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  1. T

    TB-500 proper dose and duration

    I’m looking to get everything I can out of my tb500. I ordered about $600 worth and hope it can help with my injuries and endurance. I plan on doing a loading phase of 2mg EOD for 2 weeks then dropping the dose to 2mgs 2x per week after that until I run out. Do you think this would work good for...
  2. G

    steroids and endurance strategies

    I’ve been on sustanon, deca and dbol for 5 weeks very difficult to do cardio when I try to run on the treadmill my calves pretty much lock up and I have no endurance seems like I’m carrying a lot of water on this stack I don’t need a lecture that’s not what this post is for but I would like some...
  3. R

    sarms to help with swimming

    I’m currently doing a lot of swimming. I decided to build a pool in my backyard and I spent 45,000 dollars on it but it was a big investment but my reasoning was I wanted to be able to do labs in my pool so I built a big rectangle shape one. I started to swim every day and I will admit it is not...
  4. G

    How to use Tb-500 the first month ?

    So the Tb500 I am ordering comes in 5mg vials. I plan on ordering 10 vials of it. Here I’m going to reconstitute one vial at a time. Using it for recovery, repair, and endurance benefits. My initial plan is 5mgs 3x per week for the first 4 weeks, then lowering the dosage. Is this a good strategy...
  5. G

    best endurance stack?

    I’m looking to start training for a 5K race that will take place in the next eight weeks. Really excited to see what kind of time I can get a year ago I ran the same race but I was not doing well and walked for half of it. I’m 28 years old and I am currently around the 155 pounds and five foot...
  6. K

    crossfit help for endurance/strength

    so I am approximately 6 foot 1 inch and I weigh around 195 pounds I have very good endurance and pretty good strength which I would like to improve on which steroid cycle do you think would work best for me? I’m currently 40 years old and I train CrossFit four to five times a week
  7. H

    Endurance and pump stacks

    I'm looking for a supplement that can be good for both endurance and getting a lot of pumps one of the ones I was looking at was called G1M sport And another is called extreme endurance do you think either one of these would be a good one that I can take pre-workout before my cardio and weight...
  8. N

    Sarms 6 week cycle and pct

    Looking to go on vacation to colorado before its starts to get super cold going to be doing some mountain biking and also hiking and I would like to improve my endurance and also boost my stamina Would gw be okay to use along with s4 for that purpose? And if so would 20mgs of gw and 50mgs of s4...
  9. K

    Would sarms be best for endurance?

    I'm debating whether to use sarms or steroids for just pure endurance I am not a weight lifter although I will go with a buddy of mine as a guest and weight train once or twice a week I mostly just doing Endurance Sports I'm 38 years old and one of the Endurance Sports that I do on the weekends...
  10. Y

    Can you do GW at 10mgs a day ?

    I was wondering if it was possible to run GW at 10mgs a day instead of 20 or 30mgs as you guys all recommend? the reason is I would like the bottle to last me 8 weeks instead of just one week. I'm going to do it by itself and I would like to boost my endurance what kind of results would I expect...
  11. J

    Trying to do endurance sports on steroids

    What is going on? My friend said if i took steroids i would get really good results for endurance. But i’ve been using anavar and i get some nasty pumps in my back, and the trenbolone seems to be causing me a lot of breathing problems. Like i gasp for air Do you think my gear is fake? I’m 5’11’’...
  12. X

    Sarms endurance questions

    I have a question about the sarms endurance stack that is out there I am looking to run a 10K and half marathon in the future I’m 6’1’’ and 174 pounds and 27 years old I have 3 sarms that were recommended GW cardarine Sr9009 Rad140 I get the GW and SR reasoning. But why would they recommend...
  13. X

    increasing endurance and cardio

    I want to start increasing cardio and train for a half marathon what sarms would work best should I do ostarine mk2866 and nutrobal mk677 or should I do GW? I’m 30 years old
  14. K

    Improving my endurance quickly

    I have a company 5K coming up in 8 weeks and i don’t want to look dumb If I can win it I'm sure I will impress some of the bosses at the company so that would be cool Right now my time is 27 minutes I want to get it closer to 20 minutes if possible Which sarms would work for me? And how do i use...
  15. F

    Ironing down my sarms stack

    I'm going to be doing some cardarine gw on this next cycle. 30mgs a day my goals here are two definitely increase my endurance and cut down. after the gym I have started to run at my local park for about 30 minutes. My endurance sucks though What else should i use with GW? I’m 5’6’’ 165 pounds...
  16. G

    60 year old stack of sarms

    I’m very active at 60 I’m 6’2’’ 180 pounds and 20% body fat looking for something that will give me a boost and endurance and also reduce my body fat a little bit Would gw50516 be the best bet for me? How long do i run it and is it safe?
  17. N

    Optimum performance training?

    Has anyone on here ever heard of this or tried this type of training? Its a 5 phase program where you start out with stabilization endurance Then the 2nd phase is strength endurance third phase is muscular development and hypertrophy fourth is maximal strength And last is power I’ve been...
  18. H

    Senior sarms

    I am over 65 and in pretty good shape for my age recently I had to do some construction in my house and I noticed that I was in a lot of pain afterwards. I just don't have the endurance and the conditioning I used to when I was younger I'm looking to use sarms to help out with everything plus I...
  19. JimAbs43 485 Exploring two endurance compounds GW Cardarine and SR9009. 485 Exploring two endurance compounds GW Cardarine and SR9009.
  20. E

    Legit GW cardarine

    Is there any way to know if you're running legit GW cardarine? I bought some from the sponsor on here and I have been using it for a week and I'm not seeing any fat loss. I will admit I do have an increase of endurance but I'm disappointed because I'm not losing any fat. I'm currently around 33%...
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