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Approved Pharmacom Reviews and Feedback

Approved Suppliers and Steroid sponsors

Pharmacom Support

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Hi guys!
Main introduction:
From @Rick T

Hey guys! Thank you for having us here on Anabolex.

Let me introduce Basicstero! the direct from manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store

Introduction Video:

Basicstero is Pharmacom Labs, NOT a reseller.

When ordering from Basicstero, customers can be confident they will receive genuine Pharmacom Labs products.
Please understand, other dealers, including official dealers, are retailers/resellers. Pharmacom Labs may have/had business arrangements with retailers/resellers but Basicstero is the direct from manufacturer store to purchase genuine Pharmacom Labs products.
Basicstero customers are always guaranteed 100% authentic Pharmacom Labs products!

Pharmacom Labs has worked with and continues to work with resellers. However, our boss decided to open a direct store of Pharmacom labs company without extra links in the chain. Its address is Hence, we are not intermediate suppliers; we officially represent the Pharmacom Labs company! Due to the fact we are a direct store our prices are lower than resellers. You can check the authenticity of the store by entering “” in the respective section on Pharmacom Labs official site. All products come directly from the Pharmacom Labs manufacturer!

Pharmacom Labs company was founded in 2006 on a base of a small existing pharmaceutical factory in Moldova. Steroid production is legal there. During the first years we produced our products there. Later we moved our manufacturing facilities to Asia due to economic reasons; the production expenses in Asia are lower and raw materials are always at hand which means there is no need to transport them or deal with customs etc.

Now Pharmacom Labs is a world-rebound brand respected for having the highest-quality products and large-scale industry-standard modern equipment and manufacturing processes.
There are several advantages of our company as compared to other manufacturers.

What You Should Know About Our Products?
1. We check filling settings of our production lines before we start to produce each new batch. Each ml of our oils as well as each pill contains the displayed quantity of the raw material. You can check our products via lab analyses such as HPCL and you will assure yourself of our quality.

2. We always add a bit more than 10 ml oil in each vial. We consider the small oil amount that stays in the needle after injection. Hence, we provide approximately 10.5 ml oil in each vial.

3. We don`t have underdosed vials or pills! As you can see in our production videos, our production line is fully automated. We recheck our equipment settings before we launch each new batch. All settings for each vial or pill within one batch are equal. If one vial was underdosed, it would mean that all other vials from this batch are underdosed too, which is just impossible as can be seen by the many analysis results posted online.

4. We pay huge attention to preservation of health, that`s why we carefully sterilize all our oils for intramuscular injections. When using our oils you can be 100% sure you will never catch staphylococcus or any other bacteria. Please read the separate text about it below!

5. Grape seed oil is used as the carrier in all our vials. We also use 5 to 10% pharmaceutical grade ethyl oleate in our oils. As a result, injections are not painful and don`t cause big lumps, etc.
(attention should be paid only with high concentrated oils 450-600 mg/ml! as these may cause irritation to less experienced users)

6. Our products have lot of protection elements against counterfeits, especially protection codes, which can be checked in the respective section of our site. You will always know whether your vial is genuine or not.

7. Our product range has unique compounds, which most other sources do not offer. For example, GW1516 (increases endurance greatly!); along with the regular stanozolol water suspension we produce oil-based stanozolol, which can be mixed with any oils and reduces the risk of abscesses. We offer injectable oxymetholone and methandienone (due to the missing first pass through the liver both have higher bioavailability = efficiency as compared against the oral versions). We have very interesting and extremely popular mixes line. We are now working on several other new compounds! Work is done all the time on developing new products, formulas, mixes, and enhancing the existing formulas!

8. We test all our products internally on our volunteers before we launch them into the market. If some problems are reported, we improve the formulas to correct any issue and only after this start selling. You always get proven and safe products!

9. In our vials we do not use rubber caps, which can be damaged from contact with oil over time! As a result, tiny particles off the rubber can break off when inserting the needle and fall into oil or get into the needle causing dangerous health consequences! Therefore, to eliminate these risks, instead of rubber we use silicon caps, which do not have this shortcoming and are oil-resistant!

