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  1. L

    3 stack sarms but need more

    Not getting quite enough from this cycle as i was expecting Would like to either raise the dosages or add in more sarms Currently doing 3 sarms Andarine s4 25mgs a day Lgd4033 5mgs a day Gw cardarine 20mgs a day I’m 25, 144 pounds and 5’6’’ Was expecting to gain more, only up about 3 or 4 pounds
  2. R

    SARMS Least amount of GW for results?

    5’8’’, 166 pounds 28 years old 15% body fat I’m starting to get into running road races. I am gonna be doing a 4 mile run Via hilly train in the next 6 months and I would like to at least place in my age group if possible on the top three. I've started to train interval training and I'm also...
  3. J

    Loving my sarms recomp so far

    So far so good on my sarms recomp but i want to improve things further My goals are to drop more body fat and gain more muscle mass then I have so far. The sarms i am using are gw cardarine and ostarine mk2866. I’m fasting 20 hours per day and eating 2 meals in my window. I’m also doing fasted...
  4. N

    GW cycle ideas and help

    I'm looking to try something different on this cycle. I have never run steroids or anything else like that before This is why i want to try sarms this time I'm very intrigued by what I've been reading about cardarine gw501516 do you think that 12 weeks would be a good cycle if I did 25 to 30 mg...
  5. R

    Scammer Enhanced athlete sarms stack weird things

    I'm getting a lot of weird things happening on my current cycle of sarms from enhanced athlete They were recommended by dr. huge I’m 21 years old and thought i was ready for this stuff. My stats are 5’9’’ and 180 pounds and i was looking to put on some bulk I’m using their GW cardarine and...
  6. L

    Fast physique change sarms

    I'm looking to change my physique quickly using sarms I would describe my current physique as average with a little gut My stats are 5’9’’ 178 pounds and around 18-20% body fat and i’m 29 years old I’m gonna restrict calories and workout 1 hour per day going forward, just signed up to a new gym...
  7. S

    Check out my sarms cycle and plan

    Here we go… After doing my research I have a plan set up Its going to be like this: 2700 calories per day 4 meals per day Mostly clean with 1 cheat meal every 2-3 days Goals are lean muscle and fat burning The 2 sarms i want to run are gw cardarine and yk11. 20mgs on the gw and 10mgs on the YK...
  8. T

    Sarms for leaning out, I'm obese

    I'm 26 years old and I weigh around 235 to 240 lb I'm looking for the best sarm stack that can help me lose some fat. I'm going to join the military in the next 6 months and I need to get into shape or they're going to put me into shape I read about some guy who lost about 50 lb and he was...
  9. V

    Prepping for my sarms finish

    I did a sarms cycle from chemyo I used cardarine gw, yk11 and s23 together I'm 40 years old and I'm now in the best shape of my life. however I still have some extra pounds. my personal trainer estimated I was around 17% or maybe a little less. it would be nice to get a beach body look do you...
  10. U

    Endurance sarms i’m new

    Hello everybody I'm a new guy on here and I am also new to sarms I'm looking to increase my endurance because I am an endurance athlete. to give an idea I run about 40 to 45 miles per week I would like to run 5 miles sub 8 minutes pace I'm currently around 9:00 to 9 and a half minutes also i...
  11. H

    Losing my bulk on sarms

    A lot of people would describe me as two bulky ever since I ran steroids a few months ago. I would like to lose some of this bulk that I put on if you know what I mean I'm currently 5 ft 6 in and 206 lb. body fat is probably around 20% and I'm 27 years old My sarms plan was this: Gw cardarine...
  12. K

    Tightening up with sarms

    I'm down to about 7% body fat would like to get closer to five or six percent. looking to do a show upcoming and it's going to be a natural show so I don't want to use steroids and risks getting busted when they test me I'm 5 ft 7 in and I weigh around 140 to 150 lb I know gw cardarine is a...
  13. Z

    Sarms cycle with 3 of them

    I have some options when it comes to sarms My goals are more endurance and more strength in the gym I’m currently 6’ 188 pounds and 28 years old Based on my goals and stats what would you recommend between these 2 sarms cycles? Gw cardarine 20mgs Sr9009 25mgs s4/andarine 50mgs OR Lgd4033 10mgs...
  14. M

    Gw cardarine cycle with yk11

    Never seen this done before so i want to experiment a bit I'm currently 5'7 and I weigh 148 lb my goal is to both bulk up but also cut at the same time I'm 24 years old and I have never used anything before like this my strategy would be to use the GW 20 mg a day and then use the YK 11 5 to 10...
  15. F

    Finishing up my cycle of sarms

    I have some questions as I am finishing up my current cycle of SARMS which is 12 weeks I did lgd 4033 for 6 weeks and I did ostarine MK for 12 weeks I also stacked in 8 weeks of gw cardarine Now i want to recover. What is the best pct that i can go on and how long do i need to use it? I'm 21...
  16. M

    Best 2 sarms to use here

    What are going to be my 2 best sarms to use in this following cycle? my stats are six foot one inches and 217 lb. body side is around 20% maybe a little higher and I'm interested in getting more leaner and better shape Lgd4033 is one i want to use But what to stack it with? Gw501516 cardarine...
  17. C

    Sarms for burning fat off

    I'm looking to improve my physique and burn off some fat I'm currently 5 ft 10 in 170 lb and my body fat is around 14% would love to get down under 10% . I'm 28 years old and I've been training for about 6 years My plan is a mix of rad140 and cardarine gw 20mgs per day of each. What do you think...
  18. A

    Using cardarine the right way

    I was wondering if i can use cardarine gw the following way I set a year goal of losing weight and getting into shape My plan is to use it this way: 10 weeks on, 40mgs a day 10 weeks off. 5mgs a day 10 weeks on 50mgs a day 12 weeks off 10mgs a day And so on. Gradually increasing the dosage then...
  19. DrockMalone

    Approved Log My Domestic Supply cycle Log

    Hi my name is Dereck. This is my first Log. I’m 39 years old. I’m 5’11 and my current weight is 167lbs. I’m pretty lean about 12 percent body fat. I’ve been doing Jiu Jitsu for about three years consistently. I go to at least four classes a week and roll a lot of rounds. Outside of Jiu Jitsu my...
  20. H

    Fix my current stack sarms

    Sarms are very complicated and i need help fixing my current cycle Its made up as cardarine gw501516, sr9009 and rad140 Very simple stack My dosing is gonna be 25mgs of each. But i will split the sr dosing up while run the rad and gw once a day only 24 years old but have been in the gym for the...
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