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Approaching SARMS cycle start date. Need help checking the final boxes


Approaching SARMS start date…need help checking the final boxes

At 48 years old, my first PED experience in 15 years is about to begin.

When attacking any goal, I always begin with the end in mind and I focus on my
“foundation” first. Therefore, after a bunch of research and setting my ego on a shelf, I decided on Dylan’s “Healing Stack” suggestion below to address a couple nagging injuries, like tendonitis in my right achilles tendon, left peroneal tendon and right tennis elbow (yeah…my late 40’s have been painful).

I have a few concerns and questions for you those with experience.

1.) Genetically I have low HDL (32-38) and this stack could significantly lower it based on my research. Outside of eating Omega3 rich food like it’s my job, is there any way I can counter that potential drop in HDL?

2.) It seems everyone around here recommends N2Gaurd when taking SARMS. Can someone please explain to me why this is, specifically? I need clinical reasoning, so please get detailed if you can.

3.) MK-677 is said to result in water retention in some people, but Dylan discusses that is usually because of an imbalance of sodium and potassium. I definitely do not get enough potassium. Looking for a specific potassium supplement suggestions. There are a million of them out there. What have you used?

4.) Supplement Suggestions
PED free for years, I typically take creatine, glutamine peptides, multi-vitamin, fish oil, Tribulus, protein powder, etc. I plan on cutting out the creatine and glutamine when I start the cycle, but I am curious what supplements you all recommend I run during this cycle and why?

5.) Multiple folks here asked me to log my progress on the board. Should I do that in this thread or is there a recommended format for this?

My Bloods Pre-cycle (4/1):
Test - 428
Test Free - 65
IGF-1 - 152
Estodiol - <15
Thyroglobulin <.9
LDL - 100
HDL - 35
Triglycerides - 90
( I have a full workup in case anyone needs more info)

48 years old
218 lbs
20% BF


Most of my training deploys dynamic movements with a ton of core activation to build pillar strength. Much of what I do is based on EXOS (Mark Verstegen) formerly “Core Performance”. I blend in a lot of traditional lifts as well including squat, dumbbell bench and deadlift.

I recently added in KOT and ATG components as well, which seems to be helping my knees a bit.


I do not have time to track my macros and do crazy meal prepping. I am simply eliminating simple carbs. Adding high fiber carbs and watching my total carb intake with a minimum of 200 grams of protein daily.

Also thinking about launching this cycle with a month of full-ketogenic diet to shred fat and then transition to a cyclical keto diet. 5 days on and 2 days off OR increase my carbs and start intermittent fasting. All of which, I have experience with. Side note: I love the cognitive benefits of keto, but I definitely lost muscle mass while on it. No PED’s obviously, but still. Still hammering out my diet plans obviously.

Recomp to 215 lbs with 13% BF and be strong as hell while improving my range of motion.

I am excited beyond words, yet cautiously optimistic because of my age and abuse my body took over years of competitive sports. Time will tell.

Healing Stack:
1-12 Mk677 (NUTROBAL) 25 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m.

1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.

1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

9-12 N2generate

Mini pct 13-16

Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day

NOTE: If tolerated well, I may stay on MK677 for up to 6 months.

That’s it!

Please fire away bros. If it is not obvious, I am a fanatic for details so please don’t hold back. Get clinical, offer advice, suggestions, criticism, etc.

Thanks for all your help in getting here!

1. adding gw501516 will be a huge benefit to your cholesterol and definitely something to consider but it shouldnt be anything drastic here either...

2. the only sarm you see it recommended, at least by me, is with yk11 because it has some methylation and its going to carry toxicity but other than that, i always tell people its a great option to take year round for preventative reasons but you dont HAVE to take it on sarms stacks generally... pct is another story where it has multiple benefits, more so after a steroid cycle but on cycle, im not sure who is recommending that with sarms? I do recommend n2generate the last four cycles but that is to transition into pct and help mitigate any sort of on cycle suppression

3. you would NEVER depend on a potassium supplement... generally they are capped at 99 mg per serving which is 2% of your daily value... you need to work on your diet and potassium rich foods... a simple google search will give you large lists of said foods...

4. thats entirely up to you... each person has different wants/needs

i take things like dandelion root, fish oil, flax seed oil, vitamin d, coq10, glutamine but thats just me... not like you have anything you need to take alongside here... as i mentioned earlier, i use n2guard year round and that covers a lot of the bases.. .i just like extra of dandelion root for example and coq10 so i take them on their own as well...

