANO 10mg


STANO 25mg


Just a few moves away, so save that pep in your step and use it up on these SALES!

Methandionex 10 (Dianabol) Just - 35👏 snaps & claps
Methandionex 25 (Dianabol) Just - 40👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 10 (Winstrol) Just - 35👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 25 (Winstrol) Just - 40👏 snaps & claps
Methandionex 10 (Dianabol) Just - 25👏 snaps & claps
Methandionex 25 (Dianabol) Just - 29👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 10 (Winstrol) Just - 25👏 snaps & claps
Stanozolex 25 (Winstrol) Just - 29👏 snaps & claps

Lots of sales over at come see what we have to offer. Best in class oral and injectable aas, sex aids, pct products, hgh. Peptides, sarms. Psl is your one stop shop
Double Reward Points (Limited time) THIS WEEKEND
$$"It's that time of the year"$$

Double Reward Points (Limited time) THIS WEEKEND...
This time of the year people fall into 3 categories..,Those that owe, those that do not, and those that expect a refund..
If your one the lucky ones that expects a return and plans to have some disposable cash once you receive your restitution from Uncle Sam, then take a moment and envision what you will do with it?

For those unlucky few, have no worries as PSL is here to cover your back when Uncle Sam turns his...
We believe in right, and raising the standard, as we are committed to solutions!


...Here's the bottom line, think about your waistline....

You handle your tax preparation, and our team will handle your cycle preparation, and we will reward you with extra the points so you can earn more gear, with more points, and prepare for the spring/summer season ahead!

All orders for this weakened will automatically generate 2x the loyalty points, earned DOUBLE, and your saving will build FAST!
Double Reward Points (Limited time) THIS Weekend....

If you have any questions and/or concerns please do not hesitate to private message one of our Representatives, or myself...
PSL Team Supervisor - Vision

If you have ANY questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or any of the other Team PSL reps. We are here to help YOU!

We have an ongoing sale which you can read about right here on Anabolex! PSL~ 2 Week Easter Extravaganza ~PSL

Have a great day everyone :)

40iu Eurotropin 13,33mg (1 vial x 40iu) - 191aa etc - Euro-Pharmacies​

Supplier: Euro-pharmacies,Europe
Chemical Name:Somatropinum
Comes In: 40IU vial(13.3mg)

Dosage: Men 2-6IU total daily
Active time: Varies by injection method
Class:Growth Hormone
Shipping from Europe


Placed order 7 days ago and touchdown! I've only tried the EP Clen and EQ which I was very happy with. Looking forward to sharing results/experience.

Thank you PSL!
Thank you very much for your review and TD photo sir! I`m confident I speak for the entire team when I say we are very pleased to hear you`ve had a positive experience :)

Let us know how you like the products once you get going with them although I`m very confident you will be more than happy with them :)

Take care and if you need anything please do not hesitate to reach out :)

Team PSL

Thank you very much for your review and TD photo sir! I`m confident I speak for the entire team when I say we are very pleased to hear you`ve had a positive experience :)

Let us know how you like the products once you get going with them although I`m very confident you will be more than happy with them :)

Take care and if you need anything please do not hesitate to reach out :)

Team PSL
The tren ethanate was fire brother! Serious beast mode when using it!!
All of your products that I have used have been fantastic! You are a one stop shop my friend. Thank you!
2x rewards points weekend Is on again. Get those orders in and get diubke points to use on future orders.
The tren ethanate was fire brother! Serious beast mode when using it!!
All of your products that I have used have been fantastic! You are a one stop shop my friend. Thank you!
Happy to hear you're satisfied with out products! :)
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