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Mental problems and steroids

does anyone have any sort of experience with mental disorders and steroid use. I suffer from PTSD which I'm sure a lot of you have heard in the news. It's not exactly the way the news makes it out to be. Basically I'm scared of loud noises and I wake up at night from nightmares in a sweat. Do you think it's safe for me to use steroids with these conditions
does anyone have any sort of experience with mental disorders and steroid use. I suffer from PTSD which I'm sure a lot of you have heard in the news. It's not exactly the way the news makes it out to be. Basically I'm scared of loud noises and I wake up at night from nightmares in a sweat. Do you think it's safe for me to use steroids with these conditions
If you use trenbolone it will mess with your head if you have pre-existing conditions. It's too powerful.

Better you use something safe like primobolan 300mgs/week and anavar 50mgs/day, don't use harsh testosterone or trenbolone compounds.

Better yet, consider going natural with sarms cardarine gw 20mgs and ostarine mk 50mgs as alternative.

PCT for cycle nolvadex/aromasin/n2generate, mini sarms pct nolvadex n2generate.
does anyone have any sort of experience with mental disorders and steroid use. I suffer from PTSD which I'm sure a lot of you have heard in the news. It's not exactly the way the news makes it out to be. Basically I'm scared of loud noises and I wake up at night from nightmares in a sweat. Do you think it's safe for me to use steroids with these conditions
bro imagine seeing yo best friend blown up in front of you. that the pain i go through waking up each morning.
Man I also have PTSD , loud noises or alot of noise at one time and it totally fks my thinking up . Hell I have to turn the radio down and roll the windows down just to drive through town or in traffic . Can't be in crowded places very long either same as loud noise for me. I got shot in the chest in 2015 .
But back to your question for me personally it hasn't effected it negatively at all if anything it's made it better for me as far as being around people and interacting with them. I take 500 test e weekly and 50 anavar daily also 10-15 mgs superdrol daily .
Make sure you are going to therapy and getting treatment for your condition before you even think about adding Steroids.

Do some more research by listening to our podcast:

Main Podcast Page
Try NATURAL sarms replacement products, CARDAZOL - cardio,stamina,energy, FAT loss; OSTAZOL - booster of test, strength, bulk up; NUTROZOL - booster of HGH, sleeping aid
Man, i would honestly hold off... everyone is different but steroids can definitely mess with your mind and if you have previous and/or ongoing issues mentally, i would think twice man.. sarms would be a far better option for you to consider
does anyone have any sort of experience with mental disorders and steroid use. I suffer from PTSD which I'm sure a lot of you have heard in the news. It's not exactly the way the news makes it out to be. Basically I'm scared of loud noises and I wake up at night from nightmares in a sweat. Do you think it's safe for me to use steroids with these conditions
Cardazol .. from …is just a blend of vitamins, minerals and other botanical ingredients …helps burns fat, improves endurance and keeps you active ..
does anyone have any sort of experience with mental disorders and steroid use. I suffer from PTSD which I'm sure a lot of you have heard in the news. It's not exactly the way the news makes it out to be. Basically I'm scared of loud noises and I wake up at night from nightmares in a sweat. Do you think it's safe for me to use steroids with these conditions
Generally its best to avoid steroids with those issues. Id stick with sarms only
To echo what everyone else is saying, I would strongly suggest avoiding steroids altogether sir. It is not anything you should consider given your current circumstances. Stick with sarms moving forward. You can get the best quality at sarms4sale
man steroids can only be ran by tbose HEALTHY, mentally AND physically. please do not run anabolics with poor mental health, it can be catastrophic what you can intensify it.
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