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  1. X

    Stomach pain post meals

    I've been dealing with a lot of stomach issues after I eat a meal cannot quite put my finger on what is irritating me but I think I may have some gut issues going on can you suggest some supplements that I can experiment with maybe that I can take before my meal so that I get a better digestion...
  2. J

    Protazen anyone hear of this one?

    Has anyone heard of a supplement called protazen by chance? Its sold online and its supposed to be a safer version of prozac i guess. I don't really understand what is in it because they came up with a proprietary blend and it's over a gram of that. plus they added in some thiamine it's got a...
  3. J

    sleep supplement help

    there are a lot of sleep supplements out there and I'm very skeptical about using them I had a friend that started on them and he got addicted and he could not sleep without them. I don't want to be in the same boat can you give me a supplement that is not habit forming and not addictive that I...
  4. C

    best product for the heart

    my current blood pressure is 135 over 85 it's not high enough to get on blood pressure medication but my doctor said if it keeps going I'm going to have to start taking it my total cholesterol levels are also at 240. again not high enough to make medication but close what is the best supplement...
  5. W

    A $150 fat supplement

    Anyone ever hear of a fatty acid supplement called C15:0. it's supposed to be an essential fatty acid that your body needs to stay healthy when you get older. it's going to be good for your heart, metabolism, and immune system. and it's supposed to work really fast. you are supposed to take one...
  6. Q

    Pore favor acne supplement

    I am a person who suffers from a lot of acne issues and I have been for years now in my mid twenties I was hoping I would grow out of it but that hasn't been the case. I'm looking to use something that will help and came across the supplement that's only $32 it's supposed to help with acne and...
  7. S

    Calm and stress free?

    I'm very stressed out right now a lot of things are happening in my life I'm looking to take a supplement that can help calm me down especially in the evening right now I am depending on taking a nightcap which is a shot of hard liquor and that is the only thing that seems to relax me in the...
  8. G

    ON mega size bcaa

    This tub comes with 1000 caps of BCAA and is $50 I’m looking at L-leucine, L-isoleucine, and L-valine that is in the product They also recommend that I should also add in food and protein powders when I take it. can you give me any recommendations as to if this product will actually help? I'm...
  9. L

    Raw sauerkraut as a supplement

    I heard that if you find raw sauerkraut that you can take it in as a supplement a spoonful of it everyday and it's supposed to be really good for your gut health I've tried using KEFIR and it makes me sick. Not a good reactor to dairy What benefits would taking in the sauerkraut provide me. I've...
  10. C

    increasing more protein

    I would like to get my protein consumption higher but my kidney values are strong my doctor said that I need to be careful when it comes to supplementing but he said that protein was good for building muscle can you suggest to me a good protein supplement to increase my protein by about 50 g or...
  11. G

    Need help with some stress

    It has been a tough time lately with work and I'm looking for something that I can take maybe during my work day that can help relieve my stress. by the time I get out of work I'm so stressed out that I get to the gym and I'm completely fatigued and out of energy. can you suggest anything for me...
  12. C

    Something to grow size

    I’m looking For a supplement that I can take on a daily basis that is safe on my liver and kidneys but also will help me get some more muscle size I'm also looking for something that will help speed up the strength that I can put on
  13. X

    I’m injured, need supps

    I got her at the gym doing a pull-down exercise it hurts around my neck to my shoulder I kind of felt something pop. my doctor said that it isn't anything serious but he said I could take some aspirin for it. is there any type of supplement I can take because it hurts to sleep on it
  14. L

    Can running a lot of supps cover up bloods?

    I'm going to go to the doctor and I'm trying to get my insurance rates lowered do you think that I can increase the amount of support supplements I can take ahead of my blood draw to trick my doctor into thinking that I'm healthy?
  15. W

    Help with fat burning

    I've already cut down a lot of what I'm eating and I am eating in a deficit the problem is my fat loss has come to a screeching halt and I'm not losing as much as I thought I would I need to add a supplement to this can you help me with a fat burner
  16. R

    Best supplement for body hair

    I'm looking to build up my body hair around my body I was dating a girl and she mentioned that real man should have body hair. I don't even have any chest hair it's really embarrassing. I would at least like to build some hair on my balls as well. what supplement can help grow more body hair?
  17. C

    Cardio post cycle

    so here is the deal I would like to do more cardio and I want to do it after my weight training session is over I figure I could take maybe a 20-minute break take a supplement and then go do my cardio which supplement would work best in that situation
  18. Q

    Joints achy

    My joints are no good I need a supplement that i can take to help with this please suggest one that I can try. Also do I take the supplement before my workout or do I take it afterwards when I'm finished
  19. R

    Supplements that work

    looking for some supplements that will work if I want to gain a lot of muscle I'm spending about an hour a day at the gym and I'm not putting on enough muscle yet I probably gained about 3 or 4 lb in 6 months
  20. A

    Injury help

    I'm looking for the best supplement to help with my injuries my knees don't feel that good and when I workout I get a cracking noise coming from them do you think it means that my knees are too dry and need to be lubricated?
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