10. We take into account remarks of our customers. Everyone can write his or her suggestions and ideas to us and we will consider them! We have full support for our products and are always available and open for questions and new ideas!

11. Our products have one of the best and most secured designs among all steroid manufacturers worldwide! All vials are supplied in original cardboard boxes with brief manuals inside and vials as hologrm security sticker that can be scratched off to reveal the product unique verification code.

Why Choose Pharmacom Labs? What are some ways we are different than other labs?
1. Oil, by nature, contains small water particles. When present in the cooking oil you use at breakfast there's little need for concern. But those same water particles present in an oil you are about to inject present a far greater problem. You might know what can happen if you attempt to mix 1ml of oil and 1ml of water for injection. But that's only the beginning, the water itself is also a very good medium for bacteria to reproduce - in stark contrast to sterile oil. Therefore, we put great care into oil dehydration to minimize all potential health risks however slim. Many cheap oil-based steroids cannot offer the same guarantee. Pharmacom Labs remains one of the few manufacturers that can offer these measures with high-performance equipment at a decent price!

2. Are you aware of how and under what circumstances some other labs filter their final products? Syringe filters are often used in lesser quality labs, but they are not reliable; a proper filter would need to be at least 22 micrometers as a minimum. If you imagine the process of sieving oil through a filter of an average size to meet commercial demand, you would need at least 600 kPa of pressure. This is simply impossible without sufficient equipment, custom fit vacuum pumps or compressors designed for pharmaceutical use, a pressured air dryer, a large quantity of filters including cyclons. No labs selling cheap products possess this cost prohibitive professional equipment.

3. Do you know if and how other manufacturers avoid double bond (olefinic bond) sequences in ethyl oleate? How do they avoid fast oxidation?
This olefinic bond is the cause of a so-called "unsaturated condition" of EO - all unsaturated acids are highly attracted to all olefin-type combination reactions. Most labs use standard vials and rubber caps purchased from ordinary online supply stores. But ethyl oleate as a solvent can react with rubber causing its oxidation. With time, as you might have guessed, the rubber degrades.
So we ask - how many manufacturers use a non-toxic, hypoallergenic thermoplastic rubber which additionally mitigates this shortcoming? Are they even aware of it at all?

4. Plenty of labs will be quick to tell you they use benzyl alcohol as an antiseptic agent, but do they know that it is truly only effective under very specific controlled conditions? One of the strongest conditions being the pH level of oil - benzyl alcohol loses its antiseptic efficiency at a pH <5 or >7. Do they have the capabilities to control for this? We have our doubts. If you use a cheap testosterone product from a lesser lab, your bloodwork may indeed reflect that it contained active hormone. But we ask you, what could happen with longterm storage of such a product? Believe us, you will not want to inject it into your body!

5. What preserving agents are other manufacturers using against g-negative bacteria - if they are even using them at all?
Benzyl alcohol, while effective against g-positive bacteria, is not sufficient against g-negative bacteria which have a thicker cell membrane making them resistant to not only BA but many preserving agents in general. While we cannot disclose the specific technologies we use as part of our production secret, we guarantee we have the means and the will to use them in our oils.
Neglecting the use of parabens, chlorobutanol, and other such agents clearly implies clandestine production, typically with the intent to sell as many products as possible with minimal expense - no longterm strategy of precautions. Whether or not a customer intends to use a product two or three years down the road is certainly of no concern to them, which poses a serious question of concern to consumers.
So we have to reiterate: we have the industrial scale equipment and the technical prowess to ensure all of these standards - and plenty more we cannot disclose. But with that comes a greater cost than what you would find in lesser clandestine labs.

Finally, it is ultimately up to you what you purchase and put inside your body. Whether the products you put inside your body are the cheaper, and can include potential health risks, or are of the highest quality and proven through a rigorous, health-conscious process every time. Our established record of over 10 years and the professional quality we possess compared to the multitude of issues found in smaller, cheaper, short-lived labs speaks for itself.
It's worth a few extra dollars to know you have the best!

Thank you very much for taking the time to learn more about Pharmacom Labs. and the Basicstero store.
Our Basicstero crew wishes all of you the best on reaching your goals and enjoying success.

