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  1. G

    Domestic-Supply domestic supply blends any good?

    Noticed That domestic supply has a lot of different types of blends. I’ve never used these before I’ve always just mixed up my own gear in this syringe before pinning. My main concern is if you’re mixing more than three steroids together would that be safe to inject? Some of their blends are...
  2. Z

    I can’t stand

    When you really can’t stand the source that is when you know they are someone to stay away from. I’ve used steroids-usa 3x. Each time it was a different story. A friend of mine originally recommended them to me about a year ago and he said that he had used them with good success. Each time I’ve...
  3. C be careful with their sarms

    would I use again? Hell no I would not! I ordered back on march 12, damn idiots took 2 weeks just to ship out the products. And it got to me 9 days later which is slow as hell. I think they used snail mail or something lol. I’ve been using their products since and its no bueno. I...
  4. C is a scammer point blank

    if you have ever considered using fulmenpharma then don’t! They are a scammer and I would not recommend using them placed 2 large orders with them. First was for $1350 and the 2nd was for $1740. I’m so stupid I should have waited for the first order to get here before I place the second one but...
  5. J something doesn’t smell right

    uh I can’t be the only one who’s a little suspicious of using osgear. Their reps are nowhere to be found, seems like they don’t’ have anyone around ever. So if something goes wrong who are you supposed to reach out to? Just feel like a possible ghosting is in the future. My gut instincts are...
  6. V now out of business

    heard that elitesarms is officially out of business so if you place an order with them it’s basically a honey pot and you’ll never see your money again and you won’t see any products one of my cousins works for one of their payment processing companies and said that they were still processing...
  7. M bloodwork doesn’t look good lol

    so check this out I’ve been on steroids for the past 10 weeks. I’m using 500mgs a week of testosterone. My bloodwork looks all jacked up and its not good at all. My AST, ALT, and red blood cell count is 3x above normal. It but the weird thing is my testosterone levels even at...
  8. E these guys are a joke

    I had a bad feeling when I sent these guys money that they would rip me off. is a crappy source. The name alone should have been a red flag as it sounds more like some sort of senior citizen organization more than a source. I chose them based on a friend’s recommendation but this friend...
  9. Q testosterone enanthate works!

    Using test E has been the best decision of my life. I’m currently on 500 milligrams of it and I’ve been using it for 12 weeks. I’m up about 15 pounds which is over one pound gain per week and I’m also getting extremely strong. Seems like their products are overdosed if anything so...
  10. Z gave me gum issues

    so its weird I started to use and started getting issues with my gums. They are bleeding really bad and I went to the dentist for him to take a look and he said he thought I was having a lot of inflammation issues. He asked me if I was taking anything different and I said yeah I...
  11. R

    NapsGear you will love napsgear

    was able to take Advantage of a buy two get one free offer that they had last weekend. Products arrived so fast and three or four days and I started using a couple of the orals and I’m already feeling them kicking in and it’s only been a couple days on them. Highly recommend you use these guys...
  12. C GW cardarine is really clen!

    I was Very suspicious using swisschems. Seemed like their products was really something else. I ran their GW and it seems like it is really clen. It was getting the high heart rate and I was getting other problems when it comes to cramps. Had the product sent out and indeed its clen. This is...
  13. C

    Domestic-Supply what do you think about domestic supply tren and test?

    I’m looking to do a bigger cycle using test and tren from domestic supply. What would you recommend i get from them when it comes to both dosages and brands they sell. Hoping i can bust through the 200 pounds barrier in weight and the 350 pound barrier on my bench press. I’m 32 years old and...
  14. D isn’t good anymore

    it I’ve been a loyal customer of basicstero for many years, but now I am completely fed up with them. They completely revamped their website and their navigation is very confusing and it’s hard to find what you’re looking for also I know for a fact that the products they are selling are fakes...
  15. T

    umbrella sarms GW is the best wow!

    Believe what kind of results I’m getting on GW from umbrella I’m using 20 milligrams a day and you guys weren’t kidding this stuff is really amazing. I’m able to push more in the gym and I have more endurance than I’ve ever had in my life. I’m also experiencing fat loss when I’m not even trying...
  16. S sells fake gear 100%

    do not use their gear is fake 100% it’s been on their testosterone 500 milligrams a week not seeing much of anything decided to get blood work done to see what would happen and my total testosterone levels are under a thousand they should be in the 3,000 or 4,000’s minimum. This is...
  17. W do not make large orders

    these guys have the worst shipping team in America by far. Made a large order with them. 4 test, 4 EQ, 3 packs of anavar, 3 packs of tbol. They only sent me 1 pack of each. Message them and was like what the hell maybe I could have been nicer about it but still I was pissed off. The guy was very...
  18. J rude service and support

    ordered on misterolympia shop website. Got the payment info, sent it over within 5 minutes. I did everything I was supposed to do on my end. Did not hear anything for several days. No confirmation no follow-up know nothing. I reached out to them to inquire the guy was very rude and said that I...
  19. J is closed lol

    so I guess I’m the most unlucky person on Earth I just place a large order for 4000 dollars worth of peptides and sarms from paradigmpeptides and now there is a message on there saying its closed. SMH. Did they get seized or something by the government or did they just closed down and steal...
  20. Z

    PuritySourceLabs puritysourcelabs built a dream body

    wanted to run something to give me the body that I’ve been dreaming of so I decided to get a aggressive cycle from PSL. Ran their tren ace, mast prop and test prop. They have Blends or you can get them individually. I decided to get them individually and mix them up and took them every other day...
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