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bad sides on sarms

i am using mutagenic labs for these sarms i got from here in wales over the counter and the sides are weird. I am doing LGD and S4. are these sides normal? I am having a tough time sleeping and waking up with sweats and dry mouth. I also am getting dizzy and my blood pressure came in really high.
i am using mutagenic labs for these sarms i got from here in wales over the counter and the sides are weird. I am doing LGD and S4. are these sides normal? I am having a tough time sleeping and waking up with sweats and dry mouth. I also am getting dizzy and my blood pressure came in really high.

Those sarms sound like they are prohormones. I heard mutagenic labs was giving guys superdrol instead of sarms, that's way off base.
those aren't the sides you would get from real sarms

the UK seems to be the wild west with sarms, anyone can sell anything and call it sarms over there
I say this about anything you could take......if it negatively effects you like that, stop taking it. Those are clearly not real SARMs. Next time stick to our approved source
Definitely drop them immediately! Not sarms at all , I've been on legitimate Lgd and S4 for 2 months now and rad plus GW and I have none of that at all those sides are not common and won't happen with legitimate sarms. I have none of those issues , matter fact last 2 weeks when I had 2 go into the hospital my blood pressure was great
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