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anadrol or tren


Growing Newb
OK so I know these two compounds are very different but in terms of harshness which would be easier on the body 50 mg of anadrol on workout days and 25mg on off days OR tren ace at 250-350mg a week? in your opinion and experiences

thank you
OK so I know these two compounds are very different but in terms of harshness which would be easier on the body 50 mg of anadrol on workout days and 25mg on off days OR tren ace at 250-350mg a week? in your opinion and experiences

thank you
That's a hard comparison anadrol and trenbolone.

I found anadrol to make me bloated and give me headaches vs trenbolone more aggression and results.

I would pick trenbolone 300mgs per week, 100mgs EOD acetate injections with 0.25mgs dostinex per week to help with prolactin.

I've done both and hands down trenbolone better results.
OK so I know these two compounds are very different but in terms of harshness which would be easier on the body 50 mg of anadrol on workout days and 25mg on off days OR tren ace at 250-350mg a week? in your opinion and experiences

thank you
If pick 1 game, always pick trenbolone over anadrol. Tren will make you hard and cut and strong, anadrol will make you puffy and bloated.
I like trenbolone more than anadrol.
I have a log where ive ran them both...

In terms of harshness, both can be quite harsh. Tren will have more of a variety of side effects than anadrol will but both would be at the top of the list for harshest steroids you can use
OK so I know these two compounds are very different but in terms of harshness which would be easier on the body 50 mg of anadrol on workout days and 25mg on off days OR tren ace at 250-350mg a week? in your opinion and experiences

thank you

Brother check out our podcast where we discuss both of these compounds in-depth.



Trenbolone three common side effects.
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