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Approved Log My Pre Anavar Diet Training Log


2oz turkey sausage
4oz egg whites
One serving kodiak pancakes

4oz chicken breast
6oz roasted potatoes
6oz roasted broccoli

Built protein bar

6oz ground venison
185g Raos marinara
140g Barilla protein pasta

Casein protein cookies (chocolate PB)
@AKS1234 the diet is very clean
you're doing this daily?
I am a 36 y/o female, my height is 5’5” and weigh 160 lbs. Current bf is approx. 18% per my recent dexa scan.

I have been weight training for 12 years. Mostly Olympic Lifting. I have a nutritionist and track macros (been tracking for 7 years).

I had my last baby a year ago and I’m trying to build my strength numbers back to what they were pre pregnancy (squat 340lbs, bench 205lbs, deadlift 350lbs). I’ve had some set backs with cranky knees but I’m 3/4 of the way there with my lifts. I feel stuck in this last push through and need a boost. Currently torn between a SARMS stack or anavar cycle. Looking for any guidance on this.

Current macros:
155g protein
57g fat
275g carbs

I usually have this split into 3 meals + 2 snacks (or whatever my toddler decides I have time for in a day). I stick to leaner proteins, rice/potatoes, green beans/asparagus. I keep meals simple for the sake of my kids and my sanity. My biggest meal is my breakfast (turkey sausage, egg whites, and protein pancakes) and then I taper down to my smaller meals/snacks.

15mg Ostarine


Monday’s - squats, pulls, technical snatch work + 20-30min cardio
Tuesday’s - upper body, technical clean work + 20-30min cardio
Wednesday’s - deadlifts + core, 20-30min cardio
Thursday’s - active recovery (walk, housework)
Friday’s - snatch + upper body accessory work, 20-30min cardio
Saturday - lower body + sand bag carry/cleans, sled pulls/pushes, core
Sunday - rest

Magnesium- 400mg
Omega 3,6,9-1600mg
Vit. D3-5000IU
Turmeric/curcumin 1500mg
Vit C—3000 mg
Zinc - 50mg
Glucosamine msm 500mg
Cranberry 500mg
Women’s multivitamin
great start
Oct 16-21 Training

5x5 snatch pulls
6x6/6 bent over row
6x6 Pull Ups
6x15 lay pull down
6x12 kb Goblet Squats
20min row

5 x 1 @ 22X0 Tempo Front Squats
:30 Max Effort Set of Back Squats at last set
5x5 dips
5x30sec hollow hold
30min bike

10x3 Shoulder Press
6x3 Rope Pull Ups
3x5 DB Bench 32X1 tempo
3x10 Landmine Row
10x100ft shuttle run intervals

10x3 Back Squats
5x10 thruster
5x hanging leg raise
20min air bike intervals

5x5 Shoulder Press
5x5 chin up
5x150ft Sandbag Bearhug Carry 100lbs + 1min hold
20min row intervals
nice work here

Workout A:

- Bent-Over Row: 3x7 - 333 Ib (1RM), W: 299 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Bench Press: 3x7 - 353 Ib (1RM), W: 326 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Back Squat: 3x7 - 483 Ib (1RM), W: 443 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Overhead Shoulder Press: 3x7 - 258 Ib (1RM), W: 232 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Deadlift: 3x7 - 534 Ib (1RM), W: 480 Ib (90% of 1RM)


OatMeal (6 AM)
- 150g - Oats
- 150g - Raspberries
- 2 scoops - Whey Isolate Protein
- 150g - Walnuts
- 150g - Cashews
- 150g - Almonds
- 150g - Sunflower seeds
- 3 tbsp - Natural Peanut butter
- 3 tbsp - Cinnamon

- 1 cap - Fish oil
- 1 cap - Multivitamin

Wheat Bread, Spinach Omelette (8:30 AM)
- 5 slices - Whole wheat bread
- 6 - Whole eggs
- 7 - Egg whites
- 5 sps - chopped onions
- ½ Cup - Mushrooms
- ¼ Cup - Chia seeds
- 2 slices - Diced Ham
- 2 Cup - Spinach
- 100g - Pineapple
- 1 - Apple

Greek Yogurt + Fruit Snack (10 AM)
- 3 scoop - Greek yogurt
- 1 ½ Cup - Blueberries

Pre-workout drink (11 AM):
- 1 Cup - Black Coffee

Workout - Protein bar

Post-workout drink
- 5g - Creatine Monohydrate
- 2 scoop - Whey blend

Brown Rice + Pork tenderloin (3:30 PM)
- 150g - Brown rice (cooked)
- 450g - Pork Tenderloin (roasted)
- 2 Cup - Leafy salad greens
- 1 Cup - Tomatoes (chopped)
- 6 tbsp - BBQ sauce
- 1 Cup - Green beans
- ½ Cup - Yellow onions (diced)
Green chillies, ginger + garlic
- 2 Cup - Broccoli
- 2 Cup - Asparagus

White Fish Wrap (7 PM)
- 4 - Whole wheat wraps
- 450g - White fish
- 150g - Black beans
- 4 tbsp - Onions (chopped)
- 12g - Cumin
- 1 Cup - Tomatoes (cooked)
- 2 Cup - Lettuce
- 2 tbsp - Oregano (fresh)
- 1 Cup - Cucumber
- 1 Cup - Green peas

Thanks for all the support brothers, I'll update my log on Friday, till then, stay safe

Workout A:

- Bent-Over Row: 3x7 - 333 Ib (1RM), W: 299 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Bench Press: 3x7 - 353 Ib (1RM), W: 326 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Back Squat: 3x7 - 483 Ib (1RM), W: 443 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Overhead Shoulder Press: 3x7 - 258 Ib (1RM), W: 232 Ib (90% of 1RM)

