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Thoughts on lgd and ostarine cycle


I'm thinking of stacking lgd 4033 and ostarine MK 2866 but was wondering what your results were on it just looking for some feedback before I start. I am 38 years old and just now getting back into the gym after a year off. Goals are better conditioning and Recovery. Do I need to run both together?
I'm thinking of stacking lgd 4033 and ostarine MK 2866 but was wondering what your results were on it just looking for some feedback before I start. I am 38 years old and just now getting back into the gym after a year off. Goals are better conditioning and Recovery. Do I need to run both together?
I like LGD and mk2866 stacked, that's a good combo for sure.

10mgs lgd4033 anabolicum
50mgs ostarin emk2866
20mgs cardarine gw
It is a tremendous stack and ive touched on this for a very long time, about how well these two work together...

you can get everything you need at

1-12 lgd-4033 (ANABOLICUM) 10 mg per day dosed once a day in the a.m.

1-12 mk2866 25 mg per day first two weeks then bump to 50 mg per day, dosed once a day in the a.m.

9-12 N2generate

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25 OR nolva 40/20/20/20

gw-501516 20 mg day
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