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  1. D

    NapsGear Quick turnaround naps

    I just want to say I'm very pleased with the quick turnaround that I'm getting with napsgear my package gets sent out quickly. My last two packages one was over the holidays and they still got it to me in about 10 days which is super fast. I would like to just tell them that they are 10 out of...
  2. M

    Can sarms help with libido?

    My question is can sarms help with libido or are they bad for libido? my friend said that he ran them and he said that they crashed his libido. But the weird thing is he said when he came off of them his libido went up really really high. He said that he thinks that it's from rebound effect. Why...
  3. JimAbs43 447 Bodybuilders with joint problems and libido being affected by Steroids? 447 Bodybuilders with joint problems and libido being affected by Steroids?
  4. V

    tribulus for libido

    I know tribulus is good for libido but does it have any other benefits that I should be taking advantage of? I heard it can also help with testosterone levels and strength and size. But I have been on it for a few weeks and haven’t noticed anything of the sort. Am I using too low a dosage of...
  5. J

    Best supplements for post cycle

    what are the best supplements that I can use not only for a post Cycle Therapy but also in between Cycles to make sure I keep my gains and also keep my libido and sex drive high? the supplement that I was using before work pretty good but they went out of stock or at a business
  6. B

    Chocolate and libido benefits

    I saw an article on Yahoo where the dietitian said that chocolate was one of the top five foods for health. she said it was good for your heart and she said it was even good for your libido can you tell me if you believe this is true and also which chocolate would you pick?
  7. A

    Libido gone, need napsgear help

    I ran a cycle at a young age and blasted and cruised for several years. I came off Everything at 24. Problem is my libido crashed. I did a post Cycle Therapy that was really long and I was patient in my test number started to rebound. Now they're back to a decent number but my libido is still...
  8. M

    Horny goat weed

    Looking to boost my libido and erections and I don't want to take erectile dysfunction drugs either because I know that they are habit-forming. Was reading about horny goat weed and how good this stuff was for sexual health for males. My question is would I be able to also give this to my lady...
  9. S

    adding things to my TRT dose

    I’m 41 years old and on doctor prescribed TRT for the past year. I’m using 150mg a week of testosterone. What can I add to this to increase my libido and energy? I am looking also to add in some strength and size I currently am benching 245 pounds and I weight 200 pounds. I want to get way...
  10. W

    Sexual supplement

    I'm looking for the best sexual supplement out there that I can take before bedroom activities and get the best results from. Specifically I'm looking for libido and erections that are really strong and I can last over an hour. Please only give me something natural I don't want to take a drug
  11. N

    Problems after a sarm cycle

    I came off a sarm cycle over 3 months ago oh, it was just using rad 140 and I had no issues while on the cycle. But a few months later I'm noticing puffy nipples and my libido is extremely low. Do you think that I was really taking sarms or do you think that something else could be going on
  12. K

    Does whey protein help or hurt sex drive

    I was thinking of running some whey protein for the next couple of months but I'm starting to second guess myself because some of the people are saying that it can affect your libido and erections strength. I don't ever mess with dairy but I want to get more protein in my diet
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