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Approved Log My 8 week SARMS Lgd4033 nutrobal mk677 testosterone cypionate cycle LOG

log update

This past week:
Weekend was slammed with work and family stuff, didn't get to the gym. Haven't been taking any pics of food tbh it never even crosses my mind but I'll try to do much better next go around. Diet is far from great but also not terrible. Breakfast everyday is the same
Shake with my morning supps and about an hour later 2 greek yogurts and breakfast bowl containing 2.5ish eggs, refried beans, 5 oz ± ground beef and potatoes. I eat this over about an hour or so while I work. Lunch during the week it's never balanced but I at least try to make sure it's enough protein. I will eventually start prepping just not there yet. Monday dinner was 3 Tilapia, brocoli, brown rice
Tuesday dinner was pizza 😔 and something else I cant remember
Weds was beef roast with vegs
Thursday was same

Monday workout
15 mins eliptical (light)

Seated cable chest press
• 3 light sets 10,12,15

Incline Bench (Hammer Strength Machine)
• 1x 185(15)
• 3x 235(12,12,10)
• 2x 255(9,7)

Flat Hammer Strength Machine
• 2x 230(12,10)
• 2x 250(8,6)
• 1x 270(5)
• 1x 280(2)

Incline Dumbells
3x 60(15,12,12)
2x 55(15,12)

Fly Machine
2x (15) weight not accurate but set @ 140lbs



2 sets light lat raises

2 sets light front raises

Seated Shoulder Press
Hammer Strength

2x 95 (15,15)
2x 165(15,12)
2x 185(12,12)
2x 205(10,9)
1x 225(7)

I know this is a lot of sets, I have limited range of motion with right shoulder from old accident, didn't use that arm for almost a year and didn't get surgery that was needed and now there are positions that my right arm can't move into and therefore some shoulder exercises are Impossible for me to do so I do more of the ones I can. Right front felt it's much smaller and weaker than left.

Seated lat raises w dbs

2x 20lbs(15,12)
2x 15(12,12)

Standing front raises w db

3x 20(15,15,12
2x 25(12,12)

Bent over rear delt raises
3x 15(15,12,12)

Upright rows

3x 45(12,12,10)

Face pulls
3x 25(15,12,12)
1x 35(7)

did arms (biceps and triceps)
Did not log workout 🤦🏻

I picked up labs on Tuesday
Estrogen is so low doesn't even have a number just says "less than 15"
ALT 77

Libido is trash, haven't taken hcg shot in 2 wks, was taking 250mcg 2x wk for past 4 wk as recommended by trt clinic.
Got the hcg from Naps.
Left kidney seems to hurting starting on Thursday. Stopped taking lgd 4033 after seeing labs. Took mk677 half dose 12.5 for 1 more days, haven't taken it in 2 days.
Good chest workout
Hey so can yall tell me the best way to restore my estrogen? I skipped my ai this week and still feeling like it's crashed... I posted labs earlier on this thread showing that e was crashed as of 1st week of April....
log update

This past week:
Weekend was slammed with work and family stuff, didn't get to the gym. Haven't been taking any pics of food tbh it never even crosses my mind but I'll try to do much better next go around. Diet is far from great but also not terrible. Breakfast everyday is the same
Shake with my morning supps and about an hour later 2 greek yogurts and breakfast bowl containing 2.5ish eggs, refried beans, 5 oz ± ground beef and potatoes. I eat this over about an hour or so while I work. Lunch during the week it's never balanced but I at least try to make sure it's enough protein. I will eventually start prepping just not there yet. Monday dinner was 3 Tilapia, brocoli, brown rice
Tuesday dinner was pizza 😔 and something else I cant remember
Weds was beef roast with vegs
Thursday was same

Monday workout
15 mins eliptical (light)

Seated cable chest press
• 3 light sets 10,12,15

Incline Bench (Hammer Strength Machine)
• 1x 185(15)
• 3x 235(12,12,10)
• 2x 255(9,7)

Flat Hammer Strength Machine
• 2x 230(12,10)
• 2x 250(8,6)
• 1x 270(5)
• 1x 280(2)

Incline Dumbells
3x 60(15,12,12)
2x 55(15,12)

Fly Machine
2x (15) weight not accurate but set @ 140lbs



2 sets light lat raises

2 sets light front raises

Seated Shoulder Press
Hammer Strength

2x 95 (15,15)
2x 165(15,12)
2x 185(12,12)
2x 205(10,9)
1x 225(7)

I know this is a lot of sets, I have limited range of motion with right shoulder from old accident, didn't use that arm for almost a year and didn't get surgery that was needed and now there are positions that my right arm can't move into and therefore some shoulder exercises are Impossible for me to do so I do more of the ones I can. Right front felt it's much smaller and weaker than left.

