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  1. JimAbs43

    Podcast Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma Underground 36 - TRT and Primobolan with Geneza Pharma
  2. JimAbs43

    Podcast Hardcore 2.0 #48 - Shred with Anavar and Primobolan? Para Pharma part #2 Hardcore 2.0 #48 - Shred with Anavar and Primobolan? Para Pharma part #2
  3. JimAbs43

    Podcast Underground 33 - Primobolan and Winstrol to shred with GP Geneza Underground 33 - Primobolan and Winstrol to shred with GP Geneza
  4. Y

    pushing some primobolan

    I’m interested in pushing my next cycle and using some Primobolan. What I would like to try is 500 milligrams a week and then increasing the dose up to 800 milligrams after five weeks. Would you push it even higher to 1000mgs? Last time I did 400mgs and didn’t see much. Gained only like 5...
  5. Q

    Primobolan + masteron + testosterone next cycle

    hey I’m in my late 40’s, 5’9’’ 175 pounds and around 16% body fat looking to do a stack of primo, masteron and testosterone next go around my plan is this: 500mgs primo 250mgs masteron E 250mgs test E or cyp (does it matter lol?) What do you think about this plan for a recomp?
  6. W

    napsgear 2 steroid stack results

    I decided to run 2 steroids from napsgear both the steroids were mild options anavar and primobolan I’ve done both before but neither resulted in much cause I believe I got fake gear this time for sure both were legit Favorite part of the cycle was that there were no side effects and I was able...
  7. Y

    Using anadrol along with primo and testosterone

    I’m gonna be stacking primobolan, test and anadrol all in 1 My plan as follows: Anadrol 50mgs a day 5 weeks Primobolan 500mgs a week 12 weeks Test prop 200mgs 14 weeks I’m training for bodybuilding and goal is to trim up and gain lean muscle mass Currently mid 30’s, 5’9’’ 167 pounds
  8. M

    Dealing with night sweats and fever on cycle

    Had a question about my current cycle and issues i am having I’m doing 1000mgs a week test Enanthate, primobolan 500mgs a week and doing 4iu’s per day HGH Dealing with a fever and sweats at night. Took my temperature and it approaches 99-100 at night. During the day no problems Any idea what...
  9. D

    Best way to recomp with success

    I have tried to recomp the natural way and haven’t been able to be successful thus far I'm desperate to accomplish it but I know it won't be easy I’m 5’6’’ 180 pounds and 15%. Based on my stats now you see my problem if I try to bulk up I get too fat and if I try to cut down I'll become 160 some...
  10. J

    Domestic-Supply Domestic supply primobolan, great results so far

    Good clean lean muscle mass gains on primobolan from domestic supply I love that there is minimal sides too and their primo is very affordable. The entire cycle only cost me $500 tops and that includes pct too I’m doing 400mgs a week primo and will up to it 600mgs next week I’m also doing 100mgs...
  11. N

    Steroid support supplement

    I’m gonna be doing my first ever steroid cycle and i am excited. I’m 24 years old and will run a 10 week cycle Was wondering what steroid supplements i should run on cycle. My friend said if i wasn’t doing orals i didn’t have to run any liver support. I am just doing primobolan and testosterone...
  12. R

    Effect on primobolan and test on bloodwork

    I’m currently on TRT and i get checked by my doctor roughly ever 4-6 months where he makes sure everything is tip top. He doesn’t know about my steroid use I’m 50 years old and don’t want to get thrown off trt I have never tried both primobolan and testosterone together but i have used...
  13. E

    Primobolan cycle thoughts and musings

    Currently 33 years old 5’9’’ 183 pounds 18% body fat a year ago I was about 23% body fat so i have cut down already Looking for lean muscle mass now. I play a lot of soccer and i like to also do a lot of running My plan is 500mgs of primobolan a week For my goals and what i want how much...
  14. Z

    keeping estrogen at Bay on this cycle

    I'm going to not use testosterone on this next cycle and wondering if it would be okay My plan was this: Equipoise 300mgs a week Primobolan 400msg a week Masteron enanthate 500mgs a week Not gonna use orals, just mix up those injectables all in 1 and not gonna use an AI either I am very prone to...
  15. N

    Primobolan first time

    this is the first time using primobolan and don't’ want to waste my time or money so please give me tips I’m 45 years old 5’10’’ and 193 pounds. Body fat is mid teens I have used other steroids before but never this one and it is quite expensive My plan is running it arnold style 100mgs ED for 6...
  16. K

    Geneza pharma package arrived

    Very happy with my geneza pharma decision I ordered the GP brand testCYP, also the sust270. Wow these are both really nice I also ordered some of the primbolan GP I ran them 250mgs each for 12 weeks I ended up putting on around 8 pounds which wasn’t bad at all considering i am a hard gainer I...
  17. T

    Scammer Fake and switched products

    I’m not a fan of, i will never use them again I ordered anavar and they sent me dianabol instead I also ordered primobolan and got deca durabolin Wow, of course they ship me the cheaper of the steroids. I am so upset right now i punched the wall at my home. Do not use these guys...
  18. K

    Primobolan is my new cycle

    Third time using steroids never used primo though currently 28 years old, 6 ft 2 in, 187 lb body fat is around 12 to 14% I'm really excited about my first time with primo My plan is 400mgs a week do you think this is enough and do you think it would be smart to use testosterone with it at 250 mg...
  19. Y

    Lean but want to be leaner

    28 years old, I’m down to around 8% body fat. My trainer at the gym said that you have to have SOME body fat but i want to get even leaner Very strict diet and i do cardio atleast 5x per week 1+ hour Which i look into using proviron and maybe winstrol? Or should i try primobolan 500mgs a week?
  20. T

    Kickstarting my cycle with short injectables

    What do you think about kickstarting my next cycle this way My plan is test cyp 500mgs a week, primobolan 500mgs and masteron 350mgs I want to kickstart with test prop or maybe tren ace. would that be better than using an oral? I’m 27 years old 4th cycle 206 pounds and 5’7
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