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  1. E

    Umbrella sarms stack for youngster

    21 years old, 210 and tall Workout 3x per week Plan on increasing that to 4-5x per week if possible I’m currently on sr9009 and not seeing much muscle gains but crazy good endurance. Like i can run a mile in 1 minute less than before My next stack is gonna include sr9009 too, but i want to use...
  2. J

    Umbrella sarms success and failures

    Wanted to give an honest review of umbrella sarms When it came to the whole bitcoin thing, How to cancel an order and then get on the phone with coinbase to figure somethings up, so that was a failure on my part. When it came to finally getting the order in and paid everything was smooth from...
  3. G

    Bridging with sarms or no?

    What do you think about using sarms for bridging in between cycles? Did a 12 week sarms stack, and then plan on doing 14 weeks of steroids after Let’s say i wanted to do 8 weeks of sarms as a bridge in between these 2 cycles. What would you use besides cardarine or ostarine to accomplish this...
  4. JimAbs43

    Podcast UG Supplements 2 - N2Slin X with SARMS to get your abs again UG Supplements 2 - N2Slin X with SARMS to get your abs again
  5. T

    Cardarine risks and best things to use with it

    I'm having a hard time finding out what are the differences between gw cardarine and other sarms out there in terms of side effects I should be watching out for My goals are fat loss I’m 188 pounds, and i’m 5’8’’ My body fat is like 18% .. not too high but can't see my abs anymore I would like...
  6. E

    Sarms cutter and hardener effects

    I’m hearing good things about andarine s4 for hardening That is my main goal I’m 18% body fat, 32 years old and 183 pounds I’m hoping you can give me some advice on the best thing to use with the S4. Should i just use gw cardarine or should i try something like rad140? Training 5x per week, 1...
  7. C

    Umbrella sarms fat loss stack

    I’m decided to go with the endurance stack with umbrella sarms My question is how many bottles should i get of them? My choices are gw cardarine, SR9009, and andarine s4 Would like to run it 8 weeks I am training for a half marathon in august so i would like to run it until then Also in terms of...
  8. Y

    Dosing sarms gw and lgd with nutrobal too?

    What do you think about doing this type of cycle to help me burn more fat, improve my endurance, and also put on more muscle over the long term? I was looking at 3 sarms for this Gw 501516 Lgd 4033 Nutrobal mk677 my question is should I take them for 12 weeks or do I need to push it for more 20...
  9. C

    The skinny on s4 andarine

    Seems to be falling out of popularity the past decade I remember 12 years ago a lot of us used it, we didn’t mind the vision side effects, it was kinda cool actually Now nobody uses it anymore why? My next cycle I would like to run it 50 mg a day for 12 weeks. I might take a couple days off if...
  10. J

    Using sr and s23 together

    What kind of results can i expect using sr9009 and s23 together I’m 22 years old, 5’9’’ 145 pounds The fact that you all say not to use s23 at my age just makes me want to use it more lol. Funny how that works right? Plus I want to spite you older guys on here :) So my cycle will be this: S23...
  11. B

    Sarms for more than weights only

    at my gym there's a pretty good basketball court and we got a good game going after work around 5:30. I like to get some exercise in there I don't just like doing weight training I also like doing more than that outside of the gym too. I do a lot of bicycling swimming and hiking which sarms...
  12. E

    First time with sarms, last question i promise

    Had another question about sarms i wanted to get answered 23 years old and 5'10 180 lb and around 14% body training for a couple years but the past 6 months serious I'm bulking up and I want like to put on some more size to get closer to 200 lb. I've already looked into the sarms for bulking...
  13. Y

    Younger person needs sarms

    21 years old 5’6’’ 144 pounds I work as an EMT and workout at our city gym We don’t have a lot of free weights, just machines I train about 4 to 5 times a week for about an hour and a half each time what do you recommend I use in terms of sarms if i wanted to gain some more mass and gain...
  14. J

    Huge fan but need sarms help

    I’m a huge fan of all of you on here. But i need some sarms aid I've hit a Crossroads where I'm not sure which way to go. this is going to be my third cycle of sarms. I had previously ran sarms with steroids together. EQ and anavar. And some test too This time want to just do sarms My plan is...
  15. S

    GW and mk2866 safe post surgery?

    I recently had surgery to remove a golf ball size non cancerous tumor out of my back The doctor said not to weight train for atleast 5 weeks to let the wound heal and allow the stitches to come out Would i be able to take some gw and ostarine in the mean time to help keep fat away and keep my...
  16. B

    First cycle sarms

    Been a lot of people posting their first Cycles with sarms and I've been learning a lot so thank you my situation is a little bit unique. first off I'm only 24 years old and I'm a shorter guy about five inches and I weigh 230 lb as you can imagine my body fat is pretty high for my height I have...
  17. E

    Adding sarms to hrt?

    I’m doing hgh 2iu’s per day, and test cyp 150mgs a week via my anti aging clinic They would like me to raise my test dose higher but i told them i wanted to use sarms instead has anyone on here added sarms to hrt and how did it work? Will it affect my testosterone levels either up or down? how...
  18. A

    First sarms run excited

    Very happy to share my first sarms cycle and get your thoughts My goals are to increase strength, get a better physique, and also get better when it comes to my cardio because I've never done well at that. My sarms cycle will look like this: MK 2866 25 mgs a day GW 501516 10 mgs a day S4 50-75...
  19. D

    Strong endurance base with sarms

    I am a 38 year old endurance athlete and I would like to improve my speed. I'm currently around 175 lb and 6 ft tall I've seen some good reports from cardarine and also ostarine can you explain to me what are the benefits of using this and should I do 12 weeks or should I do a shorter cycle? my...
  20. J

    Healthiest sarms stack?

    Looking to improve my overall health this is why I'm interested in sarms Should i run them at lower dosages? My main objective is anti aging Hence why mk677 nutrobal seems smart. Maybe 5-10mgs a day is good? And then i can add in some ostarine mk2866 for more benefits. I’m 58 and have high blood...
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