Seated lat raises w dbs

2x 20lbs(15,12)
2x 15(12,12)

Standing front raises w db

3x 20(15,15,12
2x 25(12,12)

Bent over rear delt raises
3x 15(15,12,12)

Upright rows

3x 45(12,12,10)

Face pulls
3x 25(15,12,12)
1x 35(7)

did arms (biceps and triceps)
Did not log workout 🤦🏻

I picked up labs on Tuesday
Estrogen is so low doesn't even have a number just says "less than 15"
ALT 77

Libido is trash, haven't taken hcg shot in 2 wks, was taking 250mcg 2x wk for past 4 wk as recommended by trt clinic.
Got the hcg from Naps.
Left kidney seems to hurting starting on Thursday. Stopped taking lgd 4033 after seeing labs. Took mk677 half dose 12.5 for 1 more days, haven't taken it in 2 days.
Good work bro.....
Hey so can yall tell me the best way to restore my estrogen? I skipped my ai this week and still feeling like it's crashed... I posted labs earlier on this thread showing that e was crashed as of 1st week of April....
@jj210tx restore your estrogen? thats a hard one
i would stop the Ai to start off and wait 2 weeks into it

but why no updates on diet? no updates on training? no meal pics? whats up bro
@jj210tx restore your estrogen? thats a hard one
i would stop the Ai to start off and wait 2 weeks into it

but why no updates on diet? no updates on training? no meal pics? whats up bro
I actually haven't done any training until yesterday since I pulled the plug on cycle. I say pulled the plug but all I did was so lgd and cut mk677 in half. Both Kidneys were hurting like hell so i haven't been to the gym since then till yesterday. Sunday I finally got some liver/support that I can stomach. Tuesday was the first day of no pain in my kidneys and first day back in the gym, did chest and killed it. I'm going to just work on getting back to good and planning my next cycle. I'll still be doing my test and half dose of mk677 (12.5mg ed) I also just cut all energy drinks out. I'm sure that was contributing. If you've been following then you know I only get 3hrs of sleep a night and when I wake up I walk str8 to my kitchen and start my day with a scoop of pre workout... and about an hour and ½ later I'm drinking my 1st of 3 c4 every drinks a day.. well all that is dead. Just espresso shots now except for pre workout before the gym. I've got my eye on Primo for next time..... 🤔
Liver/kidney support supplements


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I actually haven't done any training until yesterday since I pulled the plug on cycle. I say pulled the plug but all I did was so lgd and cut mk677 in half. Both Kidneys were hurting like hell so i haven't been to the gym since then till yesterday. Sunday I finally got some liver/support that I can stomach. Tuesday was the first day of no pain in my kidneys and first day back in the gym, did chest and killed it. I'm going to just work on getting back to good and planning my next cycle. I'll still be doing my test and half dose of mk677 (12.5mg ed) I also just cut all energy drinks out. I'm sure that was contributing. If you've been following then you know I only get 3hrs of sleep a night and when I wake up I walk str8 to my kitchen and start my day with a scoop of pre workout... and about an hour and ½ later I'm drinking my 1st of 3 c4 every drinks a day.. well all that is dead. Just espresso shots now except for pre workout before the gym. I've got my eye on Primo for next time..... 🤔
@jj210tx well you should have been using n2guard for liver and organ kidney support thats why you have these issues, you didnt listen to us
and you didnt sleep? why not

we need to get a hang of what you're doing and we can't do that if you dont share
can you start sharing diet to begin and your supp intake in detail

Liver/kidney support supplements
this is a joke compared to 45 ingredients in n2guard that was made for cycle organ support

12 min eliptical medium pace

Light Warm up with db's, lat/front raises

Lateral raises w db
2x 12.5lb(10,12)
1x 15lb(12)

• Seated Shoulder Press
Hammer Strength Machine
1x 120lb(15)
1x 170lb(15)
3x 190lb(15,12,10)
1x 140lb(15)

• Superset Upright rows/ lat db raises

up rows 50lb(15,15,12)
Lat db raise(12,12,10)

• Superset up rows/rear delt db raises

up row 50lb(15,13,12)
Rear db raises 15lb(15,15,12)

• Superset Front db raises/shrugs w dbs
fr raise 20lb(15,15,12)
Shrug 80s(12,10,9)

Finish w 2 more sets front db raises right arm only

Right front delt is MUCH smaller than left due to old accident, didn't use right arm door almost a year, all muscles on right side are smaller than left but front delt is the worst.

Good work 🦾

Dinner 👇🏼
@jj210tx well you should have been using n2guard for liver and organ kidney support thats why you have these issues, you didnt listen to us
and you didnt sleep? why not

we need to get a hang of what you're doing and we can't do that if you dont share
can you start sharing diet to begin and your supp intake in detail

this is a joke compared to 45 ingredients in n2guard that was made for cycle organ support

I've looked at it multiple times and I'm not denying that it's a good product however, the most important ingredients in it are in the others not to mention the facts all the ingredients that are the same this one has then at much higher doses and several of the ones that this one is missing I already take separately which I have already shared in detail. I'm not going to argue which product is better because at the end of the day the deciding factor is that I do NOT have an extra $200 to spend everytime I do a cycle nor will I anytime soon. I just came home from 10 years in prison and rebuilt my life from scratch and still have a long way to do and there's a huge difference between a cycle costing me 3-400 dollars and 5-600 dollars. That would be a deal breaker. So I will instead do the best I can with what I've got. And I have gotten more sleep because unfortunately my daily list of things that need to be done hasn't gotten any shorter but I did however get a couple extra hours last night 👏🏼 but here I am again it is 1110pm and I'm just now about to get in the shower and have to be up at 330. So on that note gnite and God Bless all of you.
keep in mind with n2guard it has the right synergy
also it will absorb better then other products
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