- Deadlift: 3x7 - 534 Ib (1RM), W: 480 Ib (90% of 1RM)


OatMeal (6 AM)
- 150g - Oats
- 150g - Raspberries
- 2 scoops - Whey Isolate Protein
- 150g - Walnuts
- 150g - Cashews
- 150g - Almonds
- 150g - Sunflower seeds
- 3 tbsp - Natural Peanut butter
- 3 tbsp - Cinnamon

- 1 cap - Fish oil
- 1 cap - Multivitamin

Wheat Bread, Spinach Omelette (8:30 AM)
- 5 slices - Whole wheat bread
- 6 - Whole eggs
- 7 - Egg whites
- 5 sps - chopped onions
- ½ Cup - Mushrooms
- ¼ Cup - Chia seeds
- 2 slices - Diced Ham
- 2 Cup - Spinach
- 100g - Pineapple
- 1 - Apple

Greek Yogurt + Fruit Snack (10 AM)
- 3 scoop - Greek yogurt
- 1 ½ Cup - Blueberries

Pre-workout drink (11 AM):
- 1 Cup - Black Coffee

Workout - Protein bar

Post-workout drink
- 5g - Creatine Monohydrate
- 2 scoop - Whey blend

Brown Rice + Pork tenderloin (3:30 PM)
- 150g - Brown rice (cooked)
- 450g - Pork Tenderloin (roasted)
- 2 Cup - Leafy salad greens
- 1 Cup - Tomatoes (chopped)
- 6 tbsp - BBQ sauce
- 1 Cup - Green beans
- ½ Cup - Yellow onions (diced)
Green chillies, ginger + garlic
- 2 Cup - Broccoli
- 2 Cup - Asparagus

White Fish Wrap (7 PM)
- 4 - Whole wheat wraps
- 450g - White fish
- 150g - Black beans
- 4 tbsp - Onions (chopped)
- 12g - Cumin
- 1 Cup - Tomatoes (cooked)
- 2 Cup - Lettuce
- 2 tbsp - Oregano (fresh)
- 1 Cup - Cucumber
- 1 Cup - Green peas

Thanks for all the support brothers, I'll update my log on Friday, till then, stay safe
@DjuriEggink wrong log this is the log of @AKS1234
Just got MRI results back and it’s looking like my “cranky” knee is actually grade 4 cartilage defect in the subjacent lateral femoral trochlea. Basically I’m told there’s nothing I can do about it except maybe a cartilage transplant. I’ve had stem cell injections and now I’m wondering about adding in HGH to my SARMS stack. Looking for any input on this!

Currently in week 1 of 12:
cardarine (20mg/day)
Andarine (50mg/day - split doses)
Ostarine (12.5mg/day - first two weeks, 25mg weeks 3-12)

Training has been modified to accommodate the severe knee pain. Will post complete training for this past week and meals shortly.
Romanian deadlifts
2 x 8 reps @ 155lbs
3 x 5 reps @ 165lbs
1 x 3 reps @ 180lbs

Halting power clean + power clean
7 x 1 @ 140lbs

Spanish squats 3 x 10
Weighted box step ups 3 x 10
Single leg squat on 2 plates 3 x 10

3 rounds
-16 body weight lunges
-15 x 30lb med ball sit ups
-2 Rope Climbs

36 min Alt EMOM
-12 Cal Row
-12 Burpee Over Bar
-10 Cal Ski Erg
-6 OHS (pvc over head - focused on being pain free)

A) Bench Press - 5 x 3 @ 31X0 tempo @ 135lbs
B) Pendlay Row - 5 x 6 @ 185lbs

6 rounds
-10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (low box)
-15 Cal Fan Bike
*Rest 1 min btw rounds


Good Morning - 4 x 8 @ 100lbs

5 Rounds
(3:00 on, 3:00 off)
-900m fan bike
-8 power snatch @ 110lbs

Shoulder Press
2 x 8 @ 85lbs
3 x 5 @ 115lbs
1 x 3 @ 125lbs

3 rounds
-25 GHD sit ups
-50ft handstand walk
-100 double unders
-25 V-Ups
-500m ski erg

2oz turkey sausage
4oz egg whites
One serving kodiak pancakes

Lunch (post workout)
4oz chicken breast
6oz baked potato
3 cups mixed greens w/ 3tbsp bolthouse yogurt dressing

138g grapes
2oz beef jerky

300g ground turkey meatloaf
84g green beans (air fried)
120g air fried potatoes

Built protein bar
Currently in week 1 of 12:
cardarine (20mg/day)
Andarine (50mg/day - split doses)
Ostarine (12.5mg/day - first two weeks, 25mg weeks 3-12)


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Just got MRI results back yesterday and it’s looking like my “cranky” knee is actually grade 4 cartilage defect in the subjacent lateral femoral trochlea. Basically I’m told there’s nothing I can do about it except maybe a cartilage transplant. Training has been modified to accommodate the lifts/movements that trigger discomfort.

I’m hoping to add something into my stack to help with the injury.
Just got MRI results back and it’s looking like my “cranky” knee is actually grade 4 cartilage defect in the subjacent lateral femoral trochlea. Basically I’m told there’s nothing I can do about it except maybe a cartilage transplant. I’ve had stem cell injections and now I’m wondering about adding in HGH to my SARMS stack. Looking for any input on this!

Currently in week 1 of 12:
cardarine (20mg/day)
Andarine (50mg/day - split doses)
Ostarine (12.5mg/day - first two weeks, 25mg weeks 3-12)

Training has been modified to accommodate the severe knee pain. Will post complete training for this past week and meals shortly.
@AKS1234 good to see you doing it hardcore style sister
can you post your MRI?
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