Click HERE for details about about the store, ordering, payment, shipping, discounts, terms and conditions.

From @Pharmacom Support

Let me introduce myself. I am Frank and I am a member of already worldwide known brand Pharmacom Labs and at the same time the manager of our official store (Europe, USA domestic and international worldwide deliveries)

You can check the authenticity of Basicstero store by entering “” in the respective section on Pharmacom Labs official site.

First of all I would like to say, that you can ask here all questions regarding the Pharmacom Labs products, I will give my best to reply them all. Also you can leave here all your feedbacks about our products and offer your suggestions about developing of new products, mixes, etc. Let us do this way: if someones suggestion/ proposal about new products or enhancements will get many likes, I will transmit it for internal discussion to our production team, etc.

Now I would like to present our company a bit and provide a summary about our products.

Pharmacom Labs company was grounded in 2006 on a base of a small existing pharmaceutical factory in Moldova. Steroid production is legal there.

Now we are a big lab with lot of modern equipment. We guarantee the pharmaceutical grade of our products. I give you several advantages of our company as compared to other manufacturers.

1. We are not home brewing manufacturers, we provide pharmaceutical grade quality! Our products are manufactured in a cleanroom by an automated production line, which produces 200000 pills and 2000 vials per hour with full quality control! We have our own chromatograph for analyzing the purity of raw materials and final products. Only this device costs several dozens of thousands dollars. We check each batch of raw materials and guarantee min. 98,5% purity! If the raw material doesn`t meet this requirement, we look for another supplier.

2. We check filling settings of vials before we start to produce each new batch. Each ml of our oil contains the manifested quantity of the raw material. You can check our products in a lab and you will assure yourself in this.

3. We add always a bit more than 10 ml oil in each vial. We consider the small oil amount that stays in the needle after injection. So, our vials have real 10,5 ml oil.

4. We don`t have underdosed vials or pills! Our production line is fully automated. We recheck our equipment settings before we launch each new batch. All settings for each vial or pill within one batch are equal. If one vial was underdosed, it would mean that all other vials from this batch are underdosed too. This is just impossible. We check selectively lot of vials in each batch and if at least one vial differs, the entire batch is subject for rechecking.

5. We pay huge attention to preservation of health, that`s why we carefully sterilize all oils for intramuscular injections. When using our oils you can be 100% sure you will never catch staphylococcus or other bacteria.

6. We use 5 to 10% pharmaceutical grade ethyl oleate in our oils. As a result injections are not painful and don`t cause big lumps etc. (Attention shall be paid only with high concentrated oils 500mg/ml. They can be a bit painful and cause lumps, but only first times, after this the body gets used to high concentrations). As carrier is used grape seed oil.

7. Our products have lot of protection elements against counterfeits, especially protection codes, which can be checked in the respective section of our official site You will always know whether your vial is genuine or not.

8. Our products line has unique compounds, which most of other sources can`t offer. For example, GW1516 (increases endurance by times!); along with regular stanozolol water suspension we produce oil-based stanozolol, which can be mixed with any oils; we offer injectable oxymetholone and methandienone (have higher bioavailability as compared to the oral version). We have very interesting and extremely popular mixes line. Now we are working on and will present soon injectable and other new compounds! All the time we work on developing new product forms and mixes, enhancing existing formulas.

9. We test all our products internally on our volunteers before we launch them in the market. If some problems are reported, we improve formulas and only after this start selling. You always get proven and safe product!

10. We take into account remarks of our users. Everyone can write his suggestions und ideas to us and we will consider them! We have full support for our products and are always available and open for questions and new ideas.

11. Our products have one of the best designs among all steroid manufacturers worldwide! They look very professional. All vials are supplied in original cardboard box with brief manuals inside.

Very few sources can offer all this advantages. All these tests and improvements need lot of expensive equipment to be implemented. We produce elite top-notch products for people who care about their health and need 100% efficiency guarantee!