5. Just start a new thread calling it something like Maverick602 Sarms4Sale Healing Stack Log or something like that
Approaching SARMS start date…need help checking the final boxes

At 48 years old, my first PED experience in 15 years is about to begin.

When attacking any goal, I always begin with the end in mind and I focus on my
“foundation” first. Therefore, after a bunch of research and setting my ego on a shelf, I decided on Dylan’s “Healing Stack” suggestion below to address a couple nagging injuries, like tendonitis in my right achilles tendon, left peroneal tendon and right tennis elbow (yeah…my late 40’s have been painful).

I have a few concerns and questions for you those with experience.

1.) Genetically I have low HDL (32-38) and this stack could significantly lower it based on my research. Outside of eating Omega3 rich food like it’s my job, is there any way I can counter that potential drop in HDL?

2.) It seems everyone around here recommends N2Gaurd when taking SARMS. Can someone please explain to me why this is, specifically? I need clinical reasoning, so please get detailed if you can.

3.) MK-677 is said to result in water retention in some people, but Dylan discusses that is usually because of an imbalance of sodium and potassium. I definitely do not get enough potassium. Looking for a specific potassium supplement suggestions. There are a million of them out there. What have you used?

4.) Supplement Suggestions
PED free for years, I typically take creatine, glutamine peptides, multi-vitamin, fish oil, Tribulus, protein powder, etc. I plan on cutting out the creatine and glutamine when I start the cycle, but I am curious what supplements you all recommend I run during this cycle and why?

5.) Multiple folks here asked me to log my progress on the board. Should I do that in this thread or is there a recommended format for this?

My Bloods Pre-cycle (4/1):
Test - 428
Test Free - 65
IGF-1 - 152
Estodiol - <15
Thyroglobulin <.9
LDL - 100
HDL - 35
Triglycerides - 90
( I have a full workup in case anyone needs more info)

48 years old
218 lbs
20% BF


Most of my training deploys dynamic movements with a ton of core activation to build pillar strength. Much of what I do is based on EXOS (Mark Verstegen) formerly “Core Performance”. I blend in a lot of traditional lifts as well including squat, dumbbell bench and deadlift.

I recently added in KOT and ATG components as well, which seems to be helping my knees a bit.


I do not have time to track my macros and do crazy meal prepping. I am simply eliminating simple carbs. Adding high fiber carbs and watching my total carb intake with a minimum of 200 grams of protein daily.

Also thinking about launching this cycle with a month of full-ketogenic diet to shred fat and then transition to a cyclical keto diet. 5 days on and 2 days off OR increase my carbs and start intermittent fasting. All of which, I have experience with. Side note: I love the cognitive benefits of keto, but I definitely lost muscle mass while on it. No PED’s obviously, but still. Still hammering out my diet plans obviously.

Recomp to 215 lbs with 13% BF and be strong as hell while improving my range of motion.

I am excited beyond words, yet cautiously optimistic because of my age and abuse my body took over years of competitive sports. Time will tell.

Healing Stack:
1-12 Mk677 (NUTROBAL) 25 mg day dosed once a day in the p.m.

1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.

1-12 Mk2866 (OSTABOLIC) 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

9-12 N2generate

Mini pct 13-16

Clomid 50/25/25/25 OR Nolva 40/20/20/20
Gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day

NOTE: If tolerated well, I may stay on MK677 for up to 6 months.

That’s it!

Please fire away bros. If it is not obvious, I am a fanatic for details so please don’t hold back. Get clinical, offer advice, suggestions, criticism, etc.

Thanks for all your help in getting here!

will go point by point

1) i would eat a lot of omega 3 fish and drink fish oil and krill oil

2) n2guard helps keep liver detoxed and body ready in working order with organs clean too
any foreign substance you need an organ cleanse

3) get some keto electrolyte powders they are high in potassium

4) i would just stick to n2guard and preworkout 3 caps ostazol m1mk, thats a power pump supplement i use it super pumps

5) you can just open a new thread
any format you'd like but basically updates on you progress every few days is good

6) LOG this please
i use n2guard each sarms cycle, using it now my values amazing with it i suggest it organ support a must

and log this sarms cycle we waiting
you should eat more fatty foods to get cholesterol up
and add a lot of fish krill oils

for n2guard i suggest it because im on it now and was for last 7 years

LOG LOG LOG we want to see a good log
get some fish oil and eat more fatty foods

get n2guard its an organ support must

use otc basics but preworkout I'm hitting M1MK 5 caps the pumps are unreal like literally crazy

overall log format use SARMS Log ___weeks not sure how long you deciding

We want to see a hot log from you
I want to see a log of this whole thing
you say you going to clean up your diet, i hope you do a lot more cardio
you should be using n2guard on any cycle sarms or steroids
we all do it and my blood work is gold

for the diet I hope you plan to at least eat 200grams of protein/ed

and LOG for us very detailed if you can
This thread/post was reviewed by our Medical Review board.

