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lgd4033 dose


Want to bulk up and gain mass a bit. What dose should I use with lgd?
Gain 10lbs and probably drop a few lbs of fat.
10mgs lgd is not enough you need some osta and rad with that combo.
and you need a good diet
How did you like yk-11? You have feedback on it?
I want to stack it next time with my osta cycle.
LOVE it, and i mean love it... ive held muscle with it even through this bull shit time we have to be away from the gym.. . i feel great and have no sides to report after 4 weeks... i would HIGHLY recommend stacking it with mk next cycle... you can get the exact one im using at
LOVE it, and i mean love it... ive held muscle with it even through this bull shit time we have to be away from the gym.. . i feel great and have no sides to report after 4 weeks... i would HIGHLY recommend stacking it with mk next cycle... you can get the exact one im using at

bro,,,hat dose of yk11 were you using ?...
I tried yk11 at 10mgs per day but only saw minor results until I stacked it with cardarine gw.
i dont know but im getting tremendous results at 20-30 mg... 10 mg is a bit low but everything is better when you stack it, especially with cardarine
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