Yes, our products are probably not the cheapest ones, but if you purchase them, you get health safety guaranty as well as you can always be sure, that our, for example, turinabol has real turinabol inside and not methandienone etc., as many manufacturers do!
from @Rick T

Here are some details about the store, ordering, payment, shipping, discounts, terms and conditions:

As stated in the Introduction Sticky Basicstero is the direct store of the Pharmacom Labs company, which means there are no re-sellers in the chain.
Please read the introduction sticky for more detail about our company, quality, and great products.

The main page of our store is

Generally, Basicstero has 3 Warehouses/Stores from which customers may choose to place an order (note: all products in an order must be selected from the same warehouse for that specific order).

W1: Europe Warehouse is meant for ALL customers across the entire world to enjoy premium service from our European based warehouse.
If you place an order in this section, it will be shipped from a country in Europe. We provide delivery guarantee and will reship your order for the second time free of charge if any seizure occurs.

W2: International warehouse is meant for our customers worldwide. We can ship to any country of the world. If you place your order in this section, we ship your order directly from our production facility; thus, you are guaranteed to get 100% authentic Pharmacom products at the best price. Basicstero offers a reship of your order for the second time free of charge if a pack is lost by the postal system or a seizure occurs.

W3: The USA Domestic Warehouse is meant for customers from the USA who want to get our products as soon as possible and without seizure risk.
(W3 may have limited stock at times – please watch for posts and announcements regarding re-stock)

The prices in the international section (W2) are the lowest as compared to the 2 other sections, because with W2 Basicstero bears no additional expenses for transport of our products into domestic warehouses, issues with customs, and paying our employees for all risks and reshipping, etc. Prices for genuine Pharmacom Labs products cannot be found lower elsewhere; the Basicstero international section provides the lowest prices possible! Also, there are often different promo offers for the W2 warehouse.

Basicstero is the only direct from manufacturer Pharmacom Labs store.
Basicstero is Pharmacom Labs, NOT a reseller.
When ordering from Basicstero, customers can be confident they will receive genuine Pharmacom Labs products.
Please understand, other dealers, including official dealers, are retailers/resellers. Pharmacom Labs may have/had business arrangements with retailers/resellers but Basicstero is the direct from manufacturer store to purchase genuine Pharmacom Labs products.
Regardless of warehouse choice, Basicstero customers are always guaranteed 100% authentic Pharmacom Labs products!

Important: This source does not take orders via email.
If anyone tries to get you to place a new order via email or a site/link other than the official store, it may be a scam.

From @Pharmacom Support
Hi all.

Just a reminder that if you have any questions you can always ask them in this thread or directly to me in a private message, also don't worry if you wrote to our e-mail and didn't get a reply, most probably the message just didn't get there, please try to send it again. We are working as usual and if you want to order something, you can do it right now. Have a good rest and take care.
Hi guys! Let me introduce myself. I am Frank and I am a member of already worldwide known brand Pharmacom Labs and at the same time the manager of our official store (Europe, USA domestic and international worldwide deliveries)

You can check the authenticity of Basicstero store by entering “” in the respective section on Pharmacom Labs official site.

First of all I would like to say, that you can ask here all questions regarding the Pharmacom Labs products, I will give my best to reply them all. Also you can leave here all your feedbacks about our products and offer your suggestions about developing of new products, mixes, etc. Let us do this way: if someones suggestion/ proposal about new products or enhancements will get many likes, I will transmit it for internal discussion to our production team, etc.

Now I would like to present our company a bit and provide a summary about our products.

Pharmacom Labs company was grounded in 2006 on a base of a small existing pharmaceutical factory in Moldova. Steroid production is legal there.

Now we are a big lab with lot of modern equipment. We guarantee the pharmaceutical grade of our products. I give you several advantages of our company as compared to other manufacturers.

1. We are not home brewing manufacturers, we provide pharmaceutical grade quality! Our products are manufactured in a cleanroom by an automated production line, which produces 200000 pills and 2000 vials per hour with full quality control! We have our own chromatograph for analyzing the purity of raw materials and final products. Only this device costs several dozens of thousands dollars. We check each batch of raw materials and guarantee min. 98,5% purity! If the raw material doesn`t meet this requirement, we look for another supplier.