This thread/post/message was also fact checked by Steven Darwin, MD and our medical review board.

Full editorial process was followed, and please read our medical disclaimer, check our editorial process.
1. adding gw501516 will be a huge benefit to your cholesterol and definitely something to consider but it shouldnt be anything drastic here either...

2. the only sarm you see it recommended, at least by me, is with yk11 because it has some methylation and its going to carry toxicity but other than that, i always tell people its a great option to take year round for preventative reasons but you dont HAVE to take it on sarms stacks generally... pct is another story where it has multiple benefits, more so after a steroid cycle but on cycle, im not sure who is recommending that with sarms? I do recommend n2generate the last four cycles but that is to transition into pct and help mitigate any sort of on cycle suppression

3. you would NEVER depend on a potassium supplement... generally they are capped at 99 mg per serving which is 2% of your daily value... you need to work on your diet and potassium rich foods... a simple google search will give you large lists of said foods...

4. thats entirely up to you... each person has different wants/needs

i take things like dandelion root, fish oil, flax seed oil, vitamin d, coq10, glutamine but thats just me... not like you have anything you need to take alongside here... as i mentioned earlier, i use n2guard year round and that covers a lot of the bases.. .i just like extra of dandelion root for example and coq10 so i take them on their own as well...

5. Just start a new thread calling it something like Maverick602 Sarms4Sale Healing Stack Log or something like that
Thans Dylan.

1) I was thinking about throwing in GW51516, but I am going to wait on that. When stacking, it can be tough to tell the individual effects of each compound.

2) We're good here.

3) You are so right. I have not tracked potassium in my diet, but when you mentioned that, I added up my common daily intake and I am already at 3000-3500 mg per day with avocado, banana, beans, onions, scallions, etc. I won't have to worry much about supplements here.

Thanks for the additional suggestions!

As far as YL11, I read your comments a couple times, but I am not clear on what you mean. Are you saying you would recommend adding it to the "healing stack" and for what reason?
will go point by point

1) i would eat a lot of omega 3 fish and drink fish oil and krill oil

2) n2guard helps keep liver detoxed and body ready in working order with organs clean too
any foreign substance you need an organ cleanse

3) get some keto electrolyte powders they are high in potassium

4) i would just stick to n2guard and preworkout 3 caps ostazol m1mk, thats a power pump supplement i use it super pumps

5) you can just open a new thread
any format you'd like but basically updates on you progress every few days is good

6) LOG this please
Thanks Bro.

1) I am going to add in more fish oil and flax seed oil. Have not used krill oil in the past and don't know anything about it. I will;l do some reading.

2) I read through the ingredients and most are nothing new. I have taken many of them over the years, but not in this concentration and mixture. I will trust everyone on here that this combination works well.

3) I think my diet already give me what I need, but I have Keto powder high in potassium so thanks for the heads up. (I am going to post another thread asking for everyone to share thoughts on their experiences being on KETO while using PED's. I know you have mentioned in the past cycling KETO, so I would like to hear more about that experience.

4) Thanks for the recommendations. I have two check out idea what it is about. Sounds interesting tho.

5) Will do
you should eat more fatty foods to get cholesterol up
and add a lot of fish krill oils

for n2guard i suggest it because im on it now and was for last 7 years

LOG LOG LOG we want to see a good log

Thank you! On a side note, I would like your input about being on the keto diet while on Sarms or PED's in general.
I want to see a log of this whole thing
you say you going to clean up your diet, i hope you do a lot more cardio
I will log everything I can. I forgot to mention cardio. I do at least two days of hard cardio for 45 min sessions. In addition, one of my training sessions is total body with no rest. It's intense. I try to hit 3 days total of cardio , but with my schedule, that is tough.
Rather than get technical (requires more work than I care to do) why not do your own research on N2Guards ingredients?
I already did that. I am familiar with most if not all of the compounds within N2Gaurd, but often it is all about the dosage and combination of components that makes a product effective.
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