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Anyone having issues?

I’m hoping to either narrow down - or hopefully eliminate - an issue I experienced recently. I’ll try to keep this short as possible. A little background first - im a 50 year old from Nova Scotia. Been training most of my adult life & a regular user of anabolics. I was lucky enough to have a regular supply guy with quality gear for the last 14 years. Unfortunately-he’s moved out of Canada this past summer & starting searching for a reputable replacement.

I came across this site & another site back in October - both seem to have solid content & trusted information. Most importantly for me - they have verified suppliers who ship within Canada. I did a lot of research & reading on both & decided to place a small order through one of the verified suppliers on this page. I ordered two - 10ml bottles of Test E & 1 bottle of 100 dbol. No problems at all with ordering & shipping.

I Received exactly what I ordered & arrived the day I expected. The only thing that seemed a bit off was the Test E. Ive seen hundreds of bottles of ot before - & these 2 bottles seemed fairly “ watery “ & lighter in colour than normal. I realize changes in texture & appearance is common with non pharmaceutical grade stuff - so I didn’t sweat it. My plan was 2 pins / 1ml each per week …and use 3 of the 10mg Dbol daily for the first 4 weeks ( along with liver support) . Ive never had issues with anabolics ever ( that includes Tren A & E over the years) …and I’ve done some pretty big doses on cycles in the past.

I started early December…first 2 weeks - everything seemed ok. Very little site injection pain, started to see weight increase after week 1 - & had that familiar feeling when the Dbol starts to kick in. Some point in the third week. My urine turned dark - very quickly . Using Dbol in past, if I saw a slight change in urine - I’d up my water intake or liver support & it would be back to normal. I did the same this time - but nothing changed. After about day 4 of darkened urine , I woke up day 5 with what felt like the worst flu ever x 50! I called my cousin (who’s an ER nurse). Told her everything darkened urine, high fever, bad cough & chest congestion. She asked how often was I urinating - it was then realized I hadn’t urinated in over 24 hours. She said you need to get into the hospital ASAP.

I arrive at the emergency department - after my assessment-I was taken directly into the main area ( which never happens in Canada! ) looking around & seeing 3 nurses & 2 doctors around my bed - obviously something was seriously wrong with me.
After a couple of hours ( lost track of time to be honest) ..I was eventually wheeled down to ICU where I stayed for 11 days. Not to sound dramatic - but I thought I was not going to make it. Day 8 things started turning around much better. By day 11 I was good enough to go home. My discharge report said it was Sepsis Pneumonia. Ive never heard of Sepsis before - so of course I did a ton of research on it while resting at home.

When you see the ways Sepsis can enter your body - the first thing I thought of was “ could it be from the UG lab product I’ve been taking? “ - I’m not sure. Right now I’m home still in recovery. Sepsis takes up to 3-4 months to recover fully. My mission now is to get this stuff tested. Im hoping it wasn’t the cause - but the timeline makes me question it. This is also why I did not name the brand or supplier in this post . I would never accuse anyone of anything without validation.

So — Sorry for the long story fellas - I just think it’s important for all of us to be diligent here ( as much as possible anyway) about what we put in our bodies. Like I said. - I hope testing will EXCLUDE this gear as a cause for my sepsis. With a 50 % mortality rate for most people who get Sepsis - I think it’s important. I’ll let everyone know the results when I can find a valid testing procedure

Anyone else have any experiences like mine before ?
I’m hoping to either narrow down - or hopefully eliminate - an issue I experienced recently. I’ll try to keep this short as possible. A little background first - im a 50 year old from Nova Scotia. Been training most of my adult life & a regular user of anabolics. I was lucky enough to have a regular supply guy with quality gear for the last 14 years. Unfortunately-he’s moved out of Canada this past summer & starting searching for a reputable replacement.