2. We check filling settings of vials before we start to produce each new batch. Each ml of our oil contains the manifested quantity of the raw material. You can check our products in a lab and you will assure yourself in this.

3. We add always a bit more than 10 ml oil in each vial. We consider the small oil amount that stays in the needle after injection. So, our vials have real 10,5 ml oil.

4. We don`t have underdosed vials or pills! Our production line is fully automated. We recheck our equipment settings before we launch each new batch. All settings for each vial or pill within one batch are equal. If one vial was underdosed, it would mean that all other vials from this batch are underdosed too. This is just impossible. We check selectively lot of vials in each batch and if at least one vial differs, the entire batch is subject for rechecking.

5. We pay huge attention to preservation of health, that`s why we carefully sterilize all oils for intramuscular injections. When using our oils you can be 100% sure you will never catch staphylococcus or other bacteria.

6. We use 5 to 10% pharmaceutical grade ethyl oleate in our oils. As a result injections are not painful and don`t cause big lumps etc. (Attention shall be paid only with high concentrated oils 500mg/ml. They can be a bit painful and cause lumps, but only first times, after this the body gets used to high concentrations). As carrier is used grape seed oil.

7. Our products have lot of protection elements against counterfeits, especially protection codes, which can be checked in the respective section of our official site You will always know whether your vial is genuine or not.

8. Our products line has unique compounds, which most of other sources can`t offer. For example, GW1516 (increases endurance by times!); along with regular stanozolol water suspension we produce oil-based stanozolol, which can be mixed with any oils; we offer injectable oxymetholone and methandienone (have higher bioavailability as compared to the oral version). We have very interesting and extremely popular mixes line. Now we are working on and will present soon injectable and other new compounds! All the time we work on developing new product forms and mixes, enhancing existing formulas.

9. We test all our products internally on our volunteers before we launch them in the market. If some problems are reported, we improve formulas and only after this start selling. You always get proven and safe product!

10. We take into account remarks of our users. Everyone can write his suggestions und ideas to us and we will consider them! We have full support for our products and are always available and open for questions and new ideas.

11. Our products have one of the best designs among all steroid manufacturers worldwide! They look very professional. All vials are supplied in original cardboard box with brief manuals inside.

Very few sources can offer all this advantages. All these tests and improvements need lot of expensive equipment to be implemented. We produce elite top-notch products for people who care about their health and need 100% efficiency guarantee!

Yes, our products are probably not the cheapest ones, but if you purchase them, you get health safety guaranty as well as you can always be sure, that our, for example, turinabol has real turinabol inside and not methandienone etc., as many manufacturers do!
@Pharmacom Support is now approved
the url is

Welcome to the Anabolex family.
Hi guys! Let me introduce myself. I am Frank and I am a member of already worldwide known brand Pharmacom Labs and at the same time the manager of our official store (Europe, USA domestic and international worldwide deliveries)

You can check the authenticity of Basicstero store by entering “” in the respective section on Pharmacom Labs official site.

First of all I would like to say, that you can ask here all questions regarding the Pharmacom Labs products, I will give my best to reply them all. Also you can leave here all your feedbacks about our products and offer your suggestions about developing of new products, mixes, etc. Let us do this way: if someones suggestion/ proposal about new products or enhancements will get many likes, I will transmit it for internal discussion to our production team, etc.

Now I would like to present our company a bit and provide a summary about our products.

Pharmacom Labs company was grounded in 2006 on a base of a small existing pharmaceutical factory in Moldova. Steroid production is legal there.

Now we are a big lab with lot of modern equipment. We guarantee the pharmaceutical grade of our products. I give you several advantages of our company as compared to other manufacturers.

1. We are not home brewing manufacturers, we provide pharmaceutical grade quality! Our products are manufactured in a cleanroom by an automated production line, which produces 200000 pills and 2000 vials per hour with full quality control! We have our own chromatograph for analyzing the purity of raw materials and final products. Only this device costs several dozens of thousands dollars. We check each batch of raw materials and guarantee min. 98,5% purity! If the raw material doesn`t meet this requirement, we look for another supplier.

