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  1. F

    excited to try sarms first time

    my sarms cycle I want to do for my first time is a big one. I’m 27 years old and 220 pounds goal is fat loss and more strength the 2 sarms I want to use are gw and s23. I know monstro is a big fan on them and I respect him highly! Please tell me how to run them.
  2. N

    best sarms for the price

    22 yrs old. 5’9’’ 175 pounds. I’m looking to try sarms but I don’t want to spend a fortune for them looking at some of the cycle in post-cycle recommendations on here it’s gonna run me over a thousand dollars easy which I think is silly. Can’t I just use ostarine 25mgs a day for 8 weeks and get...
  3. R

    trying RAD140 10mgs a day with ?

    I’m looking to try sarms for the first time. Stats are pretty modest I’m 24 years old and 155 pounds so don’t laugh but I really try hard in the gym. I’ve been training for the past nine months and I’ve already put on about 10 pounds. Want to put on more size. A friend mentioned RAD being good...
  4. C sarms why they suck

    So I’m gonna give you a layout of why is a garbage supplier *poor service * very bad payment options * website doesn’t work half the time * slow shipping * low quality sarms I highly recommend using someone else for your sarms do not use these guys they are straight up trash. In fact...
  5. E

    sarms for healing joints

    44yrs 5’10’’ 217 pounds a bit of a dad bod but not too bad Joints are hurting me when I lift weights and I’m getting really irritated by it never had these problems before but I’ve increased the volume and the amount of sets that I’m doing on my workouts going up to 25 sets what are going to be...
  6. N

    new guy sarms stack

    I’m currently six foot five and 180 pounds and 23 years old I’ve been Lifting for two years and I feel like I already look better than some of the guys on here like dylan who have been lifting for much longer and who use tons of gear. This time would love to use sarms. I did some research and I...
  7. K

    18% body fat and sarms cycle stacking

    looking to stack a cycle of sarms I’m currently around 18% body fat 240 pounds and six foot one goal is to get my body fat closer to 12% and also cut and build some strength. I’m also 23 years old and I have been training in the gym since I was about 16. what sarms cycle do you recommend that I try?
  8. Z

    sarms for more vascularity and hardening

    basically I have a beach wedding that I’m gonna be going to and I hope to look good on the beach shirtless for the after party. What kind of sarm would work best for someone like me who’s looking to get more vascularity and hardening effects? My thoughts were a combo of RAD, LGD and GW I’m 44...
  9. W

    how do sarms work to limit sides?

    I’m a bit confused I was watching a video online the guy was saying to buy his sarms because they can help reduce side effects on a steroid cycle. Was wondering what kind of logic that was where you can add something to reduce side effects it didn’t make much sense to me. Can you give me an...
  10. D

    sweet spot for using s4?

    Looking to try s4 for lean mass and strength. I’m 6’1’’ and 208lbs. Seems like the recommended dosing for S4 is really high I’ve seen guys running 75 milligrams and even a hundred milligrams a day. This does seem very excessive what would happen if I was only run 10 milligrams a day what I still...
  11. Q

    how lean can you get on sarms?

    I was wondering how much leaner a person is capable of getting on sarms? What have your experience has been when it comes to leaning up severely on it. I’m currently 10% and that’s the lowest I’ve been since I was a teenager. I’m now 38 years old and I would like to cut down even further Maybe...
  12. Z

    how to truly cut on sarms

    I don’t have much room for error because I have a spring vacation coming up and I would like to get as cut as possible ahead of it because it will be a beach vacation with lots of girls there and men too. Looking to have as much sex as possible during my 8 day trip so please don’t suggest...
  13. J

    sarms for skinnier dude

    I’m a skinnier dude I’m only 138 pounds and I’m five foot seven inches however I have more strength than others my size so don’t let my weight fool you. I’ve been weight training since high school I would say since I was about 14 years old and I’m currently 21. which sarms would work good at...
  14. D

    warrior labs sarms missing items

    so I made a large order with warrior labs sarms and I’m instantly regretting my decision. Would have to rate them very low overall because I ordered 2 lgd, 2 gw, and 3 sr. they sent me 1 lgd, 1 gw and 2 sr. lol. So they basically jip me on each item by one. What’s that all about and when I...
  15. X

    what if I’m fat and use sarms?

    I’m trying to figure out what would be the harm and me using sarms if I am fat and out of shape. I posted this on a subreddit and I was flamed relentlessly which I think is unfair. We all have to start somewhere so I’m not sure why people are so cruel. I’m 330 pounds in my goal is to lose a...
  16. B

    nudity photos and sarms

    getting ready for my first nudes for playgirl magazine. Gonna be exciting and I’m looking forward to it. Please help me prep for them. I’ve done steroids before but they made me very sick. I want to try again with sarms. I’m 5’9’’ 177 pounds and 9% body fat. Want to get more ripped please heard...
  17. K

    odd sarms side effects

    let’s talk about weird sarms side effects and their impact on the health. I’m taking lgd, gw, and rad. Pretty standard stack. Using 20mgs of lgd and GW, and 30mgs of RAD. Dealing with some interesting side effects taking them. Yes I’m using a forum source. 1. headaches 2. heartburn 3. stomach...
  18. G

    back pain, would sarms help or hurt?

    Was having this discussion with a couple other guys at the gym who were saying that they use sarm and it helped with their back but then an older guy said that he tried them and actually hurt his back more to use them. Anyway was wondering what your experiences here? I’ve had back pain since I...
  19. V

    how to blow up on sarms?

    I’m 23 years old I’m 160 pounds I am five foot eight inches. A friend of mine used steroids and he was about my size and he put on about 20 pounds and eight weeks. I would like to do something similar but not quite ready for steroids at my age. My sarms idea looks like this: s23 25mgs a day s4...
  20. N

    sarms that Monstro actually likes

    I know that Monstro is the pro on here, and I respect his opinions strongly. But what about with sarms? Is he a sarms guru and fan? Or does he prefer just using steroids and thinks sarms are a waste of time. I will listen to his advice on this, even if others on here chime in no problems its a...
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