I came across this site & another site back in October - both seem to have solid content & trusted information. Most importantly for me - they have verified suppliers who ship within Canada. I did a lot of research & reading on both & decided to place a small order through one of the verified suppliers on this page. I ordered two - 10ml bottles of Test E & 1 bottle of 100 dbol. No problems at all with ordering & shipping.

I Received exactly what I ordered & arrived the day I expected. The only thing that seemed a bit off was the Test E. Ive seen hundreds of bottles of ot before - & these 2 bottles seemed fairly “ watery “ & lighter in colour than normal. I realize changes in texture & appearance is common with non pharmaceutical grade stuff - so I didn’t sweat it. My plan was 2 pins / 1ml each per week …and use 3 of the 10mg Dbol daily for the first 4 weeks ( along with liver support) . Ive never had issues with anabolics ever ( that includes Tren A & E over the years) …and I’ve done some pretty big doses on cycles in the past.

I started early December…first 2 weeks - everything seemed ok. Very little site injection pain, started to see weight increase after week 1 - & had that familiar feeling when the Dbol starts to kick in. Some point in the third week. My urine turned dark - very quickly . Using Dbol in past, if I saw a slight change in urine - I’d up my water intake or liver support & it would be back to normal. I did the same this time - but nothing changed. After about day 4 of darkened urine , I woke up day 5 with what felt like the worst flu ever x 50! I called my cousin (who’s an ER nurse). Told her everything darkened urine, high fever, bad cough & chest congestion. She asked how often was I urinating - it was then realized I hadn’t urinated in over 24 hours. She said you need to get into the hospital ASAP.

I arrive at the emergency department - after my assessment-I was taken directly into the main area ( which never happens in Canada! ) looking around & seeing 3 nurses & 2 doctors around my bed - obviously something was seriously wrong with me.
After a couple of hours ( lost track of time to be honest) ..I was eventually wheeled down to ICU where I stayed for 11 days. Not to sound dramatic - but I thought I was not going to make it. Day 8 things started turning around much better. By day 11 I was good enough to go home. My discharge report said it was Sepsis Pneumonia. Ive never heard of Sepsis before - so of course I did a ton of research on it while resting at home.

When you see the ways Sepsis can enter your body - the first thing I thought of was “ could it be from the UG lab product I’ve been taking? “ - I’m not sure. Right now I’m home still in recovery. Sepsis takes up to 3-4 months to recover fully. My mission now is to get this stuff tested. Im hoping it wasn’t the cause - but the timeline makes me question it. This is also why I did not name the brand or supplier in this post . I would never accuse anyone of anything without validation.

So — Sorry for the long story fellas - I just think it’s important for all of us to be diligent here ( as much as possible anyway) about what we put in our bodies. Like I said. - I hope testing will EXCLUDE this gear as a cause for my sepsis. With a 50 % mortality rate for most people who get Sepsis - I think it’s important. I’ll let everyone know the results when I can find a valid testing procedure

Anyone else have any experiences like mine before ?
sepsis is a bad thing and your story is crazy

first who did you buy the gear from? post it

and 2nd i dont know if gear can cause this, hard to say, did you do other things in your lifestyle like drugs? what do you eat? how do you train? party?
tell us more about yourself
wow helluva story. if this happened to you in the good ole USA you would have been on the hook for about a $120K hospital bill.
It would be quite helpful to know what source you used or you should, at the minimum, contact them to let them know
That shizz is crazy mannn, crazyyy but you gotta letz us know where you got this from
Sorry for the delay in reply . As I mentioned I’m 50 , married & 2 late teenage kids. Don’t drink or smoke - no drugs other than the same blood pressure & acid reflux meds I’ve been on for years. This is why the doctors are curious where the sepsis came from. A few of you mentioned to post photo or name UG supplier here. I’m on the fence really - i want to reach out to supplier first - but he doesn’t know me - was my first purchase him. He’ll likely say what I expect him to say - “ you’re the first guy to ever question this Test E so can’t be our product to get you sick “ . If I post photos or name them-it’ll create a shit storm with only anecdotal evidence really.
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