2. We check filling settings of vials before we start to produce each new batch. Each ml of our oil contains the manifested quantity of the raw material. You can check our products in a lab and you will assure yourself in this.

3. We add always a bit more than 10 ml oil in each vial. We consider the small oil amount that stays in the needle after injection. So, our vials have real 10,5 ml oil.

4. We don`t have underdosed vials or pills! Our production line is fully automated. We recheck our equipment settings before we launch each new batch. All settings for each vial or pill within one batch are equal. If one vial was underdosed, it would mean that all other vials from this batch are underdosed too. This is just impossible. We check selectively lot of vials in each batch and if at least one vial differs, the entire batch is subject for rechecking.

5. We pay huge attention to preservation of health, that`s why we carefully sterilize all oils for intramuscular injections. When using our oils you can be 100% sure you will never catch staphylococcus or other bacteria.

6. We use 5 to 10% pharmaceutical grade ethyl oleate in our oils. As a result injections are not painful and don`t cause big lumps etc. (Attention shall be paid only with high concentrated oils 500mg/ml. They can be a bit painful and cause lumps, but only first times, after this the body gets used to high concentrations). As carrier is used grape seed oil.

7. Our products have lot of protection elements against counterfeits, especially protection codes, which can be checked in the respective section of our official site You will always know whether your vial is genuine or not.

8. Our products line has unique compounds, which most of other sources can`t offer. For example, GW1516 (increases endurance by times!); along with regular stanozolol water suspension we produce oil-based stanozolol, which can be mixed with any oils; we offer injectable oxymetholone and methandienone (have higher bioavailability as compared to the oral version). We have very interesting and extremely popular mixes line. Now we are working on and will present soon injectable and other new compounds! All the time we work on developing new product forms and mixes, enhancing existing formulas.

9. We test all our products internally on our volunteers before we launch them in the market. If some problems are reported, we improve formulas and only after this start selling. You always get proven and safe product!

10. We take into account remarks of our users. Everyone can write his suggestions und ideas to us and we will consider them! We have full support for our products and are always available and open for questions and new ideas.

11. Our products have one of the best designs among all steroid manufacturers worldwide! They look very professional. All vials are supplied in original cardboard box with brief manuals inside.

Very few sources can offer all this advantages. All these tests and improvements need lot of expensive equipment to be implemented. We produce elite top-notch products for people who care about their health and need 100% efficiency guarantee!

Yes, our products are probably not the cheapest ones, but if you purchase them, you get health safety guaranty as well as you can always be sure, that our, for example, turinabol has real turinabol inside and not methandienone etc., as many manufacturers do!
welcome @Pharmacom Support you are now in the Anabolex family, good to have you here
Pharmacom big guy is here thanks for coming in
I used your gear a few times
Pharmacom how about some deals? you guys have sales going on
Great Pharmacom trenbolone I did up to 1000mgs with it
Hi all, I see that it's pretty quiet here, so I remind you that we have a promotion, if you wanted to order something - now is the time to place your order. Also if you have any questions, feel free to ask about it here or in private messages, questions about ordering, payment, preparations or anything else, we are here to help and always happy to do so.

Also a reminder that we are currently running a "STEEL WINTER PROMO" promotion.

Pay with cryptocurrency as usual and get REALLY TRUE bonuses as follows:
$300 bonus for orders over $300
$400 bonus for orders over $500
$500 bonus for orders over $700
$600 bonus for orders over $800

This promo is for orders from Warehouse 2 (Int.) ONLY!
Bonuses are picked during the ordering process and shipped together with the main order. No promo code is needed.

Pharmatropin is not participating in this promotion.

Also a reminder that we are currently running a "STEEL WINTER PROMO" promotion.

Pay with cryptocurrency as usual and get REALLY TRUE bonuses as follows:
$300 bonus for orders over $300
$400 bonus for orders over $500
$500 bonus for orders over $700
$600 bonus for orders over $800

This promo is for orders from Warehouse 2 (Int.) ONLY!
Bonuses are picked during the ordering process and shipped together with the main order. No promo code is needed.

Pharmatropin is not participating in this promotion.
That's a great bonus @Pharmacom Support

I've used pharmacom for years now, good gear.
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