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  1. C

    looking for more muscle with supplement help

    I’m conflicted on which supplements that I should grab to help me grow more muscle mass on my frame a buddy of mine recommended I try creatine he said it’s cheap and it’s effective and he showed me some literature that he pulled up on his phone showing that you can usually put on about five or...
  2. B

    primal muscle products yay or nay?

    I’m interested in primal muscle products, especially one called 191XT And they have a lot of different things including sprays and things like that that can help with building muscle and losing fat. Just a lot of unique products that they sell. Do you think the supplement brand is pretty good or...
  3. M

    how to use viagra + S23 and S4

    I’m looking to stack the S sarms and viagra looking for Explosive pumps and also more muscle gains currently 32 years old 5 foot 11 inches and 172 pounds hoping to see some good results doing s23 10mgs a day and s4 75mgs per day question is how long should I run them and should I do Viagra...
  4. H

    using sarms while in a deficit

    I’m interested in doing a deficit on my next sarms run currently I’m 180 pounds and 5’6’’ I am about 17% body fat would like to cut down to under 10% body fat with sarms how much of a deficit should I do? 500? 1000? and which sarms would work best while in a deficit, don’t want to lose muscle...
  5. K

    boosting my muscle without harsh steroids

    I’m looking to do a light steroid cycle it’s gonna be Primo and testosterone. Now my dosage with Primo I was thinking of going 600 mg a week very the testosterone I was thinking of doing 300 mg a week if I were to go this route what I still need an anti estrogen? I want to keep side effects low...
  6. R

    Which is better GW or rad?

    if you had to pick one sarm to use for the next 16 weeks which one would you pick and why? I have been training for the past 3 months and I am 22 years old people have said that I am a natural because I'm already starting to put on muscle. when I flex in the mirror I can start seeing my biceps...
  7. R

    Muscle groups for split training

    I'm looking to change some stuff up with my training splits I'm currently doing a split where it is basically push, pull, and legs. I do it on days one two and three have a rest day and then repeat it again. overall I am training 6 days a week I seem to be having some lethargy doing it this way...
  8. R

    Out with a back injury

    So I need to take some time away from the gym to heal up my back which has been bothering me the last few months my doctor said that I don't need surgery but he said that slamming around weights isn't helping the situation either in the meantime with supplements can I take to conserve my muscle
  9. R

    Boosting my protein intake

    What is the best way to boost how much protein i am getting everyday? I’m currently in a situation where i want to Get my protein intake up over 250 to 300 G per day my main goal is to put on more muscle size and get bigger. what are the best ways I can get it in terms of supplementation because...
  10. Y


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  11. K

    Pulled a muscle in my stomach

    a couple months back while I was sleeping I had a huge muscle spasm and I woke up and jumped out of bed and in the process I pulled a muscle in my stomach. it was the most excruciating pain you can imagine. I went to the doctor and they said it was a low grade tear and I did not need surgery...
  12. F

    Cookies and cream supplements

    Gosh i love cookies and cream supplements. They are so good lol Which protein powders or bars can you recommend that have cookies and cream flavoring Something that isn’t too bad for me lol. But something that can help increase muscle mass and bulk I only weigh 133 pounds and have a hard time...
  13. A

    Which minerals?

    which minerals do bodybuilders need to build muscle? I read that testosterone levels can be affected by the amount of minerals in your body and a lot of us are deficient in that so you have to fix that before you can take things to the next level what do you think about that and do you think...
  14. W

    Supplements that work for muscle growth

    I'm having a hard time growing muscle. I just started training and it's been 3 months and I'm not seeing an ounce of muscle tissue being put on my frame and it's getting frustrating the guys that I train with they've been doing this for a couple more months than me and they have way more results...
  15. P

    Insulin effects on muscle development

    I'm looking to get some changes to my insulin levels and improve my muscular development and also help with my fat loss I know there are some supplements out there like dextrose that can increase insulin in the body and there's some other supplements that can blunt insulin down. which...
  16. Y

    would vitamins help grow muscle?

    I was researching online about vitamins and seems like they are just as important as protein is. Yet I never see many bodybuilders pushing vitamins. Do you think that is because they aren’t as expensive or is it because you really don’t need them? How many vitamins a day are you guys using and...
  17. F

    Steroid help and losing muscle

    24 yrs old 5’9’’ 145 I'm very concerned about losing muscle mass because I am a very hard gainer The main issue is after a cycle i lose almost all my gains even after doing a good pct Is there a steroid that i can take that is better or worse for keeping? The steroids i’ve used so far...
  18. D

    Check out these 2 sarms

    Which 2 sarms work the best stacked? My goal is to increase lean muscle mass but I don't want to put on any body fat. this was my problem when I use steroids is that I would get a lot of weight increase but a lot of it would be dirty weight I'm 5'7 and I weigh 210 lb and I'm 28 years old
  19. P

    Injectable steroids to use with testosterone?

    I am using testosterone as my base and i’m 38 years old I’m doing between 250-750mgs per week Gonna start out at 250 and work my way up What is something good to stack with it? My goals are lean muscle mass I’m 6’2’’ 208 pounds and 22%
  20. Q

    3 sarms stack and 3 pounds gained

    Been on a stack of sarms for about 5 weeks now and up about 3 pounds but lean muscle mass Went from 185 to 188. I’m 5’7’’ so i’m pretty bulky now and 23 years old I am using s4/andarine 50mgs a day Also using lgd4033 20mgs a day And sr9009 Should i drop the SR for maybe GW for the rest of the cycle?
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