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  1. V

    would a pro hormone work for me?

    So I’ve got some questions for you in my situation might be a little different. I would like to have children one day and I’m currently 26 years old. So I want to keep my fertility levels up. I have not used anything yet but I’m curious to get a boost because I’m really into bodybuilding and...
  2. M

    steroids making me huff and puff

    42 years old, 5’9’’ 189 pounds so I started using steroids hoping I would get some good results from my cardio I’m huffing and puffing on steroids though when I try cardio post my weight training what can I do to remedy this ? I’m using tren 300mgs a week, masteron 250mgs a week, and...
  3. E

    which testosterone do you like the best?

    So I run a few Cycles before but never really gave much thought to which testosterone I was using I’ve tried several of them and they all seem to be very similar to me just differences when you inject and that sort of thing anyway I just wanted to do sort of like a pull to see what is your...
  4. C

    best steroids for appetite increase?

    So I have done my research and found several steroids that are supposed to be good for appetite 1. sustanon 2. anadrol 3. deca 4. dianabol which 2 would you pick for my cycle? I’m 26 years old. I’ve struggled with appetite for many years it’s really keeping me from being able to grow my muscle...
  5. N

    Worst experiences using steroids ??!!

    So recently I did a steroid cycle ended up getting gynecomastia I was really dumb because once it started happening I didn’t do anything about it I just let it get out of control ended up having to have surgery done and it was a big mess because the surgeon screwed things up for me anyway I...
  6. D

    is test prop worth it or nah?

    There are some things on test prop which I wanted to confirm and clarify some say that test prop you get less aromatization on it and less estrogen issues other say it doesn’t matter and you get the same exact results from test cyp or test E what are your thoughts on that and who is right?
  7. A

    abusing steroids, need some help

    I’m making the decision to abuse steroids for the next year don’t care the health ramifications I have certain goals that I want to reach and nothing’s gonna stand on my way however if I can do it in a somewhat smart fashion I’m definitely open to it so basically give me the supplements I need...
  8. R

    how to use steroids to cut down!

    Sick of bulking up all the time on steroids boy are they good for bulking, but I want to cut down now what steroids can you recommend for cutting down I’m 16-18% body fat 26 years old 5’9’’ I train 3x per week weights and 2x a week boxing heard that tren is good for cutting, you agree?
  9. V

    steroids hurting appetite

    wondering about steroids hurting appetite I’ve been on a tren and anadrol cycle appetite has dropped dramatically which isn’t really surprising but it’s dropped so much that I get nauseous every time I eat something do you have any advice on a supplement that I can take to help with appetite to...
  10. T

    I want a baby and to use steroids

    looking for both a baby and to use steroids why not do both? My plan is this: I will use lots of Clomid and HCG while on my steroid cycle gonna do 1000mgs a week testosterone to prevent shut down. Then 50mgs a day clomid and 1000ius 2x per week hcg I’m 27 years old. Married 2 years. 5’10’’ 184...
  11. S

    ex army man, wants steroids

    so I have some PTSD issues from my time serving our great nation I’m worried about using some steroids that have a tendency to cause anxiety issues what advice do you have for me in terms of worst steroids for those with PTSD? Working out has definitely helped balance it out ! And I really want...
  12. D

    why does nutrobal boost appetite?

    I’ve been on nutrobal for about 2 weeks and it works crazy good for boosting appetite I’m always hungry and it’s gotten to the point where I even wake up in the middle of the night wanting food can anyone explain why this is happening and how does it work to do that also can you explain why I...
  13. R

    gained 40 pounds on steroids but now got issues

    so I did dbol, sustanon and testosterone my dosing was 50mgs a day dbol 500mgs sust 250mgs a week of test cyp I spent the eight weeks at a resort overseas and it was all you can eat free food absolutely love the experience and all I did was eat and work out every day long story short I developed...
  14. X

    anyone try 1000mgs of test cyp?

    So my last two cycles which were my first two I did 500 milligrams of testosterone on both and had pretty good results however I noticed that my weight gains stalled around week 8 on both Cycles a friend of mine said that I should increase the amount of testosterone I’m using on my next cycle...
  15. T

    how to shred up on winstrol properly

    I’m looking to do a Winstrol cycle as far as what I’m going to stack with it I’m debating if I should go with Primo or equipoise I would like to use Winstrol at 50 milligrams a day if I were to do that type of dosage how much Primo or equipoise with work good with it my goal is to cut and put on...
  16. N

    is s23 safe for 24 year old?

    Seen some debate lately on how effective s23 would be for a 24 year old I just turned 24. have done 2 sarms cycle so far. Didn’t get much out of them though so want to turn up the dial and use s23 would 25mgs a day be good or should I try something else? Just don’t want to waste money on a mild...
  17. V

    using test prop to kickstart?

    Everyone always recommends to use oral steroids to kick start your cycle but what about using testosterone propionate instead? I would like to avoid liver problems with oral steroid so I’m looking to stick with injectables my cycle will be this: 300mgs test prop first 4 weeks only 600mgs EQ and...
  18. R

    30 years old, first cycle in years

    ran some cycles when I was super young. Like 20-22 years old didn’t really know what I was doing At the time but I was able to bulk up big would like to get back to how I was before I’m now around 6’ and 180ish pounds. More of a slender build with some muscle but legs really skinny I’m...
  19. V

    Would you recommend sustanon?

    So my source doesn’t have test cyp or E in stock right now. He said he won’t get more until after the New Year and I don’t want to wait he recommended I get sustanon and offered me a buy 3 get 1 free deal thinking of picking up four vials of it do you think this is an appropriate option for a...
  20. J

    using steroids for 18 weeks

    I haven’t seen too many threads on here where people are laying out how long they are using their steroids seems like many of you just stay on them year round or some of you might go 6 or 8 weeks and then stop I’m wondering what do you think about using steroids for 18 weeks is that too long?
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